Robert Wilkinson
This weekend we move into The Great Fracturing of 2016. Today we discuss what we can expect and how to deal with the fragmentation that will be happening over the next few weeks!
All we’ve been dealing with up to now has been discussed in the past two articles. In part 1 we discussed Jupiter square Saturn, and in part 2 we discussed the dynamics of the Mutable T-square, how it works, and the tools we need to deal with what is now upon us, which I have termed The Great Fracturing of 2016.
Grand Crosses happen every time we have a T-square and another planet (usually the Moon) fills the void. While they are not common, they do happen every so often, and when they occur, some dramatic gear grinding events usually happen. However, when there is a longer lasting T-square like the one we’ve dealt with non-stop since late February, then when a planet other than the Moon fills the void, it lasts longer than a few hours, and may even last for days or more than a week. We now enter one of those rare but extremely important times!
So why does a Grand Cross work differently than a T-square? Over the years I’ve been observing them, the fundamental difference I’ve found between a T-square and a Grand Cross is that rather than having a void point that gives focus for integrating the energies, the Grand Cross plugs that energy, creating two lines of “tensions of opposites,” with no void to help us integrate. Instead there are two oppositions, creating 4 squares, all competing with each other.
I have seen this sometimes as paralysis of motion, or inability to make clear decisions that resolve the conflict. The Grand Cross shows multiple assertive energies each on their own terms, opposing and/or countering the sign opposite them, as well as braking those in square, and being braked by those in square. I have also seen that this configuration often “pulls apart” from conflict, when hanging in there and taking the highest approach would have been the better course. As I mentioned yesterday, that higher approach can be found in the signs that sextile and trine those caught on the Cross.
It seems that the relatively “antagonistic” stance each energy takes toward the others is what the conflict is about. It also operates as a sequence of frictional aspects, with quite a few going on all at once! In this case we have planets rolling through Gemini making squares to Neptune, then oppositions to Saturn, and then squares to Jupiter, all working simultaneously.
In this time of fracturing, we are familiar with the major players who have been waiting for these inner planet transits. Because the void of the T shows the solution as well as the problem, perhaps this time will give us the Light and Power (Sun), appreciation and human resources (Venus), and ideas and integrated views (Mercury) that will help resolve the long standing global conflicts indicated by the Mutable T-square in non-stop motion these past 3 months. The Gemini traits I mentioned above can serve as clues for the issues in play and the positive energies to be invoked.
The Sun in Gemini is now just entered the range where it is forming squares to Neptune and Jupiter, and in opposition to Saturn. This will intensify over the next week, with the formal kickoff to occur this Sunday when the Moon in Pisces squares the Sun and moves through the entire configuration.
From there it continues to intensify due to the rapid succession of aspects made by the Sun and then Venus. The first four days of June feature the sequence of Sun square Neptune, Venus square Neptune, Sun opposed Saturn, Venus opposed Saturn, and both Venus and Sun square Jupiter. This run ends at the New Moon of June 4, and because it falls at 15 Gemini, pulls it all together with a flourish! (At least the New Moon is made AFTER all these are separating aspects, showing the influence will be behind us!)
Still, that doesn’t let us off the hook! We will continue to have to navigate these energies on June 10, 11, and 12 as the Moon moves through Virgo and creates the Grand Cross. Then, on June 17 we kick off another manifestation of the Grand Cross as Saturn exactly squares Neptune, and the Moon moves through Sagittarius on June 18 and 19. This is immediately followed by Mercury opposing Saturn and squaring Neptune on June 20 at the Full Moon at 30 Sagittarius just a few hours before the Northern Hemispheric Summer Solstice. Wow!
This period should give us understanding about why what has fractured had to happen to clear the way for new activity to come after the Mars conjunct Saturn at 10 Sagittarius in August. By then Jupiter will be very far past the opposition to Neptune and square to Saturn, and will actually quintile Saturn for most of August and early September.
So heads up! This weekend kicks off a solid week of heavy aspects in the run-up to the coming New Moon at 15 Gemini on June 4. So for the next few weeks, stay flexible, adaptable, be willing to move your life in different directions, try out different responses to old tensions, and try not to feel paralyzed just because you have 8 different options on your plate! Appreciate that you actually HAVE options, and be willing to change course as needed.
Take your new discoveries in action, thought, and feeling, and be willing to find new ways to communicate them, share them, see various facets of how they can be expressed differently without contradicting the ways you’ve already discovered, and hang in there long enough to get the rewards that really matter to you. Try not to get discouraged or frustrated, since they are not helpful ways to deal with Grand Cross energies.
Sometime we must break something up before we can recombine the pieces so they fit better, or create the space for us to bring in new pieces. This may mean we go through a process of destroying to rebuild, or smashing our house of mirrors to see what’s outside of our mental frames. In any case, this is a fracturing precipitated by “the time of the season,” and opens the door to other views and other ways to live within the collective field.
Since Gemini has been the problem and the solution, perhaps now Life and Light (the Sun), relationships and values (Venus), and our synthesizing mind (Mercury) will show us the solutions to the problems we’ve been dealing with for 3 months. That would be a very good thing indeed!
© Copyright 2016 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks Robert and Bless the Goddess for the mutability of it all!
My friends on Di-fi sum it up such...
Nostradamus Century 8-30
"The treasure found will come to vex everyone"
Posted by: sue | May 27, 2016 at 07:48 AM
Heads up! Opportunities and options are opening in front of us. As individuals and as Humanity we have options and opportunities, time to try new methods to get different answers to what is not working. Time to ditch the old ways that do not work and cause problems. Time for life and light, relationships and there mind to move forward and onwards.
Thanks Robert.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | May 27, 2016 at 11:27 AM
As a Gemini Asc and also Venus & Mars, my personal motto is: You're young once, but you can be immature forever!
Posted by: Diana | May 30, 2016 at 01:40 AM