by Robert Wilkinson
Here's part two on how this powerful Pisces Solar Eclipse will be impacting us over the next 4 weeks (and 63 months!)
Over the next 4 weeks, this Solar Eclipse in Pisces will show us the wisdom related to our ongoing training in productivity. We are still being educated through our ability to experiment in cooperative interactive skills. All in all, this Eclipse will help us demonstrate our wisdom, and/or receive a greater wisdom from a teacher or mentor. This one removes a lot of old ambivalence and confusion, and can lead directly to cooperation that encourages practical results.
This Total Solar Eclipse will bring endings and adjustments also a precise line of “the tension of opposites,” due to the exact opposition to Jupiter, ruler of the Eclipse. This will produce awareness of service and purpose, with the need to see the light of what we’ve trained to do. This is the end of an old era and ideal. The new will come forth as the things shown by this Eclipse are taken away, or flow down the time stream, or are washed in forgiveness via a greater compassion.
Saturn releases this line of radical awareness through Jupiter’s forming square to Saturn. Because it’s waning, this aspect is culminative, and shows tension between the expansive principle and the limiting principle, setting up both gear grinds and liberating experiences.
The main challenge with this aspect is to make sure that our values are supporting our ambitions, and that we are willing to use what we have to expand in some way or seize an opportunity. It is a conflict between radical expansion and the rules and limits of our lives. It requires using time as our ally to achieved measured expansion, and not allow rules or discouragement to block our possibilities.
As with all squares, the trick is to see how to use the energies of each planet to release the favorable energies inherent in both planets making the square. For example, we can use Jupiter to release favorable Saturn energies created by Saturn’s binovile from Mercury and the quintile from Venus supported in general by the trine to Uranus. We can use Saturn to release favorable Jupiter energies created by the opposition-sextile-trine configuration created by Pluto to the Eclipse opposition to Jupiter.
This Eclipse can heal us, if we obey the promptings of Spirit and are willing to do what it takes, whether to hold on or let go, to focus on the details or allow much to go by without needing to criticize or suffer. This period can show us profound dreams or glimpses of larger vistas of feeling-understanding.
Many spiritual realizations are available to those with planets or angles near 6-10 Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio, 16-20 Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, and 26-30 Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn as a result of Mercury binovile Saturn and novile Uranus, with Saturn trinovile (trine) Uranus. The new inspiration you’ve been waiting for is coming!
This is the sixth New Moon since the launch of the Saturn in Sagittarius era in late September after a last blast of Saturn in Scorpio from mid-June through mid-September. Besides what I offered above, there are a number of important aspects in play which I’ll discuss in part two. And we’ve re-entered a Bucket Jones pattern, with Jupiter as the handle and focal director, giving an added emphasis to Virgo energies as an important nozzle to express the energies of the Eclipse.
So What’s Happening?
Today we’ll do an overview of the Lunation and some of its primary qualities. In part 2 we’ll cover Sabian Symbols, aspects, distributions, and patterns.
This experiential, feeling, dream like Total Eclipse New Moon focusing our ability to move into a vaster, more meaningful future occurs at 19 Pisces on March 8 at 5:54 pm PST, 8:54 pm EST, and March 9 1:54 am GMT. This one shows great blessings of learning techniques to perpetuate a type of wisdom in our world if we are obedient and willing to accept our blessings, Living that wisdom imparted to us will yield major endings and beginnings, and a promise of a deeper experience of life if we know when to let go and when to flow on. This wisdom is directly related to the “venerable standards” we’ve been living since 2009.
This New Moon is the fourteenth in a sequence where the Sun falls in the sign preceding the next Full Moon. This is the opposite of the “normal order of Lunation Suns,” where the New Moon Sun is in the same sign as the next Full Moon Sun. In other words, while this New Moon Sun is in Pisces, the coming Full Moon Sun will be in Aries. Since I explain this phenomenon and what it means in the Full Moon articles, you can find out more by consulting the Full Moon articles of two weeks ago or two weeks from now.
