by Robert Wilkinson
In yesterday’s article, we began to explore the concept that each century has 4 seasons of 25 years each, and that 2012 marked the midpoint of the Winter of the 21st century, with Spring approaching in 2025. Interestingly, that’s the year when Pluto enters Aquarius.
Each century has a unique quality, and today we'll explore some ways we can understand the larger sweep of history as we stand on the cusp of the future. First, remember that “human time” is much different than “planetary time,” as well as “galactic time.” The process of human evolution is not a short term thing, nor is the transition from one Great Age to another.
Ultimately, across the great pulses and waves of human evolution we find there are ever-vaster fields of energies. These are interpenetrating frequencies of energy on global levels, galactic levels, and beyond.
The process of discovering these leads us to greater awareness of the life that’s all around us. Throughout the vast sweep of human evolution, each successive era brings forth its own unique conception of what we call "God," which is beyond description, but not beyond experiencing.
We can get a sense of the larger cycles of evolution through our understanding of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, but now we collectively at the point in Cosmic Time of awakening to another, even vaster powerful force in which we live, breathe, and have our being. This vaster energy field is known as "Transpluto," Parvati, or simply “Divine Mother.”
As I noted in the last article, this "Divine Mother" energy is the natural complement and mate-energy of “God the Father.” Just as Parvati balances the power of Shiva, TransPluto balances the power of Pluto. While Uranus dances with Neptune, Pluto dances with TransPluto.
Rudhyar believed that each of the past three centuries fulfilled the symbology of the outer planet discovered in that century. That implies this century belongs to TransPluto, a.k.a. Divine Mother. To understand these vaster tides of global development, it is useful to see these Cosmic factors within the context of the larger on-going evolutionary pulses.
The first 25 years of this century, aka the "Winter" of the 21st century, is dominated by Pluto in the last half of Sagittarius and the entire sign of Capricorn. The midpoint of this larger season was 2012. Since then we have been approaching the 25 years of this century’s “Spring” that begins with Pluto's entry into Aquarius in 2025.
In recent years we have had some very dynamic aspects going on between the Invisible Triad and Saturn, the keeper of time and the “Ring Pass Not” which limits and defines how the forms of an era are sculpted and brought into form. By looking at the dynamic dances of these greater forces that show us a larger evolutionary Way, we can understand what has been, what is, and what is yet to come as humanity collectively comes out of ignorance, suffering, and what the Tibetan has termed “the heresy of separateness.”
As is the case at every transition from an old era to a new one, there will be forces of change colliding with the inertial patterns of the old era. Even though an old era with its ideas, assumptions, and illusions might be fading with time, those who are invested in that old era will cling to it with all their might, and feel like their survival depends on perpetuating those dying ideas and obsolete ways of looking at life, the Earth, their fellow humans, and God.
Outer Planet Aspects and Our Current Evolutionary Crisis
This “Winter” of the 21st century has already been dominated by many oppositions and squares. Saturn anchors in form whatever Spiritual awakenings are symbolized by Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Saturn was opposed Neptune 2005-2007, and opposed to Uranus from then to June 2011, except for three periods: February-August 2008, November 2009-February 2010, and October 2010-April 2011.
Long time readers will recall I termed this opposition “the Cosmic Centrifuge,” where we all were spun away from some things and people and spun toward others. We all experienced major purifications, and the centrifuge analogy accurately describes the process.
At key moments we were flung away from old patterns, with dense particulates in our lives sent to the bottom of the centrifuge while the lighter, purer, clearer life substances were left at the top to be poured off into new “life containers.” This led to us being spun again and again until all dense matter no longer relevant or useful to our evolution was taken out of the “solution of our Being.”
The period of polarization between Saturn and Uranus lasted about 3 years, and there are numerous articles in the archives explaining how that “clash of the titans” worked for each sign. Adding to the generic tension and friction were key squares from both Saturn and Uranus to Pluto, signifying the massive destabilization in our world and a radical turning point for humanity and our Earth that has been reaching critical mass in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015.
