by Robert Wilkinson
This Lunation ushers in a time of transfiguration and movement into a new type of activity, where we can show our training and see structural strengths and weaknesses while getting a different take on “life and death processes.”
Important Chart Factors
As I’ve told you, this Lunation will result in our ability to fuse our mind and our imagination in practical ways to fulfill some sort of reward for our courage. This one should help us secure some basic resources, or show us our worth. We will find a deeper “bodily wisdom” while going through some heavy internal changes.
Because Jupiter in Virgo leads the occupied sector of the Bucket with the Moon as the handle, this offers us personal ways to see different angles on how we want to move forward. Just don’t let internal arguments derail the progress you’ve already made. We have not hit a threshold of the pulse of expansion set into motion by both Venus and Mars conjunct Jupiter in late October. See what needs to be done, get educated and willing to experiment, and by the end of the process you’ll have exactly what your heart values.
As I told you earlier in this series, we have quite a number of planetary power players in terms of disposition. We have 1) the chain of dispositors that include Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn, 2) the mutual reception of Venus and Mars, and 3) the standalone rulers Neptune and the Moon. That spreads the backdrop energies fairly widely, distributing the power of each.
Major Aspects and Configurations
There are a lot of harmonious and frictional aspects in this Lunation. The friction comes from Moon opposition Pluto, Mercury square Mars and semisquare both Saturn and Neptune, Mars semisquare Saturn, and Uranus square Pluto. The octile-series aspects involving Mercury, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune make for four points in a Great Octile, the 8-pointed Star showing tremendous friction and in this case, major internal movement at the end of old cycles and the emergence of new ones.
Positive aspects include Moon trine Neptune, Mercury sextile Venus and trine Jupiter, Sun quintile Mars, sextile Neptune, and conjunct Pluto, Jupiter binovile Saturn and trine Pluto, and Saturn trine Uranus. Overall, Jupiter is a very favorable leadoff stabilizer, and shows the way to efficient openings, and Sun quintile Mars helps us to specialize how we express our energies in balanced ways.
The Sun biseptile Uranus requires a future-oriented sense of willingness to connect with other pioneers in cooperative collective group activities that might make no sense, but are important in the destinies of all involved. It puts practical action and training at a critical turning point with its own specialized function and will definitely impact the houses where we have Aries, Cancer, Leo, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Those most likely to find themselves at some or another “fork in the road of destiny” where a greater adventure in self-transcendence beckons have planets or angles near 28 Cancer-2 Leo, 20-24 Virgo, 11-15 Scorpio, 2-6 Capricorn, 23-27 Aquarius, 15-19 Aries, and 7-11 Gemini.
As I mentioned in an earlier article, the Grand Irrationality is in direct play in this one, since Venus is forming a biseptile to Neptune and just separating from its septile to Pluto. This configuration will be triggered each time the Moon transits any of the 7 hot zones of the Grand Irrationality, with the recent transits of Sun and Mercury through the 23-27 Scorpio zone producing events that were portents of what’s coming when Mars transits this zone beginning late February.
If you’re new to the site, briefly, the Grand Irrationality in play for about 20 years, and it has affected various generations at different times. Everyone has been touched at some point in huge ways. Spirit walks with this configuration, as well as any major septile series aspect between the planets.
The choices we make as a result of these non-rational aspects show us our “direction of destiny,” and determines if the Spirit will grow stronger and closer with you, or if you will move in directions away from Spirit. Given that most of this community is intentionally trying to live in harmony with Life, Nature, and each other, chances are that whatever you – yes, YOU the reader – are confronting will show you a deeper, richer, more powerful Spiritual life. Which is a good thing.
Other Factors of Note
This is the second Full Moon with the North Node in Virgo. Let’s take a look back at what we’ve been learning from past North Node transits.
When the North Node was in Scorpio between September 2012 and February 2014 we went through a long wave Scorpio process of learning to “shed skins,” and let go of echoes of memories of perceptions by taking a new look at what we used to believe. Factoring in the November 2013 Scorpio Solar Eclipse, we’ve all been learning “gain through loss,” so that we could have faith, go deeper, and receive impressions from higher planes.
The Saturn in Scorpio focus between October 2012 and December 2014 that we’ve revisited this past Summer helped us intensify our striving in structured ways so we can unveil the life Mystery we’ve been chasing for quite a while. This anchored a deeper emotional stability and magnetism in those who have done the hard work of making Saturn your friend.
During the months of Saturn in Scorpio, we incorporated the old North Node in Scorpio lessons into our ongoing responses to life. Saturn also taught us to see a) how we have shifted our magnetism on relationships since then, and/or b) how we need to find a new view or way of understanding the losses and eliminations of the past we’ve been through.