The New Moons and Full Moons are “God’s footprints in time.” Each shows the next in the 12 phases of how things come to be each year. The cycle could be described as follows: Life energy is initiated in Aries, substantiated in Taurus, explored in Gemini, grounded in Cancer, renewed and creatively expressed in Leo, refined and ordered in Virgo, balanced in Libra, purified in Scorpio, expanded in Sagittarius, organized in Capricorn, solidified into a vision in Aquarius, and ended/perpetuated in Pisces.
An Overview of the Eclipse New Moon
Now that we’re back in a Bucket Pattern, Jupiter in Virgo and Mars in Sagittarius again become extraordinarily important in how we approach experience, and how we release the energies of this time period. This chart has many important forming aspects, including Mercury triggering the Grand Irrationality by its conjunction with Neptune and septile to Pluto.
This Lunation at 18 Pisces features the same extraordinarily favorable trine between Jupiter and a planet in Capricorn as the last 2 New Moons. This time it’s Jupiter at 19 Virgo that has retrograded back to trine Pluto at 18 Capricorn, When we add the North Node at 22 Virgo, it creates a spread of harmonious degrees that should trigger numerous positive developments wherever we have a planet or angle between 16-24 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces in our charts.
The Lunation makes only two major aspects, a tredecile to Mars and a conjunction to Chiron. The conjunction shows we’ll be powering up our focus on healing, mentoring and/or being mentored, and the tredecile will being unique and highly specialized interactive experiences where conditions arise that are perfect for our gifts.
There are many other aspects that make this an Eclipse to remember which we’ll explore in part 3. We have quite a few minor aspects that promise long awaited spiritual realizations, as well as major serendipity as things intensify! There are two important septiles, as well as a semisquare and an 11th harmonic and 20th harmonic angle involving power planets.
The aspects in various spiritual series provide us some interesting combinations. Of these, we find the Lunation quindecile (15th harmonic) Venus and tredecile (10th harmonic) Mars, Mercury binovile (9th harmonic) Saturn and novile Uranus, Mars trielftile (11th harmonic) Neptune, and Uranus novile Neptune. Since there are so many spiritual aspects in this Lunation, if you want to know more about the septile (7th harmonic), novile (9th harmonic), and elftile (11th harmonic) series aspects, when you’re done here you can check out The Spiritual Aspects – Novile, Septile, and Elftile Series. I also have a recorded class for those who want more on these important aspects.
As almost all the planets are concentrated between late Aquarius and mid-Aries, you can bet those sectors will be highly active over the next 4 weeks. This New Moon will jumpstart Pisces energy wherever it falls in our chart. That's why this Solar Eclipse, while shutting down old Piscean areas of our lives, can also show us the light of what has to end so we can be more effective and find our places of greatest service on our own terms, once we obey the promptings of our Higher Self.
So What Rules the Lunation?
This Eclipse New Moon in Pisces makes Jupiter the worldly ruler of the Lunation, and Neptune is the spiritual ruler of the Lunation. Because Jupiter is in Virgo and Neptune is in its home sign of Pisces, there is a natural line of tensional awareness between the rulers of the Lunation. Jupiter in Virgo is ruled by Mercury, which is in Pisces, setting up a very power mutual reception.
Since all the planets except Neptune are ruled by the mutual reception, and Mercury is conjunct Neptune, it focuses all the power in the Mercury conjunct Neptune, making it very influential in how everything else manifests. Planets involved in a chain of dispositors or a mutual reception are both “closed loop” powerful self-reinforcing energies that governs the backdrop for all the other planets in the map. You can find out more about dispositors and Mutual Reception at the link.
Because Neptune in Pisces leads the Lunation, the energies leading the Light are mystical, collective, dream-like, and essentially unifying. It shows that we’ll experience our power to navigate in unclear realms, and know that we have attained a form of mastery based in our prior training. This continues to close out the old ways of viewing, understanding, or experiencing our lives, both individually and collectively, so that wider and deeper things can be known.
