by Robert Wilkinson
As you read this, world stock markets are in turmoil. However, for the most part this was expectable, and really won’t matter much over the long run.
This is the exact phenomenon I was describing in my recent article about Time Triggers. This meltdown in the Chinese market coincided with the transit of the Sun through the square to Saturn and conjunction to the recent Venus stationary retrograde point (which was square Saturn.)
So it could be said this entire event was predictable, and set up several weeks ago by that Venus square Saturn. It also implies there’s more to come when a) Mars crosses through late Leo and the first degrees of Virgo and triggers this square, and b) when Mars squares Saturn in October, even though it will be from Virgo to Sagittarius rather than Leo to Scorpio.
An interesting factor is the Sun has been at 2 Virgo since the opening bell on Wall Street. That’s the degree of “a liberating ordeal,” and as it’s followed by the “Two Guardian Angels” symbol, I’m sure that today’s ordeal will turn out to the benefit of many by tomorrow night.
Real world factors dictated that the overheated Chinese markets and the global speculators thinking the bubble would increase indefinitely would at some point go through a correction. Since the Chinese markets are so over-inflated in value relative to production, this bubble burst was overdue. But it really doesn’t matter to most US citizens, or even to many other nations either. Why?
Because it’s mostly the Chinese who are invested in their markets, not small investors, or even institutional investors, around the world. This is an internal correction that affects the Chinese, and doesn’t really impact anyone else except bankster speculators, who are parasites anyway.
The good news that is barely being reported is that this series of squares from Leo to Scorpio also has corresponded with a drop in the price of oil to below $39/bbl, which should be great news for consumers globally! We’ll all have a lot more money in the future to save, or pay down debt, or spend as needed on goods and services. This is expected to last for a long time, since even the Saudi royals have publicly stated that they expect oil to stay under $40 indefinitely.
So please don’t worry too much about the present turmoil. I have no doubt the speculators are already buying low, and within a few days there will likely be no significant losses in any of the US markets, or for that matter, any nation’s markets except those who invested in overpriced Chinese stocks. Which they should not have done to begin with.
And remember to enjoy the drop in gas prices going on now and for many months to come! That will be good for economies around the world, since it will give people everywhere more to spend and/or save. The less that goes to the oil companies, the better!
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
where is the drop in gas prices happening? haha because in Alberta, home of the oil sands, ours jumped by 16c last week!
Posted by: Sheila | August 24, 2015 at 11:37 AM
Thanks Robert, the post bring down to very easy and "empiric" terms what you said in your article about Time Triggers and on how events in the world (any kind of events) have and can be understood by the influence of planetary and cosmic energies. A testimony of the connection and unity of everything.
Blessings be to all
Posted by: Nic | August 24, 2015 at 12:52 PM
Hi Sheila - Well, right now in many parts of the US gas is already below $2/gal. Where I am it's holding steady around 2.32/gal, but it's been known to drop 10 cents in 2 days in the past, so I'm waiting for the news to catch up here! It sounds like you have some price gougers up there, taking advantage of local factors to jack up the price so they can take it back down after the end of the holiday season coming in about 2 weeks.
Posted by: Robert | August 24, 2015 at 02:00 PM
Yes, you're probably I'll avoid driving until after Labour day.... ;)
Posted by: Sheila | August 24, 2015 at 02:44 PM
Caveat Emptor! Oil will not stay below $40 forever though. Commodity prices exhibit super (i.e., multi-year) cycles. So while consumers should definitely enjoy low-priced oil now, they shouldn't expect it to stay there forever.
Some other sites have good coverage of the price action in oil markets and do a good job of explaining how/why oil is where it is as well as the near-term factors that should help it stay low but the longer-term factors that indicate some rebound will eventually happen.
I'm glad to read the proprietor of the cantina is of the same mind as me regarding this sell-off: in hindsight, it will be seen as transient... and given limited direct exposure of non-Chinese citizens to the Chinese market (per Chinese regulations), the real losses are largely contained to those investors (which should not be minimized - retail investors there have been encouraged to participate more in that market). It says something about the resiliency of US markets that most of the opening losses were recovered over the day - but I won't deny today's final hour or two of trading threw a wet blanket on that.
Posted by: Matt | August 24, 2015 at 03:25 PM
Hi all - Well, as I suspected would happen, the market went up over 300 points at the opening bell on Tuesday. In the end, speculators will make money, those who panicked and sold yesterday won't, those who bought in at the start of today's trading will, and those who sat on their investments won't lose much, if anything. And yes, Matt, I agree with your assessment completely. In fact, the Chinese lowering interest rates will also prove good for stabilizing the international investment markets. This correction was entirely a Chinese-created bubble that had to burst.
Posted by: Robert | August 25, 2015 at 06:40 AM
Hi Robert, on a more personal level I just went through an ordeal where one ordinance nixed an entire real estate deal. Maybe that is my liberating ordeal that will open the door for something better and more suited to my situation. One can only hope that the guardian angels are truly watching. :-)
Posted by: Heather | August 25, 2015 at 08:52 AM
Hi all - While yesterday the markets went down more, today they exploded upwards over 600 points. I suspect this set of wild swings will not matter much in the long run, even if such things produce "winners and losers" (which is one reason I got out of paper investments decades ago.) The more power we give the illusion, the more we get lost in the illusion. That's why 25-30 years ago I was doing seminars on "Investments in the 90s and beyond - There are only 3 that are safe." One of those is not as safe as it was a quarter century ago, but the other two still hold!
Posted by: Robert | August 26, 2015 at 02:28 PM
Being an Aquarian, I enjoy your site and thoughts. However, being an MBA and former mortgage banker who called the 2000 and 2007 meltdowns successfully - not only not losing any of my investments but by selling and buying back in at the right time multiplied them. I sold again about three weeks ago. I have an email to my Wells Fargo broker telling her to "sell everything" on 8/6. I wish I could say I was wrong -but China is just one symptom of a world wide disorder - and yes - the f**king banksters and the Fed are responsible for the entire thing - may the heavens drop on their heads. Sell now and purchase hard goods that will maintain value. Over 10,000 years has gold NOT had ANY value? Right - it's always been valued. But food, water, and supplies enough for multiple months of social chaos. This isn't 1929 when 70+ percent of us were 'still on the farm'. This is 2015 when 55% of us are 'on the dole'. We are witnessing a cataclysmic meltdown. They always blame the messenger so I'll just say I'm an ordinary guy, a sailor, a computer geek, who lives in the country in the middle of 40 acres.
Posted by: Steve | August 31, 2015 at 07:49 PM