by Robert Wilkinson
Today’s Sun waxing square to Mars marks the emergent turning point in a cycle that began in June 2015.
The Sun last conjuncted Mars on June 14, 2015 at 24 Gemini. Wherever 24 Gemini falls in our charts has been the subject of ”energetic activity” since then. That specific focus of activity hit a “waxing square” emergent shift in mid-September 2015 when the Sun crossed 24 Virgo, followed at the beginning of November, when Mars crossed 24 Virgo. But the Sun and Mars had still not come to the point where they squared each other. That’s happening now!
This Sun square Mars occurs at 19 Aquarius to 19 Scorpio, so it’s clearly activating a lot of emergent “crisis in action” for anyone with planets or angles near 14-24 Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius. The square throws the voids into 19 Taurus and Leo, so keep it simple, steady, noble, and creative during the next several days when this square is HIGHLY active.
It shows that the ruler of our Cancer and Leo planets and houses has now hit a turning point relative to the ruler of our Aries and Scorpio planets and houses. A square may cause friction, but they also mark points where we move something out of our personal lives into the world at large, or hit a metaphoric street intersection where we turn a corner and move in a different direction.
So from one point of view, whatever we began in June 2015 has come to a point where we can make a mid-course adjustment away from an old inertia or momentum into a newer, more stabilized, enjoyable, and sustainable direction. This begins a new “season” in the current Sun-Mars cycle.
This period will last through the Sun opposition Mars coming at the end of May when the Sun is at 2 Gemini and Mars is at 2 Sagittarius. That will be the next correction point in the dance they do with each other as transiting planets.
Then the Sun will return to the original conjunction degree on June 13-14, but Mars will not oppose that point until mid-September. At that point something should come to the surface related to the activity begun in June 2015 and vitalized by the Sun in mid-December 2015.
The Sun will make a waning square to the original conjunction point in mid-March of this year, and then as I noted, a conjunction to that point in mid-June before Mars resumes its forward motion. Of some importance is that just before Mars opposes the original conjunction point, the Sun makes another square to Mars from 22 Virgo to 22 Sagittarius, which will make that period in mid-September highly energetic, since both will activate the original conjunction at that time and the days that follow!
The Sun makes its opposition to the original conjunction point again in mid-December 2016, with Mars making its waning square to that point Jan 18-19-20, and the Sun making another waning square in mid-March 2017. Mars makes its pass over the original conjunction point in late May 2017, and the Sun in mid-June 2017.
They finally meet up and make a new conjunction in late July 2017 at 5 Leo, when another entire cycle begins. I suppose it’s of some note that this point is almost exactly novile the previous conjunction point, since that will give a spiritual interrelatedness between the two cycles.
To close today’s brief look at the Sun-Mars cycle, here are the previous conjunctions for your research. We begin 12 years ago.
Sep 2004 – 23/24 Virgo (yes, it was that close and impossible to determine!)
Oct 2006 – 30 Libra
Dec 2008 – 15 Sagittarius
Feb 2011 – 16 Aquarius
Apr 2013 – 29 Aries
Jun 2015 – 24 Gemini
Enjoy researching past and current Sun-Mars cycles, and watch out for the square energies for the next few days! Things can get very intense during a Sun square Mars, regardless of the other aspects currently in play.
© Copyright 2016 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for the heads up on in the desert and unable to find a high building to take a dive:)
Posted by: Chickie | February 07, 2016 at 01:52 PM