by Robert Wilkinson
This article covers significant aspects, degree symbols, and other important factors in the Leo New Moon chart. This one is stabilizing, emergent, reflective, brings a lot of the past back into focus, and reveals things that have been hidden. A whole new set of responsibilities are just around the corner for those who have listened to the message their Soul is saying to pay attention to. The carrier pigeon has finally landed with a message from Spirit!
This Lunation, along with the inner planets, are now creating an occupied span that is the far side of the span that includes Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, and Uranus in Aries. Now that Mercury has made it to mid-Virgo and Mars is in early Leo, we’re back in a “Locomotive” Jones Pattern. Still, we continue to be in a period of the Jones Patterns shifting between “Locomotive,” “Splay” and “Splash” chart patterns.
In this New Moon, the span occupied by the inner planets (in this chart Mars in Leo through Mercury in Virgo) is 37+ degrees, making it a very tightly occupied cluster. This month we have 10 planets occupying 6 signs, aligned so that the widest span is between Aries and Leo, creating the “imbalanced power” of the Locomotive spread.
So What is a “Locomotive Pattern” and how does it work?
This type of spread, with all the planets occupying approximately 2/3 of the signs with an empty third, creates an imbalance that leads to power if we can find the compensatory “weight” to make things move forward smoothly rather than rock side to side creating friction. Target what is needed, and provide compensatory energies accordingly.
As Marc Jones put it, “this type of horoscope reveals a balance of this sort in the life. A third part of things… consisting of a free span in experience, is set against a two-thirds part, embracing a related but limited span in experience…. The basis of the dynamic is found in the native’s resulting strong sense of a lack or a need, of a problem to be solved, a task to be achieved in the social and intellectual world around him.”
Dr. Jones states “The temperament reveals a self-driving individuality, an executive eccentricity that is not … unbalance but rather is power. It exhibits a dynamic and exceptionally practical capacity which is neither the broad universality of the Splash pattern, nor the special obsession with some particularly narrowed aspect of experience characteristic of the Bundle people.
He goes on to state “The Locomotive classification is … moved more by external factors in the environment than by aspects of its own character. The point of application for the powers of the self is shown … by the “leading planet,” or the one of the two in the empty trine which forms its aspect clockwise in the zodiac, irrespective of any distinction as “applying” or “separating.”
Mars in Leo is the leading planet in the Locomotive. Take the humor, vision, and heart strengths you cultivated when Jupiter in Leo was the leading planet of the Locomotive in 2014, and find ways to act effectively. Express your heart with courage, joy, and genuine conviction to make those potential Jupiter visions, truths, and virtues into reality.
We can use the Jupiterian joy and enthusiasm we experienced between June 2014 and August 2015 for the next few weeks begin to find ways of making those a part of our lives through the direct action of Mars spurring us forward. Because the leading and closing edge of the Locomotive are both in Fire signs this month, keep opening to a genuine and natural self-expression, moving through experience coming out with the power of your true higher individuality. Be light, see light, live light, express light!
As the Locomotive keeps things out of balance, Mars at the front end is the means to find ways of initiating activity that must be accompanied by a compensatory “weight” to keep things moving forward rather than sideways. The more we work with the imbalances that can lead us to effective action to ground the process while adapting to acquire future needs and protective devices.
As we open the span of experience with Mars in Leo, and close the span with Uranus in Aries, this is when a lot of the promise of the past 13 months can take shape quickly, leading us to ability to generate power in our own unique way. With Uranus closing the span, we can complete our experiences with genuine and honest forms of original and/or unique self-expression.
The Sabian Symbols for the New Moon
A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following month will demonstrate. This Lunation falls at 22 Leo. While I've given you a sense of this degree up to now, this is where we go into depth.
The symbol for the 22nd degree of Leo is “A carrier pigeon.” In "the Astrology of Personality," where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, 22 Leo is said to symbolize “the return of the Soul energies to the central Self after a significant experience,” “adventuring,” and “practical enlightenment.”
We are told in the Astrological Mandala that this symbolizes "Spirituality, in terms of training for service” to humanity. He says birds, and especially carrier pigeons, are “domesticated birds” that are “endowed with a special significance and purpose,” referring to “spiritual energies … being used constructively and which bring to the consciousness messages from the other realm.”
