by Robert Wilkinson
Thanks to a friend of the site, I found a fantastic article, complete with pictures! It shows us 5 ancient ruins that ALL predate what straight history tells us about human civilization. Check these out!
I first posted this three years ago, but it’s intriguing enough to do a re-run. In this great article courtesy of RiseEarth called 5 Mysterious Ruins that Predate Known Civilization you’ll find a 25,000 year old Bosnian pyramid, 11,000 year old Turkish stone megaliths, the famous 12,000-19,000 year old stone “Bimini Road,” and 9,000 year old underwater structures off Japan and at the bottom of the Sea of Galilee. This brings to mind the the recent discovery of a pyramid on the Atlantic floor by a Portuguese sailor.
From the article:
Carbon dating shows the Bosnian Pyramid is 25,000 years old.Two Italian archaeologists, Dr. Ricarrdo Brett and Niccolo Bisconti, found a piece of organic material on the pyramid last year. They were able to carbon-date the material, and with it, the pyramid itself. This carbon dating places the pyramid 20,000 years before the Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations, believed to be some of the earliest in the world.
When the Bosnian Pyramid was first discovered in 2005, researchers could only measure the age of the topsoil covering the pyramid, which is about 12,000 years old.
As for the Turkish stone monoliths, “Gobekli Tepe in Turkey is made up of massive stone megaliths that predate Stonehenge by about 6,000 years. It is believed by archaeologist Klaus Schmidt that this is the oldest human place of worship—at least 11,000 years old—built at a time when scientists say people hadn’t even developed agriculture.”
Regarding the Bimini Road, we read
Two camps of scientists have faced off on the issue of the underwater structure known as Bimini Road off the coast of the Bahamas since it was first discovered in 1968.One camp says it is a 12,000–19,000-year-old man-made structure—flouting the conventional understanding that advanced civilizations only emerged some 5,000 years ago.
… Donato explained in an email to the Epoch Times that the line of stones form a wall, known as a breakwater, built to protect a prehistoric settlement from waves. During their dives (documented by film and photographs), Donato and Little found the structure to be multi-tiered and to include prop stones they say must have been placed there by humans.
The duo have also said they found anchor stones with rope holes carved into them and at least one stone later analyzed at the University of Colorado, which was found to have tool marks, deliberate shaping, functional wear, and erosion features similar to steps.
Little wrote in a 2005 paper that a neutron activation analysis compared nearby shore stones to the Bimini Wall stones and showed the Bimini stones had fewer trace elements, suggesting they were formed elsewhere and transported to that location.
Of course the “skeptics” insist these are “natural formations,” and not human made. Oh well. I’ll simply note here to keep in mind that we have been told by ancient sources that the last island of Atlantis, called Poseidonis, was wracked by earthquakes and sunk in the Atlantic around 9,564 BC.
That’s about 12,000 years ago, which coincidentally is the age of the topsoil of the Bosnian pyramid, the age of the Turkish stone megaliths, and the latest that the Bimini Road could have been constructed. Our current notion of ancient history and culture is crumbling by the year. One might think that humanity really did come from somewhere, and that all the established “ancient structures” were built by someone.
I mean really, who built Troy? How did they know how to build a structure that would last 9,000 years? Who did they learn from? It’s strange to me why historians don’t want to accept there may have been other people in other lands who were also master builders. The human race is a lot older than we give it credit for....
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson
I so wish they'd return like an Uber to my place and take me to their star!!!
Posted by: chickie | January 25, 2017 at 01:22 AM
I totally agree with you. Humanity is much older than what officially accepted. Every so often humanity's origin and activities take a jump back in time as they are recognised by updates in science, regardless of "some effort or interest" not to accept the facts.
The cave paintings in Spain, France, etc, are over 25.000 years old. Some have paintings that match the constellations at the time they were done, and yet, that is not acknowledge as a site of knowledge and worship? Yes, there is more to our past than what "main stream" Academics is willing to accept.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | January 25, 2017 at 09:45 AM