by Robert Wilkinson
As regular readers know, in each Lunation article I post a section about dispositors. I believe that what planets are dispositors of other planets is key to understanding how transits, signifying the “atmosphere” or gestalt of the moment, express dominant elemental energies, and why some periods of time feel more stable and less fluid than other times.
Now that the Sun and Venus are in Cancer, they are disposited by the Moon. The Moon changes signs about every 2+ days, and so during the time of the year when the inner planets move through Cancer, things get much more varied in terms of the elements in the background of the Sun, Venus, and as of June 29, 4:24 pm PDT, Mercury.
The outer planets are relatively stable at this time. Neptune is in its home sign of Pisces for many years to come. Pluto will be in Capricorn and ruled by Saturn in Sagittarius for a long time to come, and Saturn continues to be ruled by Jupiter, which will be in Virgo until mid-September. This has been a relatively stable chain of dispositors, due to being ruled by final dispositor Mercury in its home sign of Gemini since June 12.
So Pluto’s background is Sag Fire. Saturn’s background has been Virgo Earth. Jupiter’s background has been Gemini Air, but as of June 29 it will be Cancer Water. That will make the Moon’s sign very strong as the background to how Mercury expresses itself until July 13 when Mercury enters Leo.
One very stable influence involves Uranus in Aries disposited by Mars in its home sign of Scorpio. That will continue until early August, when Mars moves into Sagittarius, making Jupiter in late Virgo its dispositor.
When Jupiter moves into Libra in September, then Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius will express more of a Libra energy than Virgo. That will make Venus the dispositor of Jupiter for the next year, which means Jupiter in Libra will have many flavors in the background for a year, just as it did with Mercury as its dispositor in Virgo.
As soon as Mercury enters Cancer, the Moon will be a constant factor in the chain of dispositors involving Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun, Venus, and Mercury. The sign the Moon is in will be very important in the shifting vibe we’ll all experience. Right now it’s in Aries, making Mars in Scorpio the final dispositor of the chain.
All times are PDT, 8 hours earlier than BST. The Moon enters Taurus about 3 am June 29, which will put it in mutual reception with Venus. It enters Gemini 4:44 am July 1, which will put it in mutual reception with Mercury. It enters Cancer 6:20 am July 3, which makes it the final dispositor of the entire chain.
It enters Leo about 9:30 am July 5, which will put it in mutual reception with the Sun. It enters Virgo 3:41 pm July 7, which will again put it in mutual reception with Mercury. It enters Libra about 1:30 am July 10, again putting it in mutual reception with Venus.
It enters Scorpio 1:52 pm on July 12, but Venus will already have entered Leo, and will be joined when Mercury enters Leo on July 13, which will shift the overall influence in huge ways, since then the Sun will be their dispositor. As long as the Sun is in Cancer (through July 22), it keeps the Moon in play, though one stage further removed.
Between July 15 and July 22, the Moon will move through Sagittarius (Jupiter disposits the Moon), Capricorn, and Aquarius (Saturn disposits the Moon). When in Sag, the chain is Moon, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Moon. When in Capricorn or Aquarius, the chain is Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun, Moon. Once the Sun enters Leo, it will be the final dispositor of the chain.
This lasts only a week, since Mercury enters Virgo on July 30 and again resumes final dispositorship of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. It takes command of the Mars backdrop when Mars enters Sag on August 2, and Venus when it enters Virgo on August 5. As you can see, we’re in for several major shifts in the atmosphere over the next 5 weeks!
Take a look at your chart to see which planet(s) are primary dispositors of other planets, and if there is a chain, or mutual reception, or a final dispositor or two. By way of illustration, my chart has 3 final dispositors – Venus in Taurus, Mars in Aries, and Jupiter in Pisces. I also have a mutual reception – Moon in Aquarius and Uranus in Cancer. You can find out more about dispositors and Mutual Reception at the link. I also wrote about why people with the same Sun sign but different dispositors are very different in how they express their light in the article Why are two people with the same Sun sign so different Pt. 2.
If you’ve ever wondered why a planet in a certain sign can work entirely differently than the same planet in the same sign in someone else’s chart, this is a major key. Knowing what is disposing what can give you an extra dimension in how your planets manifest as they do. Enjoy checking out the trail of breadcrumbs through the forest of the chart rulers!
Copyright © 2016 Robert Wilkinson