The Grand Irrationality
The reason this section is a recurring feature in the Lunation articles is because it was set into long term play by the 2011 Solar Eclipse, as well as subsequent Solar Eclipses whose influence continues. These effects are triggered each time any transiting planet occupies any of the 7 zones of the Grand Irrationality. Since then it’s been reinforced and triggered by various Lunations, planetary stations, and transits.
As I mentioned earlier, this Eclipse finds Mercury triggering the Grand Irrationality by its conjunction with Neptune and septile to Pluto. This will bring ideas, information, and understanding to the collective that will show us what we stand for and what we don’t. Expect very clear unclear signals in the global situation, and perhaps even deceptive arguments or a hedging of bets by some major players.
For those who are new to the site, here’s a bit of explanation about this thing called “the Grand Irrationality” associated with why everything continues to be so weird. As I’ve explained many times before, the Grand Irrationality is a long wave non-rational influence that has put everyone on Earth on the unceasing edge of major choice and change.
Everyone has been confronting inner compulsions, continual choices that seem to have a major impact on our destiny, and occasionally irrational behaviors in others or external conditions. It is why things seem to have an unending hard edge, why so many choices are continually thrown in our faces that require immediate attention, and why reason seems to fail at critical moments of decision.
When the Grand Irrationality is in play, it’s a time when things don’t have to make sense. We’ve been living with it for almost 25 years, and it will be active for a couple more years to come, even though we’ve begun to be on the far side of that influence.
Though it will wane in intensity in the future, there will be enough set into motion that won’t make sense that we certainly can’t be lulled into a false sense of complacency! We’re certainly still seeing some global craziness and irrational behavior, so be aware!
Because late Autumn through mid-Spring shows Neptune in close septile with Pluto, we’ve been in several weeks where the configuration acts as a simultaneous “pulse” that will activate Neptune and Pluto at the same time. However, as we get into late Spring through mid-Autumn, we’ll experience a lag in how Neptune and Pluto are experienced, since they’ll be out of the septile and again approaching the sextile they made from 1942-1995.
The current degree spans that trigger this transformative mass configuration are around 8-12 Pisces, 29 Aries- 3 Taurus, 20-24 Gemini, 11-15 Leo, 3-7 Libra, 24-28 Scorpio, and 16-20 Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle in any of these zones, you are making critical choices and decisions that will alter your future in important ways. And because it’s in motion due to outer planets, these are pretty much forces beyond your ability to control, even if you can always control your response to these critical events.
Neptune and Chiron at the Cusp of the Age 2011-2012, and Where We're At Now
I offer this segment each month to give you a broader perspective on the collective atmosphere, and the long wave changes humanity is going through.
Now that these two are well into Pisces, they are no longer at the Cusp of the Great Age. Since they first entered the zone back in 2011-2012, we’ve been navigating through the threshold of an entirely new era that will not resemble the old Age in any way within just a few decades. We’re already solidly in the Dreamscape, and are already seeing long wave manifestations of the ending of the old and the emerging field we’re all learning how to maneuver through.
Other than the brief look we had in mid-2011, this is only the forty-ninth New Moon with Neptune in Pisces for the next approximately 150 years. We had Neptune in Pisces for the 3 New Moons for May, June, and July 2011 which gave us a front end look at how Neptune will function through 2025.
Between August 2011, when Neptune retrograded back into late Aquarius, and the January 2012 New Moon, we were given one last look back at a greater ideal, and the changes of the last half of 2011 helped many to break out of our "chrysalis" and transform how we live and all our relationships. That is now established in the collective consciousness, as well as a growing sense of the larger light field in which all sentient Beings live and love.
If you want to know what's coming for many years to come, take a look back at the intuitions and sense of belonging to a vaster interrelated whole you were shown in May, June, and July 2011. It may help to give a sense of our collective lesson in dissolving our separateness as we finish this transition through "the Winter of the 21st Century" on our way to Spring, beginning in 2025!