We are moving into the end game of this phase in 2016 and 2017. From now through 2018, we will see Saturn square Neptune and Uranus semisquare Neptune, as well as the end of Uranus square Pluto and the Grand Irrationality. In 2019 we’ll have a powerful Saturn biseptile Uranus, and 2020 will culminate with both Jupiter and Saturn conjunct Pluto just before Jupiter conjuncts Saturn at 1 Aquarius, marking the next era of the important Synodic Cycle involving Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions.
Jupiter-Saturn Cycles and the Pulse of Social and Cultural Evolution
One of the more fascinating areas of study in astrology involves looking at the different planetary cycles, especially the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction cycle of approximately 20 years. The study of this particular cycle gives a very interesting take on historical “pulses,” since these cycles govern the evolution of political, economic, and social systems, as well as society and culture as a whole. I’ll be publishing an article on that topic sometime in the near future.
For a sense of what these cycles are about, the planets blend the popular imagination with the boundaries of what society will accept. They show us the promise of that 20 year period, as well as what “binds” that era within limiting conditions and evolutionary necessities.
Right now we’ve had every Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since January 1842 in an Earth sign, except for the very rare 3 conjunctions they made in 1981 in Libra. That heralded the new era of Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Air signs that will be in full flower as of 2020. We then returned to Jupiter conjunct Saturn in the Earth sign of Taurus in May 2000. That’s governed the era since then.
The next one in Aquarius will begin December 2020, and subsequent conjunctions will happen in Air signs until December 2159, which marks the first conjunction in a Water sign in many centuries. Again, I’ll publish something on this in the near future
The Invisible Triad and What They’ve Been Teaching Us
In 2007-2008, Uranus offered us a "walk with a Higher Wisdom" while giving us opportunities to show our world what we are able and ready to do. This "higher wisdom" helped us all to find closure in 2009-2010 as we moved out of old ways of manifesting our individuality or unique genius and opened to new worlds and ways when Uranus moved into Aries.
This “revolution into the new” has been a feature in everyone’s life since then. Countless people have awakened into a new individuality, or different ways of expressing their genius or unique qualities. This has pushed everyone into a new way of doing their Being, and created upheaval in areas of our lives where it has been transiting.
At the same time, it’s been square Pluto, showing us the clash of ideologies between the old and the new, the control systems and that which cannot and should not be controlled. We have all been challenged to have a sense of perspective and proportion, justice and a reasonable moderation in our responses, seeing how to maintain our balance while simultaneously finding that which protects and nourishes our new identity that’s revealed itself since 2010.
Neptune continues to bring us new emotional, social, and cultural connectedness, helping us sense how to manage these energies with intention and perspective. From 1998 through 2012 when it was in Aquarius, we collectively “dreamed” parts of the future Aquarian Age into collective consciousness. That was important, since those dreams will be sprouted into reality after 2020 as Pluto transits Aquarius.
Now that Neptune has entered Pisces for many years to come, we are moving through a very elusive field. This is teaching us to trust our deeper vaster wisdom born of our experience, self-discipline, view of a greater interrelatedness in all that is, and genuine dispassion born of radical compassion for ourselves, others, and humanity as a whole. I elaborated on energy field in a number of articles on Neptune in Pisces, so please consult the archives to learn more.
When Pluto was in late Sagittarius from mid-June through late November 2008, it squared 2006 and the 2007 Solar Eclipse points. That was a final activation that shut down old ways, opening new futures directly associated with a new Galactic pulse as a result of Pluto conjuncting the Galactic Center during 2008-2009. This new “Galactic information” sprouted by Pluto will continue to show effects for the next 250 years.
Aspects made by Saturn to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto these past few years helped us deconstruct old ways of viewing reality. This cleared the way for new developments, understanding, forms, and circumstances connected to whatever we began to experience related to Pluto in late Sagittarius and early Capricorn when it conjuncted the Galactic Center.
Pluto in Capricorn moved our Fiery Spirit Dharma awakened in Sagittarius into the practical forms of Capricorn. Pluto is now well into Capricorn, showing the transformational focus on globalism and obsolete governments, ways of doing business, and the challenge of how individuals dedicated to new ways of living in harmony with Nature and each other can appropriately resist authoritarian heavy-handedness. This collision is indicated by the current Uranus square Pluto that began in 2010 and will last through early 2016.
