by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, we’re moving into the partile (exact) Saturn square Neptune for the next three weeks!
Just when we’ve begun to take a huge breath now that the Grand Mutable Cross is fading into the rearview mirror, we are now in the heart of an exact Saturn square Neptune! On Saturday, June 11, the Mutable T-square is re-triggered because the Moon is in Virgo opposed Neptune, square Saturn, and conjunct Jupiter, again throwing the powerful void into mid-Gemini. This will impact a huge number of people!
I gave you a lot about how this Mutable T works in Astrology Class in May 2016 - The Mutable T-square is About to Become the Great Fracturing of 2016 Pt. 1 Because tomorrow’s Moon will bring the Jupiter square Saturn opposition Neptune back into play, as well as the Jupiter trine Pluto, I’ll remind you that it’s having a major effect on those with planets in the middle degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, including those born in the first week of March, June, September, and December.
Adaptability and the ability to suspend judgment while exploring all there is to explore without wanting too much order are the keys to success. Also, because the Moon is conjunct Jupiter, and Jupiter in Virgo is the handle for the “Bucket” pattern, it is extraordinarily important in how to get a handle or focus on things. Be practical, precise, and functional within a larger vision, and show humor when overcoming any limiting beliefs or circumstances. The opposition from Virgo to Pisces counsels us to stay alert to seeing the bigger picture, and learn how to give things an occasional push so they prove in our long term interest.
The T-square has shown us we’ve been in a time that’s the end of a collective submergence, with new service and newer, more effective ways to live demanded within the collective dreamscape. So it’s both the end of the end of an old way of relating to others and even to our life story, even as newer necessities break the surface in a cacophony of possibilities thanks to the Mutable T. There are great integrative possibilities for those who can hang out within the dilemmas.
The recent Grand Cross will come back into focus June 18-23, when Mercury in Gemini triggers it for the last time. As I told you a while back, this fracturing will ultimately be tremendously beneficial in clearing out some limiting attitudes and circumstances so we can find the knowledge that ensures us forms of wealth and power in the future. I’ll write more about the coming Cross next week.
Each time Jupiter square Saturn gets triggered it gives us the opportunity to bring much to completion. If you feel that some effort is not worth the price, it’s an opportunity not to fall into discouragement or set your sights too low, or allow unnecessary rules and limitations to put you off your goal. Make sure your values and ambitions are reinforcing each other, and you’ll develop the strength to hold the focus under pressure.
Since the Moon conjunct Jupiter brings the trine to Pluto back into play, we again can go to the core and see the endings and beginnings that are obvious. As the T opens Gemini, be a good juggler and communicator, find different ways of viewing things to shift the momentum, and you’ll find your expertise has led you to a different realm of activity.
Neptune will go stationary retrograde on June 13-14 at 13 Pisces, a degree of needing to show “courage and fearlessness” as we focus our will power and find the faith in ourselves that we need to take the lead in some way. Whether we’re challenged to set an example or follow an example over the next few months, find power in living your ideal as you move through a long term “rectification.”
Saturn squaring Neptune will continue to show as either 1) a braking action, or 2) a release point where a healthy Neptune expresses through a healthy Saturn. In the former case, there will be a need for a structured spiritual view to brake drifting energies, or a more compassionate view to put the brakes on philosophical or spiritual rigidity. In the latter case, Saturn will express spiritual ideals that have reached a high water mark.
© Copyright 2016 Robert Wilkinson
And Mother Earth said...
"The truth hurts and so it should.
GOD has a Mother and her name is GOOD."
Posted by: sue | June 11, 2016 at 07:51 AM
Hi Robert, thanks for the update on the flow of energies and opportunities that come from this Saturn square Neptune and the Grand Mutable Cross. It is always of help to have a "map or chart" to better understand and use what the Cosmos is offering us all.
Blessings be,
Posted by: Nic | June 11, 2016 at 11:32 AM
Thank you for being there Robert and sharing your knowledge to help us all. This piece has been very helpful - thank you.
Posted by: Ann | June 11, 2016 at 05:44 PM
Good fracturing to collect goods after storms is good. Right on target. Appreciated.
Posted by: Nancy | June 12, 2016 at 07:41 AM
As always, your "astro weather map" info is so helpful navigating these dream like times. I treasure your postings. Thank you so much!
Posted by: Diane | June 12, 2016 at 11:30 AM
"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are."
I do my practice and in the end I, more often, feel who I really am.
These patterns shows in my chart in so many ways...
Posted by: helina | June 12, 2016 at 08:48 PM
This is coinciding with my second exact Saturn return this week, at 13 Sagittarius in my second house. Whew. One foot in front of the other.
Posted by: Lainie | June 13, 2016 at 06:46 PM