by Robert Wilkinson
Time for another look at an important topic I cover in my new book “Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend.” This week we have a little from Chapter 6 about what to expect when Saturn conjuncts our Ascendant.
... When Saturn visits our Ascendant, we take a more serious look at who we think we are, what we believe we know about ourselves, who we have become, and those things we are yet to do.Saturn conjunct the Ascendant is a time when we grow up, become more serious than we used to be, or at least more "matter of fact." We accept obligations more readily, which is why we have to get clear about what is and is not ours to do. Our self-image matures as a function of long term experience.
Saturn visiting the Ascendant often accompanies a new learning rigor, and a sense that "we're not a kid anymore." Often we may feel or seem to be older than we were before then. We definitely feel our age under a Saturn transit, as well as a sense of the seriousness of life, and eliminate everything we’re struggling with which is more trouble than it’s worth. It's a time when we realize we are not as we used to be.
The choices we make when Saturn visits our Ascendant bring new ways of being in relationships, including our relationship with the ego-self and the Higher Self, as well as the world. When Saturn visits the Ascendant, we know something is complete, and are ready to use the wisdom-experience we’ve accumulated in the past in new ways.
The Ascendant represents our specialized unique purpose of Being. It distinguishes us from everyone else born on our birthday, and shows the qualities we share with all others who have a similar Ascendant. It is our self-referencing self-awareness, our window on inner and outer reality. Since nothing clarifies things better than Saturn, when Saturn is near or on the Ascendant, we awaken to a whole new self-awareness and the realization that a part of our old self-image has left forever. When we know we are not as we were, then we can rise to the occasion of becoming a more effective expression of our unique role to play in the world.
This book takes an entirely new look at our inner Saturn and the power it gives us to take command of our lives and destiny. If Saturn represents all that limits us and holds us back, it’s only because we must master those lessons so we may become spiritual adults and fulfill our purpose for being alive on Earth. By knowing our Saturnian strengths, we can overcome fear and any sense of victimization or powerlessness.
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and gives the reader the power to understand why some things happened when they did. Throughout the book, it offers ways for us to “make friends” with this part of our existence and take command of our destiny. As you read each chapter, you’ll become more aware of all the factors assisting Soul growth through understanding how our Saturn lessons relate to Dharma (our Highest Spiritual Function) and various types of karma, both those we cause and those which are "Sacred Wounds" leading us to a greater compassion and understanding.
And as you've just sampled, we explore the concept of Saturn representing our Ring-Pass-Not, or that part of us which is limited while we learn certain lessons related to our understanding of who we are and why we can or cannot do certain things. As our Saturn expands its understanding and wisdom, then our Ring-Pass-Not expands so we can find purpose and meaning in each chapter of life. It is the secret to our power to guide our own evolution as we become conscious of the meaning of why we are on Earth.
The second part of the book examines how Saturn cycles mark major points of choice and change throughout life, and what we can expect when Saturn makes conjunctions, squares, and oppositions to our planets and Ascendant. There are tables assisting the reader to know when Saturn was in each sign, so even those with little or no understanding of astrology can track the timing on their major life changes. There is an entire chapter dedicated to the Saturn Return, perhaps the most important times in life when our decisions profoundly shape our future.
Part two closes with a chapter on one of the most crucial factors in our personal unfoldment: how the progressed Moon and transiting Saturn cycles track each other throughout life and relate to our emotional growth, and a chapter on a global phenomenon happening since 2003 impacting everyone on Earth. The Epilogue offers a few insights about living “the spiritual life,” and opens dimensions of higher and broader possibilities of personal evolution, regardless of which path to Truth we may be on.
This is a book you will reference many times for many reasons, and each time you pick it up you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight on each page. This book can help you throw off all the attitudes and memories which have held you back from finding and living the life and purpose you’ve been searching for since you were young. Welcome to the journey of self-discovery, and finding your power to live your life on your own terms, fulfilling your reason for being alive as an Eternal having human experiences!
Please order your copy today! You can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page and order your copy of either the paperback or the ebook. It's also available as an ebook on B&N's Nook. I’ve been told that people who live overseas can get their copy much faster by going through Amazon. And if you would, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the bigger the boost on their site.
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson