by Robert Wilkinson
This stabilizing, detached, and specializing Full Moon illuminating patterns occurs at 3:34 am PDT, 6:34 am EDT, 11:34 am BST July 31, and falls at the 8th degree of Leo and Aquarius. As with all Full Moons, use the light you’ve been seeing and expressing since the New Moon, and give it form and focus through what you began to embrace in August and September 2014.
Today’s Full Moon post will be an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In parts 2 and 3 we’ll cover the Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
We’ve now entered many months where the Full Moon Sun is not the same as the Sun sign of the previous New Moon. I’ll explain the importance of this later in this article. Because the New Moon preceding the Full Moon always represents the seed forms that are brought to surface at and after the Full Moon, please check out the recent New Moon articles The New Moon in Cancer Pt. 1 - What’s Happening in July-August 2015 as well as The New Moon in Cancer Pt. 2 - Signs, Sabian Symbols, and What It All Means.
An Overview
This Full Moon helps us all see the Light of the Jupiter in Leo era this past year, and will fracture a lot so that new patterns can be “pre-formed.” Remember that an old pattern must be destabilized before a new pattern can take its place. This Lunation is stabilizing in a curious fluid sort of way.
This chart has some great aspects, despite the heaviness of Venus retrograde square Saturn out of sign (oos). We are promised renewal and a great blessing if we accept the power. This one help us purify at the end of a new beginning as we prepare to review some things so that everything can spring forward once Venus goes stationary direct conjunct Mars at 15 Leo in early September!
We’re close to the end of the Jupiter in Leo era, and will see a lot of action around those lessons and possibilities over the next 10 weeks as the inner planets transit Leo. As I told you last month, by September we’ll be in the heart of showing what we know about this “world servant in a master’s training class,” since Mercury brings the news in early August and the Sun powers it up in mid-August. With Venus dancing back and forth in Leo until early October, enjoy and appreciate the heart and/or creative training you’ve done since last December!
Is the Grand Irrationality A Factor in this Full Moon?
The Grand Irrationality, along with the other non-rational configurations that happen off and on, indicate that we’ve been living in an era of very heavy decisions determining the future destiny of humanity since 1993. To refresh you, the Grand Irrationality is a long wave configuration set into motion every time a planet makes a conjunction, septile, biseptile, or triseptile to Neptune and Pluto. Septile series aspects show us points in time when our future destiny is precipitated by critical choices made in the present.
This Lunation again brings the Grand Irrationality front and center in global and individual affairs through the Sun triseptile Pluto in the same zone as when Jupiter went stationary direct in triseptile to both Neptune and Pluto last April. This powers up that “critical forks in the road of destiny” energy wherever this configuration is active in national and individual charts. And of course, it’s been activated any time any of the transiting planets moved through the seven affected zones.
Because the Grand Irrationality was active at the last Full Moon in Taurus/Scorpio, aka “the Wesak Festival,” this Leo factor has been part of the “Buddha Wisdom” coming forth as the core of a new world teaching for this year. This is the next in the unfolding steps in the destiny of humanity during this year!
Because this configuration involves Neptune and Pluto, the outermost spiritual planets, they show a long wave evolutionary crisis for the entire human race. Since 1993, at one point or another, everyone on Earth has experienced a nonstop energy of having to choose, at the bottom of our beings, the path to evolution or devolution, progress or regress, love or fear, joy or control. It’s why things have been so weird, irrational, and hard-edged.
At this time, the current seven “hot zone” spans that trigger the Grand Irrationality are approximately 7-11 Leo, 29 Virgo-3 Libra, 21-25 Scorpio, 13-17 Capricorn, 4-8 Pisces, 25-29 Aries, and 16-20 Gemini.
We’re now out of the time period of the year when Neptune is in close septile to Pluto, which is the main aspect anchoring the Grand Irrationality. Right now Neptune is 55 degrees and 20 minutes away from Pluto, so they’re too wide to be in septile.
At this time, the Grand Irrationality gains strength as we move through Autumn and Winter, and will again lessen in strength in the late Winter into the Spring and Summer. As I’ve explained in other articles, that means that in the Autumn and Winter (in the Northern Hemisphere) they operate as a simultaneous “pulse,” since they’re both aspected near the same time. But in the Spring and Summer we experience it as a rolling influence, with first Pluto aspected, and then Neptune at some time after that, depending on which planet is doing the aspect to these planets.