In 2011 both Neptune and Chiron revealed our unique part to play within a larger light/life field. During that time, these planets at the beginning of Pisces and end of Aquarius occupied degrees representing 1 Pisces - the Cusp where the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius meet. The article deals specifically with the first degree of Pisces, which is where the Precessional point occupies at present.
From one point of view, where we were collectively between February 2011 and March 2012 revealed what the period of (approximately) 1990-2140 is all about in the broader context of human evolution. I suspect that future generations will look back at 2011 and 2012 as being crucial in showing long range patterns of larger evolutionary necessities. You can find more about what we’re going through to get to the coming Age of Aquarius in the article The Sun Enters Pisces Today Illuminating the Cusp of the Great Age, Where The Age of Pisces Gives Way to the Age of Aquarius.
Neptune and Chiron dancing between signs on "the Cusp of the Age" had the effect of making it seem like we have all been occupying a very weird dreamscape which we'll be navigating for years to come. The trick for us is to apply our new strengths and understanding freed from the ghosts of the past, and by riding the waves of intense (but curiously steady) pulses of spiritual energies shaping our minds, we can find techniques where our efforts will lead us to forms of good fortune.
In this chart, Chiron is at 21 Pisces. It first crossed this degree in April-May 2015, and then retrograded across this degree in July-August 2015. It’s now making its third pass over this degree, and will ultimately go stationary direct on this degree in November-December 2016. Its influence is obviously magnified due to the Eclipse conjunction, so while something will be taken away, something else will be introduced each time the axis of 19 Pisces-19 Virgo is triggered in the future, as explained yesterday.
Chiron transits help each of us heal anew through our positioning within collective consciousness, assisting us to find ways to mentor and be mentored in the themes of feeling a new hope, or a new tactile awareness. This one has the themes of the soul “probing into its many potentials and higher reaches,” and “self-expansion.” Just stay open to embracing a greater Spiritual awareness however you can. Be willing to grow, and you’ll find a greater mastery over outer conditions.
Neptune shows us how to merge the sacred and the everyday in our lives. Over the past couple of years, we have healed through knowing what we stand for, and heard a call to a life renewal that is now front and center. We’ve had to let go of unnecessary baggage to quicken the pace in achieving some social goal, mastered something important in our spiritual quest, been offered higher responsibilities, and been shown what spiritual goals we’re fit to accomplish.
2016 completes our realizations of these lessons, and prepares us to move forward. This chart again shows us what we have stood for, and what we do stand for, and offers us a chance to press those things as ideals in our lives while experiencing what we’ve mastered as we stand on the threshold of new life awarenesses.
In this chart Neptune is at 10 Pisces, reinforcing the quickening in collective consciousness awakened by Uranus in 2005-2006, and pervading the collective atmosphere since Neptune first hit this degree in April 2015 and went stationary retrograde on this degree in June. As Neptune will go stationary direct on this degree in November 2016 and occupy it until January 2017, this is clearly a well-marked threshold point, as well as platform of where collective consciousness will be grounded once it moves into new spans of awareness in 2017.
This is assisting our long term renewal that began in the Summer of 2014. Because Neptune has not experienced 6 through 10 Pisces since the 1850s, it indicates that collective consciousness in 2014-2016 has been in an “unknown zone” relative to the recent past, but somehow echoing lessons of the last period. The past 20 months, we’ve strengthened our intuition and emotional intelligence, as well as a greater feeling-connection of our positioning within a vaster field.
This quickening has helped us drop many irrelevant considerations and able us to a new form of mastery that will lead to new functional roles and truths in the next year. We’re definitely learning how to be precise in moving through the larger fogs and vast feelings in the collective atmosphere.
Once it moves past its previously occupied span by mid-March, collective consciousness will again enter an “unknown zone” of experience, feeling what it stands for amidst the swirl of the tides, preparing us to demonstrate courage and focused will within a larger collective circumstance. The collective consciousness will again be officially in uncharted waters that it has not experienced since 1852-1854.
