by Robert Wilkinson
Mars conjuncts Saturn at 4:27 am PDT, 12:27 pm BST on August 24. These conjunctions occur every two years, and initiate a new set of responsibilities and activities wherever they fall in our chart.
As I promised in part 1, today we’ll take a look back at previous Mars-Saturn cycles and their qualities.
The 2012 conjunction happened at 25 Libra in August 2012, and the one before that happened at 1 Libra July 2010. These activated the house where they happened, and set up major themes during each two years period in all of us. We now begin a new cycle of these important planetary energies.
The house where these conjunctions happen shows us where major activities and responsibilities get focused for the two years after the conjunction. Think back on the house affairs activated by the one at 1 Libra and reflect on how there were new initiatives and responsibilities in that area of your life between Summer 2010 and Summer 2012. Use the same principle to the house affairs activated by the one at 25 Libra, and see what fulfilled itself between Summer 2012 and now.
The Mars-Saturn cycle that began in 2010 was a period when we learned to express a new archetype of our Being. Many were “made sacred” through a symbolic “crucifixion” that was an initiation into a vaster spiritual reality and wisdom. Many experienced “sudden awakenings” and a desire to contact and demonstrate our inner Light.
The two year Mars-Saturn cycle that ended in August 2014 began at 25 Libra, and promised us forms of wisdom after our intellect wearied of its games. Those two years we did a lot of repair or reconstruction work on the social, emotional, or cultural level, and seen hidden meanings in what ended.
Those years were a period of discovering deeper wisdom after the end of things, and we experienced growth through becoming aware of basic meanings. Our imagination and inner experience gave us efficient means to assist the welfare of those in our lives through understanding the interdependence of the world and the individual.
The Mars-Saturn cycle that just ended began at 18 Scorpio, promising us all new initiatives and duties in the house where it occurred. We intensified our focus and went beyond old forms, and navigated several important forks in the road of our destiny relative to the larger events shaping our options. Every one of us has been purified and transfigured in ways that changed our lives at some point in the past two years, and are now freed to move into the next phase of our evolution.
There were many interpersonal gear grinds these past two years, and we had to learn to reduce everything to simple terms, issues, and solutions while figuring out what we needed to do to enjoy life more. All of us were searching for a bigger picture, a greater sense of community, a sense we were fulfilling our goals, and leaving behind egocentric people who didn’t care who they hurt.
The last on fell at 18 Scorpio, indicating that we have all been assisted by Nature in sensing “eternal and illimitable resources” to further our ideals. We fulfilled a lot, and found success in areas “of true self-interest.” We eliminated many obsolete and/or destructive things these past two years, and went deeper into our faith and magnetism. That has now has left us in a transfigured state in the Scorpio area of our life, and we stand on the threshold of the next one that begins at 10 Sagittarius.
In general, Mars conjunct Saturn fuses the influence related to houses and planets ruled by Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius. This fusion is focused through the house where we have 10 Sagittarius. This is a major renewal and rebeginning for those born in late November and early December, and brings together areas involving finances, resources, ideas, communications, creativity, and motivation.
It is a point of critical emergence for those born in late August and early September. It involves areas related to the immediate environment, sibling relations, neighbors, communications, creative self-expression, children, work, health, service, loss, regeneration, legacies, and magnetism.
For those born the end of May and beginning of June, this is a time when partnerships will be the focus, and it will bring together areas involving health, work, service, loss, legacies, magnetism, truth, higher education, spiritual-philosophical inclinations, ambitions, friendship, and group work. For those born the end of February and beginning of March, it is the fulfillment of many years of striving, and should bring professional promotions and high recognition. It brings together areas involving money, resources, values, truth, future, higher education, goals, ambitions, friendships, group work, and motives.
Those born in late March and early April, late July and early August, late September and early October, and late January and early February will find many harmonious, productive, and stabilizing activities over the next two years in the area this conjunction falls in the chart. There will be major adjustments and expansions through sacrifices for those born in late April, early May, late June and early July. Unique gifts will be found by many due to the many quintiles in this chart, with a special focus on late September and mid-February.
Of course, if you’re not born during the times of the months I just mentioned, you also are highly affected, but in different ways than what I’ve just outlined. Entire generations with outer planets in certain parts of certain signs are also profoundly affected, but to go into all possibilities would be cumbersome here.
For a brief example of generations affected by this, people born between 1942 and mid-1951 have their Pluto trined by this conjunction. People born between late 1959 and mid-1966 have their Pluto squared by this conjunction. This Mars-Saturn conjuncts the Neptune of those born between late 1971 and Autumn 1980, conjuncts the Uranus of those born between 1982-1985, and conjuncts the Pluto of those born between 1996 and 2003.
Of major importance is that it falls on the Saturn of those born November 1956 through October 1958 and December 1985 through November 1987, marking in each case the Saturn return. These groups will experience "forced growth" in the areas where they're most fearful or rigid, though there are major rewards to be gained by taking responsibility for expressing a truth or higher awareness. This is one of the most important events in a human life, which is why I’ve devoted an entire chapter to it in my new book on Saturn coming out in a few weeks. You can also find out more by consulting the related article in the site archives.
So check out the house it falls in and the aspects it makes to all your planets, since even those without 1o Sagittarius active can be profoundly affected. For example, while I don’t have anything in Sagittarius in my chart, the conjunction falls exactly trine my Sun and Ascendant, sextile my Moon, triseptile my Venus, sesquisquare my Mars, quintile my Saturn, biquintile my Uranus, septile my Neptune, and trine my Pluto. These indicate which parts of my life will be affected, and how.
It’s safe to say that everyone on Earth will be affected in important ways via the house in which it falls and the houses Mars and Saturn rule in your charts. And it seems that we’ll all wind up being spurred to some form of social or emotional growth that will yield huge rewards these next two years. And away we go!
© Copyright 2016 Robert Wilkinson
wow Robert.... just WOW...
im a late august, and you described the previous 6 years of my life to a T....
i see now the mars saturn cycle is one of the major players in life... and my understanding of astrology just nova'd.
thank you.
Posted by: jon reddish | August 23, 2016 at 09:01 AM
Thanks for the information. As you say "away we go!" This could turn out quite interesting, more so in may Saturn return which happens sometime soon.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | August 23, 2016 at 01:15 PM
Hi Robert. Great article, as usual. I see you have explained all that you could here and have elaborated on these years and months so was looking forward to read mine, lol, mid Feb, but you wrote:
"Unique gifts will be found by many due to the many quintiles in this chart, with a special focus on late September and mid-February."
As I know you are busy guy, but would you care to elaborate on "Unique gifts" and "special focus?" lol, I could sure use a dose of some good news, lol.
Be well my friend.
Posted by: Norm | August 23, 2016 at 04:06 PM
My rising is at 10'13" of Sag, so conjunct the conjunction. I know this is a pivotal moment, but am I interpreting it correctly to say it is time to step into myself and my soul's purpose?
Posted by: Kara | August 23, 2016 at 08:01 PM