Important Factors
This Lunation brings us a mixed bag of forming aspects which I’ll discuss in parts 2 & 3. Besides the Moon opposition Mercury and quintile both Saturn and Uranus, we also have Sun tredecile both Saturn and Uranus and Mars trine Saturn. Highly serendipitous circumstances bringing gifts and blessings in unique ways!
Other aspects include Mercury trine Uranus, Venus conjunct Jupiter and square Saturn (oos), Sun quincunx Neptune, Jupiter square Saturn and sesquisqaure Pluto and Uranus novile Neptune. We have major turning of corners coming that are related to recent turning of corners!
In this Full Moon, the span occupied by the inner planets (in this chart Mars in Cancer through Venus rx at 1 Virgo) is 35+ degrees, and includes three signs. This month we have the 10 traditional planets occupying 8 signs, but in a very widespread and irregular distribution.
This Lunation, along with the inner planets, splits the space between Pluto and Neptune on the one side, and Mars and TransPluto on the others. Because of the definite split between the occupied segment between Capricorn and Aries on the one side, and Cancer through Virgo on the other side, though it deviates from the “ideal” pattern, it indicates we have what is called a “See Saw” Jones chart pattern.
So What is a “See Saw Pattern” and how does it work?
This type of spread, with two or more planets on one side of the map and the others on the other side of the map, with at least one or two oppositions to define the axis of awareness, creates a “See Saw” Jones Pattern. Where a See Saw pattern is present, stay focused and balanced at the center while taking note of the periphery of things, and don't get off on a tangent or limb.
This pattern shows a need to be able to see both sides of any given thing, especially where there are opposing trends or views. The strength is in an ability to triangulate to angles of approach beyond the polarity that allows for progress and understanding.
The “See Saw” axis centers on the Leo-Aquarius oppositions, with Mercury included in the polarization. Other than that, we have no other oppositions, as has been the case for many months. That all changes soon, since Jupiter in Virgo will oppose Neptune off and on over the next year. Get focused!
Is the Sun Following the Moon, or the Moon Following the Sun?
We now continue the pattern of the Full Moon Sun falling in a different sign than the Sun of the previous New Moon. We’ve now completed the “normal” pattern we last experienced between September 2013 and September 2014, and are now in the “reversed pattern” we last experienced between June 2012 and August 2013, where the Full Moon Sun was in a different sign than the previous New Moon.
As I've explained in previous Full Moon articles,
... the Full Moon being in a subsequent sign than the previous New Moon indicates that what is released as realizations in the Full Moon period actually "prepares the ground" for the coming New Moon seed. Strange reversal of function, since you would think the New Moon provides the seed for the next Full Moon. But this set of Lunations works the opposite way....Another way to look at this is the Sun sign of the Full Moon is the same as and precedes the Sun sign of the next New Moon, reversing the usual way Lunations work. So the fulfillment of the Full Moon sets up the next "seed" to be revealed at the next New Moon....
The first New Moon in the new pattern had the Sun at 30 Aquarius, with the Full Moon Sun at 15 Pisces. The second New Moon was the Solar Eclipse at 30 Pisces, with the following Full Moon Sun at 15 Aries. The third had the New Moon Sun at 29 Aries, and the Sun at the next Full Moon at 14 Taurus. The fourth had the New Moon Sun at 26 Gemini, and the last Full Moon Sun is at 10 Cancer. This one had the New Moon Sun at 24 Cancer, and this Full Moon Sun is at 8 Leo.
So we’ve ended the pattern of the “natural” order of Lunation Suns, offering us seeds shown in the first half, fulfillment in the second half, and have begun a new order of things. This one takes the “Seed Light” of the nurturing sign of Cancer and comes to a Full Moon expression through the Light of Leo expressed through the Angelic sign of Aquarius!
See you in the near future with parts two and three, where we will explore the Sabian Symbols, aspects, and other important chart factors.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks Robert, ready for part 2&3
Blessings be to all
Posted by: Nic | July 30, 2015 at 11:42 AM