The North Node
This is the fourth New Moon with North Node in Virgo and South Node in Pisces. Good for learning precision, practicality, refined discipleship and service! With NN in Virgo, our greatest development is through our ability to analyze, figure out what’s core and peripheral, what’s important and unimportant, and how each detail fits the bigger picture. We will demonstrate these qualities through compassion, forgiveness, and the ability to get emotional closure while relating our experiences to the general timeless human condition.
The North Node in late Virgo brings a more specific focus on growth in that direction. We now begin many months of developing many of the Saturn skills and disciplines we took on and learned to deal with when Saturn was in this face of late Virgo between mid-November 2008 and mid-February 2009, and again in August and September 2009.
This NN degree is 22 Virgo, which we’ve extensively explored in past Lunation articles because Jupiter has been dancing around that exact degree for quite a few weeks. This is the degree of “A royal coat of arms,” showing our spiritual ancestry and what we hold as venerable standards.
Again, as this was the degree where Saturn went stationary retrograde in early 2009, this Eclipse will precipitate endings due to our living those standards these past 7 years. Be willing to teach and/or learn through emotional, social, and/or cultural forms of experimentation. This helps us find the authority of our wisdom so that we can join with others to bring a “unified stability” to achieve a “common purpose.”
Uranus Square Pluto is now Separating!
Though we’re finally at the “far side” of the long wave friction and crashes symbolized by Uranus square Pluto, the energies are still thick and heavy in the atmosphere at present, since the square is barely separating! This square is indicative of the global collision between a new humanity and an old slave/control system.
Now that Uranus is direct, the square which has been strong the past few months is again separating, pretty much exact for the last time. Finally!! Just stay alert the next couple of months for the conjunctions, squares, and oppositions when the Moon moves through Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, and when Mercury, Venus, and the Sun move through Aries, since that will activate the square in huge ways.
I’ll close today by reminding you that the powerful Earth trine made in this Lunation, along with a very strong Mars semisquare Pluto, shows this is a time of stability as we approach several months of ending an old major cycle of life. There will be many realizations come forth after a long wait, and gifts will abound for those who can deliver spiritual energy in interactive situations. Friendly competition will maximize results, so don’t let hesitancy be a drag on your line!
See you soon with part 3, which will cover Sabian Symbols, Jones patterns, element distribution, and a whole lot more!
© Copyright 2016 Robert Wilkinson
Sir Robert: This paragraph totally baffled me..can you explain a little more?
Again, as this was the degree where Saturn went stationary retrograde in early 2009, this Eclipse will precipitate endings due to our living those standards these past 7 years. Be willing to teach and/or learn through emotional, social, and/or cultural forms of experimentation. This helps us find the authority of our wisdom so that we can join with others to bring a “unified stability” to achieve a “common purpose.”
many thanks. Else,as usual, this is a masterful sharing of timely insights. I wouldn't miss one of these...blessings
Posted by: jo garceau | March 08, 2016 at 11:08 PM
Robert! Just a question from the 7th paragraph where you speak about many spiritual realizations for the mentioned degrees for different signs. For example, I have my ic at 12 d Scorpio right. You said 6-10 degrees but mention near those degrees. How close? Like what is an acceptable orb of allowance here?
Thank you for writing these great articles.
Posted by: Michelne | March 13, 2016 at 05:35 PM
Hi Jo - Saturn went SRX at 22 Virgo in early 2009. That set the lesson of that year, which of course impacted what came after that. We lived a certain set of standards that we chose to uphold beginning then, and now, this Eclipse will shut down some things related to those standards. I suspect that b/c of what we've been living since then, some things will have to end in the next 5 years. The rest is self-evident. And yes, blessings to you as well, dear lady!
Hi Micheline - Probably not, since those degree spreads deal with the novile series aspects, and I allow a fairly narrow orb for that group. In this case it's defined by the Mercury-Neptune spread made by the former at 7 Pisces and the latter at 10 Pisces. 12 Water would in my opinion be too far away from the novile defined field, since it would not make a novile series aspect to either Saturn or Uranus occupying the 17-19 Fire span.
Posted by: Robert | March 17, 2016 at 01:59 PM