He goes on to state “the ‘release’ of higher energies becomes effective and valuable to the extent to which it serves a higher, but concrete and definite, purpose. This is the ideal of the World Server.” He says it falls in the span of Interpretation, and it’s the counterpoint degree in the emotional-cultural level of the scene of Combustion in the Act of Stabilization.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, this degree is about “the unlimited service of life… to the special requirements of an individual’s intelligence or understanding” and our ability to learn what we need to know when facing unfamiliar things. He says this is a “universal sensitiveness of mind” which “commands all knowledge” and receives messages through intuition when that capacity has been developed. The keyword is ENLIGHTENMENT, and when functioning positively, is “a complete mastery of all things through the normal processes of thought.”
Of major importance is that this New Moon falls on the exact degree where Venus conjuncted Jupiter on July 1, 2015. That implies the themes and lessons of the next 4 weeks are directly related to that significant event. The seed forms sprouting at this time should power up that fusion of the “two benefics,” and we may find by the time Mars crosses this degree in September that something has begun to open for us that will expand, bless, and protect us over time.
Important Aspects
Remember that in reading a Lunation chart (as well as a horary, inceptional, electional, or any event chart) the forming aspects show things to come, while separating aspects show things already past. This section covers only forming aspects.
As I outlined in part 1, this Lunation has relatively quite a few major aspects, both harmonious and frictional. The most prominent involve the New Moon conjunct Venus retrograde, conjunct Jupiter (out of sign), square Saturn, and trine Uranus via collection of light. We also have Mercury quintile Saturn and trine Pluto, helping us cut to the chase and clearly see the core of any given matter.
Continuing, Venus is bielftile (11th harmonic) Saturn and trine Uranus, Mars makes no forming aspects, Jupiter is quadraelftile (11th harmonic) Uranus and opposition Neptune, Saturn is exactly semisquare Pluto, and Uranus is novile Neptune and square Pluto. The 11th harmonic aspects deal with learning to make leaps of faith to overcome types of duality, and in doing so come to a form of mastery of those planetary energies making the 11th harmonic aspect.
The Lunation conjunct Venus, square Saturn, and trine Uranus should fulfill some old Scorpio conditions left over from 2014, and stabilize fiery power in unusually pleasing forms that accent the inner rather than the outer. It’s a new time, a new way, and a new day has dawned, so show appreciation for small comforts and safe places to grow into a greater social effectiveness. Though there may have been disappointments in the past, they taught us strength and resilience, and now we know what’s really important to us personally and have a more grounded spiritual discrimination.
As Venus is retrograde, it brings the Sun and Moon trine Uranus back into focus, but as the Sun and Moon are square Saturn, it again brings the Venus square Saturn back into focus. During this time of squares from Leo to Scorpio, it’s time to demonstrate good Taurus and Aquarius energy. This is transformation time!
See things from many different angles of view, and see how the “battle of the pros and cons” has helped you to this threshold of graduating into a new realm of being! And as with all fixed squares, try not to get frustrated or discouraged if you encounter resistance or braking actions.
If things get bogged down or obstructed, make sure the plan has been structured effectively. While there are still deep feelings running here, mostly from other times and circumstances, take responsibility to face facts, and remember that recklessness is being curbed, new inspiration is in the air, and this is about carrying things through to their desired end. This continues several weeks of squares from transits in late Leo to Saturn in late Scorpio, and can bring enjoyment, fulfillment, contentment, release, understanding of a greater service or a greater efficiency in the work to be done.
Element Balance
Of the traditional 10 planets, there are 5 planets in Fire signs, 1 in Water, 3 in Earth, and none in Air. This indicates an emphasis on inspiration and practicality, and almost no experiential or interactivity or sense of relatedness.
With the Lunation in Fire, inspiration and heart energy will run very high, but it will be grounded in a practical service or service. This helps us see what part everything plays within a greater vision or understanding, and many will have something unveiled that brings a sense of having gotten to a core truth about responsibility and how things work on a practical level.
Air and Earth are “cool” elements, while Fire and Water are “hot” elements. With this distribution, the balance is hot but grounded in a clear adaptive practicality. Remember that “to rule is to serve,” so see how to blend inspiration with practicality and a lot should be accomplished!
An Overview of Saturn’s Influence the Past 2 Years
Saturn taught us a lot about how to conduct ourselves at a higher, more elegant and/or formal way of relating to others in 2013. The Eclipse in Scorpio late that year put the light on those Saturn lessons, and since the Mars-Saturn conjunction of August 2014, we’re learning new Scorpio ways of applying those truths of our direct experience
We’re now almost done with the Saturn in Scorpio era, and we’ve all experienced deeper feelings about relationships. We’ve cleaned out, let go, purified, focused, dealt with death and loss, restructured how we share with others, and all those other Scorpio keywords that usually terrify the lower ego.
