by Robert Wilkinson
Over many years countless clients have come to me for sessions wanting to know if they're compatible with someone, what the composite chart is all about, and if the time and day to get married is important. Today we'll examine these very important indicators of how a relationship is influenced.
Taking a look at how two charts relate to each other is very important in any long term commitment. That involves three factors: synastry (how one chart influences another), the composite chart (the sum of the two beings that creates a third force), and the marriage chart, which marks the inception of the formal marriage contract.
There are several ways to find out how compatible we are with another, and where our points of harmony and friction occur. Briefly, when we look at the synastry between two charts, it involves seeing where person A's planets fall in the chart of person B, and vice versa. Also how the various planets aspect each other between the two charts, including which houses each planet rules, both in our charts and the chart of another.
A synastry chart session reveals many intricacies between people, and where common ground can be found, if it can be found at all. We're usually attracted to various planet energies for all kinds of reasons, some of which change over time as a function of progressions and personal choices related to inner and outer conditions. That's why we fall into harmony and disharmony for various reasons. Our Venus goes through a lot of different types of “likes” as we make our way through life.
While compatibility analysis using techniques of synastry is extremely important and reveals points of harmony and conflict, as I mentioned there are other important charts that give valuable information about two people's compatibility. One of these is the composite chart. The composite chart is derived from the midpoints of the similar planets between two charts. Those midpoint placements supposedly indicate the "middle ground" where the people's planets meet.
For example, if one has a Sun in Aquarius and the other has a Sun in Gemini, as a rule the composite Sun will be in Aries, the sign equidistant between Aquarius and Gemini. In another example, if one Moon is in Sagittarius and the other Moon is in Aquarius, the composite Moon is likely in Capricorn, the sign in between Sag and Aquarius.
If one has Jupiter at 26 Pisces and one has Jupiter at 17 Gemini, then there are 79 degrees between them. That puts the composite Jupiter just short of 40 degrees distance between the two natal Jupiters, and so in this example the composite Jupiter is at about 6 1/2 degrees of Taurus. There are also ways of figuring a composite between three, four, five, or any number of people, but that's beyond the scope of this article.
Another important chart is for the time, date, and place when two people first meet. That initiates the relationship, regardless of how or if we get close. In that chart we can see the future shifts and changes for each party in the relationship. This is true whether we are speaking of a romantic relationship, or business relationship, or friendship.
Along similar lines, a crucial chart to have calculated before we marry is the Marriage chart, done for the time of initiating the marriage ceremony. This begins the adventure, and gives new momentum and energy to a relationship.
The Marriage chart is very important, like the timing on launching a business, starting a project, or when we buy or sell something. A crucial component of success in relationships, along with resources, tools, and skills, is the best time for beginning a partnership, project, or new initiative.
The branch of astrology dealing with launching things is Electional (or Inceptional) Astrology, and is an art in itself. Each moment has its special qualities and challenges, and it's always good to launch our boats on a favorable tide.
That said, it is equally important to remember that it is impossible to counteract "real world" conditions. For instance, you can plant potatoes on the best day of the month astrologically, but will probably not get many potatoes if you've planted in November rather than April in Northern climes. By the same token, you may get a great deal on a house, but if the house has plumbing problems, you'll still have to deal with them. And yes, plumbing (or electrical, or foundation) problems can be seen in the chart of when you first look at a house, as well as when you close escrow.
So a marriage chart is actually an Inceptional chart, in that a marriage is the inception of the contract of partnership. Thus it shows the past, present, and future of the individuals, as well as the composite unit. That's why it's important to find a time that is very compatible with the charts of both, and is compatible within itself. This is a specialized branch of Astrology, but crucial in the social-emotional realm of applying our craft.
If you know astrology, here are a few pointers to consider. In any marriage chart it is good to make sure that the two or three primary natal chart rulers of the two people getting married are in a harmonious aspect with each other, and if possible, the mutual rulers of each person's marriage house (7th house). FYI, "love affairs" are ruled by the 5th house, not the 7th.
That's why even if one has a boyfriend or girlfriend for years but has never "married," then it cannot be counted as a 7th house activity. Contracts are governed by the 7th house, and marriage is a contract, both written and verbal.
The first marriage is ruled by the 7th house, as are all partnership circumstances throughout the life. The second marriage is ruled by the 9th house, the third marriage by the 11th house, and so on. This is the source of much confusion among amateur astrologers and novices at the craft, and the reason I ask people who come to me for a wedding date whether they've been married before or not. If I'm planning someone's second wedding, then their significator is the ruler of their 9th house and any planets in that house, and the 7th becomes more of a secondary generic influence.
Obviously there are many days where a marriage can be happy and last a long time. It sometimes depends on what time of day you're willing to do it, which is a consideration if one does not want to explain why the ceremony HAD to begin at 7:28 am or maybe 8:34 pm on any particular day. And yes, even an hour makes a difference. What is good at a specific point in time may not be good if begun an hour earlier or later, due to house rulership changes.
I'll close this brief examination of the subject with the thought that there are very few "perfect" times to get married due to the presence of difficult aspects happening frequently throughout the year. However, despite any difficult aspects, we may be able to create the most favorable relational ideal if the foundations of affection, respect and heart-centered Love allow the Higher Self of each to come forth.
These are superior to any external condition or influence that we confront in relationships. We always have the power to choose to grow in Love and Wisdom despite the challenges we confront. We may not be able to control some events. We may not be able to control the responses of others. But we can always choose to see and live the Higher Way, since we are in fact, Spirits in the material world.
© Copyright 2011, 2016 Robert Wilkinson