So we’ve now navigated the heart of a major transformational period these past 5 years, and challenged many old Pluto in Capricorn patterns. We had our dress rehearsals a while back, and have been in a time of major decisions about how we want to do our Being in the midst of the larger deconstruction and reconstruction energies in play at this time. Many things have not made much sense due to the Grand Irrationality, but it’s helped us get clear about what we have to do to get through this time of radical transformation of old Capricorn forms.
The square from Uranus to Pluto will begin to wane in 2016, as will the influence of the Grand Irrationality. After that point Neptune will again begin to sextile Pluto, providing more harmony and productivity between these two vast energy fields.
As noted earlier, Pluto will stay in Capricorn until November 2024, after which it moves into Aquarius for its stay there through January 2044. Given that 2025 moves us into the "Spring" of the 21st century, it seems that Pluto in Capricorn is revolutionizing and purifying the order of things through radical transformations that are awakening seeds of the next Era.
Here I’ll note that as Pluto enters Aquarius in 2025, so will Neptune enter Aries. A very interesting juxtaposition between Pisces/Capricorn and Aries/Aquarius energies! Add Uranus leaving Taurus and entering Gemini for the first time since the Summer of 1941, and as you can see, there will be a "three note chord" of productive stabilization set into motion then. The spiritual field will move from Earth/Water to Fire/Air!
A Little More on Saturn
Saturn in Scorpio has provided new magnetic structures so that each of us could be attracted to duties most suited to us while finally eliminating old stuck emotional structures that no longer serve us. The favorable aspects to Neptune and Pluto in 2012 and 2013 helped us to a degree of stability, even if that required eliminating outmoded forms in our lives.
Now that Saturn has moved into Sagittarius and will be there through 2016 and 2017 en route to Capricorn in 2018, 2019, and 2020, we have entered a new era of higher, broader, and wider truths and perspectives, though some old religious forms will no doubt be threatened by the changes already occurring. Especially in 2015 and 2016, the square to Neptune will open new doors of perception, new discoveries, new truths, and new laws, with these stabilized as Saturn makes its trines to Uranus.
The trines continue as Saturn moves into Capricorn and Uranus moves into Taurus toward the end of this decade, and that’s when we will see a return to sanity, stability, and harmony. The Grand Irrationality will be over, the Spring of the 21st century will be approaching, and we shall all see a new way of life as the Age of Pisces begins to fade into the rear view mirror of history.
Though we won’t slip over the threshold into the Age of Aquarius until the second half of this century, by 2020 we will all know the power of Divine Mother to be a fact of life. This is happening as we speak, and by 2000 days from now we will know it as a new reality. Old ways of understanding God will give way to a greater sense of compassionate connection between the Earth and all Her creatures, as well as humanity’s place in the vaster scheme of Life, Light, and Love.
© Copyright 2007, 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Just a thought with regard to Aquarius the water which culture around the world do the men carry water?
Posted by: sue | September 04, 2015 at 05:51 AM
Hi Sue - It's not a male. It's an angel.
Posted by: Robert | September 04, 2015 at 06:49 AM
What a wonderful and inspiring article, Robert!!!! Thank you :)
Posted by: Kate Minogianni | September 04, 2015 at 09:32 AM
Brilliant and fascinating.
The 4 season cycle explained here for astological purposes reminds me of the same idea of using the 4 seasons to explain historical evolutions, Oswald Spengler and later Arnold Toynbee used this metaphor to explain historical changes. It works very well when applied to the astrological view of the cycles and their consequences.
Learning and enjoying the post very much. Thanks for posting them.
Blessings be to all,
Posted by: Nic | September 04, 2015 at 09:43 AM
Thank you Robert!
Posted by: Maria Alejandra Tarallo | September 04, 2015 at 03:32 PM
That Jupiter Saturn conjunction will be at 0 Aqua 0 in 2020 - Wow! Time to get real with all that Brotherhood (sic) of Man (sic) stuff. Seeing some glimmers around the refugee crisis. More of the same needed writ large.
Those were the days: be wonderful to know the seeds we planted then will flower someday soon.
Posted by: Sabina | September 06, 2015 at 07:21 PM