As Saturn co-rules rules Pluto in this chart in worldly affairs, it shows that when we are confronted with the need to deal with something or someone in an organized, efficient manner, reference Saturn in Scorpio and the Fiery heart power of Mars in Leo, Saturn’s dispositor. This can bring news ways of proving our power and skills to our world, and bring us to the heart of the creative process.
This waxing square Lunation brings our late Scorpio lessons to fulfillment as we prepare to leave the Saturn in Scorpio era. Be compassionate, and find ways to allow grace to short-circuit the karmic law. When appropriate, ask Divine Mother to bless and protect in situations where the karmic law could harm someone or something.
The Leo energy is bringing stabilized autonomous pressure to stabilize a broader, more unique and individual power that will be a permanent part of our tool box in 2016. Now is when we take the promise of the Jupiter in Leo year and bring it to action so we can live what now should be a more loving or heart-oriented future.
Since late 2012, Saturn in Scorpio has taught us what we had to eliminate some things to find the emotional stability we now have. Earlier this year Saturn in Sagittarius opened us to a greater view of why we had to let go of whatever or whoever to see where we want to go from here. We are now in our final exams of how we use Saturn in Scorpio wisely in our lives.
Naturally, the usual Saturn keywords will be crucial to effective behavior - patience, discipline, organization, patience, structure, maturity, patience, understanding, wisdom, patience, authority, responsibility, and of course, patience.
So as you open to the eighth New Moon of 2015, take a new look at what Saturn helped you let go of throughout 2013 and 2014, as well as the long term regenerative self-discipline that’s also been there, if you saw limitations with a mature eye. We deepened our regenerative life magnetism, or a deeper communion with some inner or outer element of our Being. Now we’re feeling the swell of the wave to come, and preparing to surf that wave over the next several months!
What's the proper sequence at present of deciding, feeling, and thinking, with an Overview of the Lunation
We’ve been through several different sequences since January. This Lunation features deciding first, feeling second, and thinking third. There are six patterns, and each has their strengths and weaknesses.
This Lunation shows we’ll be deciding, then feeling, and then thinking. This pattern is very strong, and leads with deciding and acting, followed by feeling and experiencing what those decisions and actions mean on deep levels. Ideally, those deep feelings then can lead us to a new vision, a new understanding, or a communication that can lead us to a different view.
So make a decision and act as needed, and after the decision or action, sit with the feelings and experience them, bringing them to the surface of your consciousness and get clear about what you’re feeling and why. After you’re clear about what you’re feeling, then go get new information and update your perceptual files and what you think you know, or what’s being communicated. That will lead naturally to a new set of decisions and actions.
The next 4 weeks will offer us means to release a lot of internal and external energy, and we’ll finally understand something after a period of wandering, questing, searching, or feeling like we’ve been “in the wilderness” somehow. Again, have faith, concentrate, focus on the inner and not the outer, and you will find a mastery over duality that will not desert you in the future.
See what messages your Soul is bringing you, see your life and work from a broader point of view, and 1) see the responsibility you need to take, or 2) see how you took responsibility and now have completed that set of duties. We’re in a process of being liberated from lesser roles and responsibilities so we can take on greater ones, breaking free of rules that should not be allowed to hinder us from this point forward.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert,
I mentioned the challenges I was facing in yiur Jupiter in Virgo post and your reply was the absolute truth. The last paragraph in this post has been my experiences which have culminated in what you say should be our life going forward. I was forced into responsibilities that were demeaning and without compensation.I was marginalized and humiliated in front of my co-workers by a female boss who made the political the personal. She will be leaving shortly and I hope to re-capture the responsibilities and respect that I had in the workplace before she caused so much emtional destruction. Jupiter will be transiting my 10th house Virgo and Saturn crossing the Ascendent and Uranus in 5th house Aries.Many thanks for your great posts and deep compassion that comes through in all your writing.
Posted by: Starbright | August 16, 2015 at 08:36 AM
Very interesting and gives a good picture at personal and collective levels.
Much to ponder upon too. Then, ready for part 3.
Blessings be to all
Posted by: Nic | August 16, 2015 at 10:14 AM
Fantastic article Robert..and above all patience!
Very timely and illuminating...beautiful.
Posted by: mel | August 17, 2015 at 03:18 PM