The North Node is in Libra symbolized our line of greatest development. Therefore, the lessons we learned while Saturn in Libra were been developed between February 2014 and October 2015. Now it’s in Virgo, where we get pulled to growth through Virgo emphases, and this Lunation shows the growth is in being led out into a transcendent world of service, where we may not understand what’s going on as we find ourselves “practicing in the Divine Presence.” It will also show us the benefits of what we learned in the Autumn of 2009.
Element Balance
Of the traditional 10 planets, there are 2 planets in Fire signs, 3 in Water, 4 in Earth, and 1 in Air. This indicates a major preponderance of Earth (Practicality) and Water (feeling), with less Fire (inspiration) and almost no Air (communicating).
Air and Earth are “cool” elements, while Fire and Water are “hot” elements. With this distribution, things are pretty balanced with an emphasis on the practicality of Earth, so move forward, follow through, and get prepared for the coming Mercury retrograde, which will bring many some “spectacular developments” that will “galvanize them to action” as a result of some form of “cosmic visitation. I’ll write more as Mercury’s retrograde station gets nearer.
More on how Uranus Square Pluto Has Ramped Up Radical Energies!
As I’ve mentioned off and on over the past 3+ years, we’re all learning to manage the “out of control” energies of Uranus square Pluto. They are certainly major players in the global collision of ideas at this point in history, and from time to time will be at the forefront of the hard edge of the conflict between control systems and the forces of individualization that are calling everyone to a greater spiritual individuality.
As they are again in a forming square through the end of the year, expect a wild ride from time to time! We’ve recently had the Mars opposing Uranus and square Pluto, helping us use the wisdom we learned when Saturn was in mid to late Libra in 2011-2012.
We’ll be dealing with elements of the square for some time to come, since the Sun will conjunct Pluto and square Uranus, and Mercury will retrograde back to the same position in late January. And Venus will also conjunct Pluto and square Uranus! Mercury and Mars have actually already introduced elements of this critical management challenge in recent weeks, so take note of what you learned about integration to take care of some need.
I’ve discussed this aspect at length over quite a few articles in the archives. Please use the site google box to find out more about this years’ long disruptive revolutionary influence. Welcome to the 21st century of upheaval, transformation, and titanic collisions between a new world being born and an old age that’s digging in even as it’s dying.
That square represents the ongoing revolution of our times, with innovations and pioneering energies in conflict with restrictive and controlling power structures. We’ll be dealing with this for a few years, and it promises to make this year and next very “electric and eclectic,” moving the world through a revolution unlike any seen since the 1960s!!
Uranus is now moving through a span of degrees it hasn’t transited since 1931-1933. It went stationary retrograde last Summer on a degree where we’ve been learning to retire with dignity from dramas we don’t need. As Uranus is stationary direct at 17 Aries, we’re finishing up withdrawing from problematic people and situations, finishing what we began in the Summer of 2014.
Because Saturn is trine Uranus, it shows a time when there is a possibility of harmonizing the old with the new, where what’s established can accept innovations and individualizing impulses to open doors to a wider effectiveness in the future. This one takes what is possible and synthesizes it within a greater law of uniqueness or pioneering initiatives. This one opens heart fires, and over the long run we’ll see this aspect unleashing a new type of artistic intensity, even for those who are not artists. We’re now finishing up our lessons of seeing what we’ve been withdrawing from as offering us a chance to demonstrate dignity while trusting our inner “God” or “Truth” to lead us to wisdom. This process will be a big theme for the coming weeks, and complete by Jan 2016.
Pluto has now finished its years of teaching us harmlessness, kindness, and magnetism that brings forth a more gentle set of interactions through the deeper transformations going on in our lives. Keep purifying yourself in every way, since the less sludge we carry forward the lighter and freer we’ll feel. This Full Moon helps us re-focus on showing “tender care” for our fresh dreams, hopes, and projects. We’ll find ways to weave this into our lives for quite some time, given this is also a factor in Mercury’s coming direct station in January. Again, more on this in the near future.
We have now been guided through deep experiences that taught us how to get beyond fear, see life as a science lab, and learn the principles governing what comes and what goes in our perceptual reality. This is the next step in learning the larger theme of this year focusing on “a valid historical perspective,” where we separate out the core principles from the events surrounding them.
As we learn to master Uranus square Pluto, we will be able to see the true causes of any social disorder, constructive versus destructive justifications and motives, and see where mistrust and mischief-making originate. This allows us to grow into a greater power when we’re confronted by old Pluto roles, coercions, and heavy-handed corrosive behavior. We can use the square between Uranus and Pluto in two big ways, both now and into the future.
