by Robert Wilkinson
This impacts the planets and houses where we have Aries, Taurus, Libra, and Scorpio, and begins a new phase of implementing our ideals!
After months of hanging out in Leo and Virgo, both Venus and Mars are now in Libra. This means these planets of admiration, appreciation, interacting, and taking the initiative have moved from the fire of Leo through the earth of Virgo and now will express through the air of Libra. They have been flooded with energy in Leo, learned lessons of “significant form” in Virgo, and now can express their energies through ideal forms, archetypes, and a transfiguration field of Libra.
Now that Mars has entered Libra, it will trigger all that was promised by the Mercury retrograde in Libra back in September that was vitalized by the Sun in October. Venus will lead Mars, showing the “valuing/appreciating” principle will lead the “actional” principle. And of course, Mars back in Libra will bring echoes of all the residual patterns created when Saturn was in Libra 2009-2012.
With Venus now in Libra, it is the final dispositor for all the other planets except Neptune. Sun, Mercury, and Uranus are all in Mars-ruled signs, making Venus their final dispositor. Jupiter in Virgo now has Venus as its final dispositor, as does Saturn and Pluto. Only Neptune in its home sign of Pisces is not ruled by Venus.
Though Venus continues its difficult semisquare to the Sun, it is making a productive sextile to Saturn for the next few days, so make the most of it! Venus quincunx will force some adjustments, so keep it simple and creative. Mercury is also semisquare Venus for the next couple of days, and Mars is triseptile Neptune and biseptile Pluto, setting the Grand Irrationality into high activity. This followed the recent Venus biseptile to Pluto and triseptile to Neptune featured at the New Moon. For more, please consult that article.
We’ll see some troubled waters by Nov 18, when Neptune goes stationary direct square Saturn and Venus begins to square Pluto, followed by an opposition to Uranus, making a T-square throwing the void into Cancer. Those with planets in mid-Aries, mid-Cancer, mid-Libra, and mid-Capricorn will be most impacted.
The light, power, ideas, and signals we’re getting about purification and regeneration with Sun and Mercury in Scorpio is leading us to new magnetism, new focus, and new determination in the life area of our charts where we have Scorpio. Everything going on now will be “captured,” “appreciated,” “valued,” or lead us to new meetings when Venus transits Scorpio in Dec. That should lead us to actions related to these Scorpionic themes when Mars enters Scorpio in January on its way to going retrograde in early Sagittarius in April 2016.
So this brings the backdrop of balance, a sense of perspective and/or proportion, as well as a sense of the beauty or lack thereof to all the other planets in the sky except Neptune. This will moderate our Scorpionic explorations and sense of what we need to eliminate from our lives. And since the first half of Libra deals with transfiguration, that theme is front and center for the next few weeks as Venus and Mars streak through that sector of the zodiac.
So the spotlight is still on Scorpio, with signs, signals, and ideas related to that sign in play. As I told you in a recent article, when we have mastered our Scorpio energies, we know how to eliminate what is obsolete or no longer needed in our life. Because Nature abhors a vacuum, as we clear out old ideas, feelings, desires, and habits, we naturally attract people and circumstances that mirror who we are in the Here and Now.
Learning how to control our magnetism and “hold the emptiness” allows us to attract the highest good for who we are now, if we have cultivated how to attract that and are open to that highest good to come. Along the way, we find that also involves letting go of impatience to see new forms before the time is ripe. We are a work in progress, and sometimes it takes a while before we can receive what is our divine due.
This Scorpio focus will only last through November 20-22, when Mercury and then the Sun enter Sag. Given Mercury and Venus are both moving very fast, the areas these rule in our charts should be moving forward quite nicely. And with Neptune going stationary direct, it’s a time of major sea changes in the collective consciousness, and we’re all going to surf a wave of renewed dedication to the new life we began to move into the Summer of 2014.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Oh my! Now I understand why I had trouble sleeping last night...brain firing almost continually. Thanks, Robert.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | November 13, 2015 at 02:14 PM
oh venus is in libra so maybe something good will happen when it conjuncts
Posted by: Berni | November 13, 2015 at 04:42 PM
"Troubled waters..." Love to All those affected by situation in France - Fear is being overcome, people all over the world are uniting in Love to purge fear. Namaste H
Posted by: H | November 14, 2015 at 04:13 PM
The Scorpio moon has been difficult for me. Me and my partner broke up on Saturday morning and I feel heartbroken. This is ironic as I have a lot of planets packed into my 5th house, but as you said in the article venus is forming some difficult aspects this week. The Scorpio moon was conjunct my natal uranus.
Virgo rules the cusp of my 5th house, which is mainly dominated by Libra. I have my natal Pluto at 17.04 Libra. It seems strange to be losing my relationship when Jupiter has also just entered my 5th house, along with the north node, venus and mars. The coming new moon in Sagittarius in December conjuncts my Descendent so perhaps there will be reconciliation with my partner (somehow doubt that) or someone new or just getting back in touch with what makes me happy. Thanks for your article Robert. Best wishes
Posted by: Helen | November 15, 2015 at 03:08 AM
Lots going on. Paris has moved people and feeling an thoughts are being tested everywhere and that is only one example. Times for a change in consciousness for the collective and the institutions that should represent the collective.
High times, interesting times and the Grand Irrationality at play! Yet, we can expect positive changes too.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | November 15, 2015 at 04:28 AM