by Robert Wilkinson
Besides being in the eye of the storm of Saturn square Neptune stationary retrograde, we’ve also had two Yods, or Fingers of God, at work in the past few days.
It began June 12, when Venus at 24 Gemini sextiled Uranus at 24 Aries and both were quincunx Mars retrograde at 26 Scorpio. At that time, the Sun was at 23 Gemini just separating triseptile Mars.
On June 13, Venus then moved to 25 Gemini and exactly quincunxed Mars at 25 Scorpio, with the Sun at 24 Gemini sextile Uranus and quincunx Mars. That continued on June 14, and now the Sun at 25 Gemini is just separating from its quincunx to Mars.
During this time we’ve had more weird things happening in our world than can be listed here, but here are a few from the past 4 days. A mass murder in the US, a terrorist attack in France, strange individual murders, Russia hacking the database of one major political party, both US political parties at record low approval rates with one party in mutiny against its nominee who is now at a record high disapproval rate with the public, colleges across the nation protesting rape, as well as the lack of reporting on rape, and a child grabbed by an alligator, to name but a few. All while Saturn has squared Neptune with two Yods happening!
A Yod, or Finger of God, is a configuration where two planets are in sextile with a third at the inverse midpoint. It is said to indicate multiple “expansions through sacrifices.” The sextile is productive, while the quincunx forces adjustments, and often brings health issues into focus. In this case the productive sextiles between Venus/Sun and Uranus favor adaptation and innovation, while the double quincunx to Mars retrograde shows unfinished business from the past must be factored into whatever we think needs doing.
Because Mars RX is the nozzle for the Yod, clearly this is showing us we’ve all had to make serious adjustments in the past few days. For many, long standing health issues have been a focus. The symbols for Mars have involved efficiency and adaptation, as well as an ability to see the structure of what is and evaluate what is strong and what is weak, what is solid and what is flawed.
I have had to redouble my own efforts to deal with a long standing health problem that first surfaced 2 years ago. In a curious coincidence, this same health issue prevented me from attending talks with the Dalai Lama in 2014, and this re-surfacing has again prevented me from attending talks with the Dalai Lama this weekend. Mars retrograde!
Over the past few days I’ve also somewhat unexpectedly had to re-evaluate some assumptions and “rules” I adopted during 2014-2015. I was working off some assumptions then that seemed reasonable, but now they seem unnecessary. Again, Saturn square Neptune with two Yods!
If I want to leave those assumptions behind, I’ve also realized I will have to make some serious adjustments in several ways if I want to move forward into the new possibilities. And while there would be some major benefits there would also be some major hassles. That’s exactly how I would describe the way a Yod works!
So take a new look at wherever you have late Scorpio in your chart, and see if something has been shown to you in that sector that would involve sacrifices, or reconsideration of old assumptions and/or ways of doing things. This has shown me some things in my 4th house have to be reworked, or re-planned. And yes, there are other 4th house matters that have unexpectedly come forth in some indirect ways, but at least I don’t have to deal with them. Yet.
The Yod is now quickly passing, with Venus about to enter Cancer at 12:39 pm PDT on June 20, anticipating the Northern Hemispheric Summer Solstice occurring at 3:34 pm PDT, 11:34 pm BST June 20, about 12 hours after the Full Moon at 30 Sagittarius. However, these recent Yods are also a foreshadowing of the next Yods to come on June 25-27 when Mercury quincunxes Mars at 24 Scorpio and sextiles Uranus at 25 Aries, again with Mars the nozzle of the Finger of God.
As both Mars and Uranus will be on the degrees where the first will go stationary direct and the latter will go stationary retrograde, that particular quincunx will dominate the landscape from now through late July. This also means that the next time the Moon moves through Gemini on July 2-3, it will make a sextile to Uranus with both quincunx Mars, re-activating the Yod.
We can expect the next few weeks to bring more adjustments, sacrifices, and productive expansions. Since the last week of June also has a huge number of favorable aspects, we should be able to keep things harmonized despite the forced moves and adjustments. I’ll just be very happy to see Mars go direct so that many things can finally move forward after feeling bogged down for so many weeks!
p.s. I just realized we'll have another Yod around July 8-9 when the Moon in Virgo sextiles Mars in Scorpio and they both quincunx Uranus. There will be another one around Aug 10-11 when the Moon is in Scorpio sextile Jupiter and both are quincunx Uranus. There will be another one August 17-18 when the Moon in Aquarius will sextile Uranus with both quincunx Mercury and Jupiter in Virgo, and yet another one around August 26-27 when the Moon is in Gemini sextile Uranus and both are quincunx Venus in Virgo. The final ones in the series will happen around Sept 7 when the Moon in Scorpio sextiles Mercury RX with both quincunx Uranus, and Oct 4-5 with Moon in Scorpio sextile Mercury direct with both quincunx Uranus. Lots of Yods in all our futures!
© Copyright 2016 Robert Wilkinson
Been waiting for total knee replacement a year now myself. Steroid injections bilateral, no longer a bandaide solution, or pain meds. May need a amputation above knee. If the bones are too far gone to hold a knee repkacement. Beurocracy politics and health coverage is crazy. Staying steady. Making a impact also, human rights,not being stigmatized in the mental health system. Overall, a great year of healing and regeneration, a new way.
Posted by: Nancy | June 15, 2016 at 09:18 AM
Am enjoying the skin shed. Life is much less stressful. Mayhaps being a natal mars rx the transit provides good release.???
Posted by: caliban | June 15, 2016 at 09:44 AM
Thoroughly relate, Robert....having pinched nerve in the neck and unable to finance a simple nerve bloc despite having TWO insurances. Have limited supply of pain killers,
chiro not working and no answers in sight. Where's Mikal now that I need him???
Posted by: Aline | June 15, 2016 at 10:01 AM
Wishing you deep and complete healing!
Posted by: Lainie | June 15, 2016 at 10:10 AM
Hi Robert, once more your post are so helpful to understand events and find relations and co-relations. Many thanks for it.
Also, I hope you regain your health and be able to meet the Dalai Lama soon. (I am sure we would also enjoy meeting you! :) ).
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | June 15, 2016 at 11:18 AM
I'm fascinated with the number of health crises we all describe. Mine has to do with hip surgery reviews and decisions. Scorpio third house.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | June 15, 2016 at 02:05 PM
Really interesting! Experiencing my solar return today - 25 Gemini. 15 Pisces Asc in direct line of Mutable Cross, with South Node conjunct my natal Jupiter. What's most curious to me, now, is Uranus opposed Uranus to the minute - and conjunct natal Chiron (natal opposition partile by two minutes). And all is well. I second Caliban's relief for skins shed, and a lot of karma cleared. I feel more capable than ever... stable in the center... and so very grateful to the Grace of God.
Thank you, Robert, for keeping us updated through this most complex month!
Posted by: Elizabeth | June 15, 2016 at 02:44 PM
Sending love and light your way. Speedy recovery.
Posted by: Ale Tarallo | June 15, 2016 at 05:58 PM
Health problems here too. All came crashing down this year. Outcome does not look "positive." Along with all this stuff, the news is just awful. I'm staying away as much as possible. I can't believe what I'm seeing and hearing. It feels like this dark cloud has descended.
Well, thank you, Robert for this safe place to let it out.
Blessings to all of us.
Posted by: sw | June 16, 2016 at 06:47 AM
Wow, Robert. Thank U so much for this read. What a day June 15th, 2016 turned out to be for this uber Pisces with a Saturn/Moon conjunct @12' Cancer. A tooth that was filled in 2009 is now trying to kill me. The butcher that was the dentist did poor work & the filling fell out in 2012. Awful health ins. won't pay for any more work on the tooth. The tooth is now threatening my bloodstream.
After avoiding dealing with the ins. co. for the last yr., I just renewed my policy and went to urgent care. I was given penicillin. I also just scheduled an appt. w an oral surgeon for Fri., June 17th; but not before the tooth cracked open exposing how corrupted it has become.
My lesson from transiting Saturn conjunct my Neptune, quincunx Saturn/Moon. Saturn is also currently sextile my Mercury @11' Aquarius, which is also quincunx Saturn/Moon in Cancer. Productive adjustments, indeed.
Posted by: ThanQ | June 16, 2016 at 08:38 AM
Oh, yeah! Did I mention that the tooth's filling that fell out while Saturn was entering Scorpio in 2012 was originally filled the week before Father's Day weekend?
I'm yet to not be amazed by the synchronicity of things.
Peace & Wellness to All
Posted by: ThanQ | June 16, 2016 at 09:26 AM
Is there an end to this t-squats, grand cross, yods any time sooner? :( Is it coming soon a time we can take a breath again?
I'm sorry to read you've been also fighting old heals issue. All best wishes and fast healing!
The period from 22.04 until now Is the weirdest (freakiest) ever. Little by little the small seeds unfolded by the full moon in May to unseen/unfelt experience. Spiritual one or I have no idea what was all this (as medical tests showed only low levels of iron and vitamin D), but freaked me out completely. Visions, burning feeling like a necklace around my neck going up to the back of my head , ultra sensitivity that little draft would drive me crazy. I thought I'm going to die or I'm going mad. Definitely not me! End May symptoms of an old sickness appeared and as I have 3 kidneys I landed in a hospital for check ups. First one perfect. The doctor scared me requesting test for cancer cells, without any reason. Terrified me. Next week at the grand cross will receive all results. This old health issue prevented me to complete my entry exams for medical study, later prevented and stopped my musical career after 15 years I'm wondering what will prevent?!
My mom (who lives 2000 km away), in the same period with similar freaky experience and almost same visions, ended up in a hospital. She had all possible check ups and all they're great. Only ultra low level of iron appeared. And she's pinned to the bad by old health issue.
My sister too, had old health issue. My son endless teeth issue. My daughter got obsessed with the craziest idea ever. All over the news we read strange things happened as all people went mad....
I'm surprised to read the answers here and how many experience health problems.
Strange is less to say. I know we never get more than we can bear...but shall we get a break from all this madness? I can't understand how it's possible from stable person suddenly to reach such point of paranoia and a week later to return to the rational thinking? It looks like mass hysteria. :-)
Posted by: Maggie | June 16, 2016 at 11:57 AM
Thank you Robert! Very insightful comments about the yods. It's interesting how everyone has such grievous physical issues... here I am worried about my slightly swollen ankles. I wish everyone relief and speedy recovery. Namaste all. :)
Posted by: Valerie | June 16, 2016 at 04:37 PM
BTW I also have natal Mars Rx. This Rx hasn't been too troublesome, on the contrary rather interesting. Mars Rx is now crossing my midheaven (29 Scorpio) and I've just had some good projects come my way. Opportunities you could say. Hmm.
Posted by: Valerie | June 16, 2016 at 04:41 PM
After the recent shootings, I had to come back and reread this article. It's July 8. More mass murders. Are we to expect the worst on the YOD dates in your post script?
Robert, could you speak to this? I'm having a rough time with all this insanity.
Posted by: sw | July 08, 2016 at 05:25 AM