We can exercise good Pluto function to put the brakes on negative Uranian manifestations, and good Uranus function to put the brakes on negative Pluto manifestations. Look to the harmonizing aspects to each to show which is building and which one is the release point for those energies. In this chart, Uranus is specializing many things in everyone’s lives, so go with the new rather than the established.
What's the proper sequence at present of deciding, feeling, and thinking, with an Overview of the Lunation
We’ve been through several different sequences since January. There are six patterns, and each has their strengths and weaknesses.
As a process of moving through events, over the next 2 weeks we’re all going to be inclined to feel our way into decisions and actions. After we decide and/or act, it will be important to get new information to come to a new vision or understanding. Once we get the right view or understanding, then a new feeling-experience will naturally arise that points the way to the next action.
over the next 2 weeks we’ll still be leading with our feelings, then making decisions on the basis of those feeling experiences, followed by new information, new ideas, new interpretations, and new views. We’ll be “feeling our way” into new experiences, then deciding and acting on the basis of those feelings. After a decision or action, then we’ll have to find newer, more up to date information, facts, and understanding so we can get a new vision.
So learn and teach through anecdotes, seeing how others handled things practically, or how you handed things practically in the past. Let your thinking and communicating and envisioning follow your actions, and let your feelings follow a new understanding, a new perception, or a new view.
On a final note, this Full Moon has Moon trine and Sun sextile Neptune in Pisces. This can give us a solid harmonic and productive relationship to the collective atmospheres and ideals. And it indicates we’re still all being called to a major long wave life renewal based in a more compassionate linkage with all others, as well as a time to keep it all very practical and precise as we organize or reorganize our powers in some public demonstration.
Pisces is the sign of compassion and forgiveness. We have use the awareness of the Full Moon to express positive Neptunian energies, which will affect our atmosphere in positive ways. Because there is a lot of collective heaviness in the air, generate compassion and good will whenever you can.
While sometimes life relationships and others’ rules can be a drag, it is important to remember that though life can occasionally be painful, we do not have to suffer. And as we learn to break the link between pain and suffering, we heal our part of humanity and the world.
For your contemplation, a final meditation I offer each month at the end of our Full Moon journey of exploration.
We are Light. All things are composed of Light in various frequencies that express as limitless forms. Some light frequencies are of greater density than others.
All shadows result from light hitting a dense object. Psychological shadows too. Therefore, it’s good to become as translucent and translucid as possible to dispel lurking shadows.
If you must look at and/or deal with shadows, whether your own or another’s, then refocus your Light on the object being illuminated, since that form is the source of the shadow.
Find the correct 4 angles of illuminating whatever you want to focus on, and all shadows will be dispelled. Then you’re seeing things with an illuminated mind, and can act accordingly.
© Copyright 2015 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, thanks for the three post on this Full Moon. I am certainly facing big changes and decisions (risks and opportunities) and your information is very helpful.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | December 27, 2015 at 02:58 AM
Beautifully described. Thank you.
Posted by: Zephyr | December 27, 2015 at 03:26 AM
I still can't figure out why a mouse would be conversing with a cat. Seems like tricky biz to me. It reminds me of people who get close to wild animals and then one day the wild animal turns and malls them. That is true, unless it's a Tom and Jerry cartoon. Smart mouse.
Posted by: caliban | December 27, 2015 at 10:21 AM
Hi Nic - Given the practical grand Earth trine at work beginning at the solstice, get clear about the plan, and execute it at the right time.
Hi Zephyr - You're most welcome.
Hi Caliban - Yes, a peculiar symbol. I've thought about it for over 40 years, and can only see it in terms of its position. It is the technique of the actional phase of decision and reorientation, following the "getting out beyond the known and familiar" of 3 Cancer and preceding the "karmic adjustment" where we are "brought to account regarding our obligations to society" of 5 Cancer.
This phrase from Dr. Jones seems pertinent: "... our need to establish a mindset or realization 'as a preliminary to any entrance into personal experience, and (our) tendency to enjoy the preparatory more than the consummatory phases of (our) participation in reality.' He states here is 'the eternal effort of human nature to get outer acceptance or social sanction for (our) inborn desires, as well as inner or intelligent and practical confirmation for the values it has made its own.'” Maybe this is the internal argument before a whole hearted commitment to a path that will take us away from the past forever?
Posted by: Robert | December 27, 2015 at 12:02 PM
Yeah, I can see the internal argument. I'm getting a sense of that. And it does have to do with the external acceptance. Both in compromise, and lashing out against it, sometimes. And just feeling plain mixed up about it at other times. That can be dreary. Work in progress. It's kind of a biggie for me at the moment even though it's very austere.
Posted by: caliban | December 29, 2015 at 10:57 PM