by Robert Wilkinson
Neptune goes stationary retrograde at 13 Pisces today, June 13, at 1:43 pm PDT, 9:43 pm Greenwich. What does this mean and how will it impact us?
When any of the planets go stationary retrograde, it marks a “forward station” in the pulse of that planet and the part it symbolizes in our personality (lower triad) or Spiritual Body (Upper Triad). The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars are mainly associated with our personality, while Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are mainly associated with our connection with society and our larger aspirations and duties.
The outer “Invisible Quartet,” Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and TransPluto, show us the Transpersonal realms of existence. (While Uranus is occasionally very faintly observable, for all intents and purposes it’s invisible to most.) Uranus individualizes us, and Neptune helps us move and groove within collective consciousness. Pluto shows us what must be purified to the core so we may know our Divine Power of eternal regeneration, and TransPluto shows us how to redeem growth after decay, and new life after a period of death or dormancy.
Any of these outermost planets going stationary retrograde indicates a threshold state in the Transpersonal energy field. Since we’re dealing here with Neptune going retrograde, and Neptune, symbolizes collective consciousness and all it likes, supposes, and wonders about, we now enter a time when the collective atmosphere now reviews parts of what it explored and manifested since it last went direct at 8 Pisces in November 2015.
Neptune represents what is “in fashion” in the collective. Different cultures and subcultures interpret this global pulse in different ways. The Sabian Symbol for 13 Pisces is “A sword in a museum,” indicating we now stand on the threshold of a period of learning how to demonstrate “courage and fearlessness,” which is clearly the theme given the mass murder currently in the news.
We are also told this is a degree of a quest for “real understanding,” where we must have faith as an antidote to “the emptiness of dread.” Rudhyar says this is a symbol representing the idea that “through the effectual use of (the) will a consecrated (person) can become a symbol of courage for all those who will follow.”
He goes on to state this is a degree of “will power,” where we learn to be an agent for the Divine Will, whether of God, the Masters of the Wisdom, or simply to embody the focus for the collective. Again, how this is going to manifest depends entirely on whether the “agent” of that will is operating on lower or higher levels of awareness.
Dr. Jones says this is about setting some kind of example, where a promise is made manifest “at each point of crisis in human affairs,” where “wisdom … becomes reincarnate in the new leadership … always available to counter any counsel of confusion arising from a moment’s uncertainty.” He says when operating in a positive manner, “the degree is personal power in living common ideals.”
So we now begin to review all we’ve experienced since last November within that vast “feeling field” known as Neptune. This review will last through mid-November 2016, when Neptune will go stationary direct at 10 Pisces. At that point we will know what we have mastered, and move into a new collective field of awareness.
Neptune is about to spend a few years in the second decan of Pisces, so the emphasis will move out of the Jupiter-Saturn-Neptune influence of the first decan of Pisces into the Moon-Jupiter influence of the second decan of Pisces. As Uranus transited the span between 10 Pisces and 13 Pisces between February 2006 and January 2007, much of what we can expect during the second half of 2016 will in some way echo or be related to what was awakened in collective consciousness back then.
When any of the outers go retrograde or direct, it shows as major “sea changes” in the global field. Neptune going retrograde will affect that part of our Hologram that interfaces with the collective field. Other lessons of this time involve experiencing how we’ve been introduced to “the Sanctuary” where our minds were opened to a greater Spiritual realm, and subsequent lessons where we proved our “qualifications” to hold the spiritual energy of our “spiritual office.” We will learn and/or teach these things wherever we have mid-Pisces in our charts.
The tide has turned! If it’s time to sail, well, beware the storms of the non-stop Mutable T-squares being triggered this week and next, culminating in another Grand Mutable Cross between June 18 and June 23. This will complete the Great Fracturing of June 2016, and leave us free to pick up the pieces and move into Mars going direct anticipating the coming Mars conjunct Saturn in August. In August, those who are ambitious will “win the prize” in the two years after that.
I described the forces driving the current mass confusion, fear, and delusions in the article Astrology in June 2016 - Saturn Square Neptune is Almost Exact! Please take a new look at that article, since we are in the heart of the whirlwind for the next week and a half.
On a final note, this is a time to expunge fear, dualistic morality, and ambivalence from your mind. We can use the Saturn square Neptune productively, but only as we accept a new way of viewing things, do what we have to do without fear or confusion leading us into more fear and confusion, and be precise in following our plan of expansion into a more effective practical discipleship that we were shown in May.
© Copyright 2016 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks Robert, your words flow great Hope to a space in need of healing...
From Mother Earth's ...Ode to all Toads
The talent is almost gathered
They already died for the view
The Divine in all Dragon power
Drops the other shoe..
Saturn is Transgender ...A matron she became...
Let's all stand in wonder more Balance to the Game...
Posted by: sue | June 14, 2016 at 09:56 AM
Very good, thank you. Right on target.
Posted by: Nancy | June 15, 2016 at 09:11 AM