by Robert Wilkinson
This stabilizing, harmonizing, productive Mystic Rectangle Lunar Eclipse at 23 Aquarius-Leo will help us use the creativity and “launching power” of the New Moon and find masterful ways to express ourselves with grace, elegance, balanced form, and grand style!
An Overview
This is a particular dynamic Full Moon. It is an Eclipse that creates a Mystic Rectangle involving the opposition of the Lights configured with the Jupiter opposition Uranus, creating two sextiles and two trines harmonizing the “Tension of Opposites” in the atmosphere. (A Mystic Rectangle is created by the presence of at least one Light and one Transpersonal planet. Without these two factors it would be simply a Rectangle.)
A Rectangle allows us multiple realizations leading to productivity and harmonized understanding. It shows an ability to make progress despite opposing trends or energies. Our Eclipse Mystic Rectangle, besides having these qualities, provides both Illumination and significant Form of a greater social awareness and effectiveness releasing creative expression interacting with the oppositional awareness and tension of the Aries-Libra axis driven by the expansive Jupiter in the balanced sign of Libra and the volatile revolutionary “break through and break out” energy of Uranus in Aries.
When we add Saturn in Sagittarius, we have a Grand Fire Trine with a powerful Air trine, creating 5 points of a 6 pointed Star “Merkaba” pattern. This will be extraordinarily beneficial for furthering, stabilizing, and/or accomplishing whatever was launched at the last New Moon. The 6 Pointed Star has been the eternal symbol of the linking of "the Above and the below" in our existence, the "Upper Triad" grounded in matter via the "lower triad."
The void in Gemini shows we will all achieve a creative and natural harmonic resonance with more perfect forms of self-expression in the areas of life where we have Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. As the 5 points involve Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus, you can see it bridges the worldly and the spiritual, so there will be powerful spiritual energies able to be grounded in new forms of living and doing our Being.
This “5 note Cosmic Chord” will also stimulate many other points besides those in the last 10 degrees of the Fire and Air signs listed above. Due to specialized harmonic resonant points, those with planets around 8-15 degrees of the Fire and Air signs will also find gifts and unique circumstances, as will those with planets around 4-10 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
All of these powerful harmonizing, productive, and specializing energies will be focused and released through the very dynamic Cardinal T-square now created by Jupiter opposing Uranus and squaring Pluto, re-activating the long wave chaotic Uranus square Pluto we’ve been dealing with for 7 years. I offer more about the specific ways this square manifests in a later article in this series, since it has been in play for many years. Coupled with the Mystic Rectangle, we have tremendous building force in the Fire and Air signs expressed through the sign of Cancer.
T-squares are very powerful integrators, since the Tension of Opposites created by the opposition in Aries-Libra is focused and released through the driver at the apex, in this case Pluto in Capricorn. This particular T-square is an “accelerator” requiring optimism, balance, and the willingness to accept new ways to greet life experience. Jupiter is facilitating a grand mutation in each of us. Take note of any new heart strength you may be experiencing.
The void in Cancer can be seen as a) the problem, b) the solution, or c) both, depending on exact circumstances. Avoid defensiveness, touchiness, or clutching at the past, and move cautiously but boldly into a new vision, a new grounding, a new way of relating to those close to you, or a new way of caring for something that matters. Allow “new blood” to be assimilated, examine your expectancies and beliefs, and see the interdependence of all factors in whatever you’re looking at.
At a Full Moon, that which has opened since the previous New Moon surfaces in a public form, and heads toward the culmination and fruition symbolized by the second half of any cycle. First half, birth into form and field. Second half, culmination and completion of the purpose of that cycle.
That’s why it’s important to regard the New and Full Moon charts as “God’s Footprints in Time,” since one follows the other in an unending sequence of births of newer and newer seeds. The New Moons show us the seeds that will flourish under the reflected light of the Full Moon.
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. As noted, this particular Lunation has one other opposition that creates the Mystic Rectangle. This second Jupiter opposed Uranus is renewing “the tension of opposites” helping many to “break on through to the other side.” While that opposition will continue to be harmonized by Saturn in Sagittarius for many months to come, this Eclipse will help shut down all that blocks or obstructs that long wave harmonizing energy related to launching a vision.
This Lunation will help stabilize and expand our emotional-social personality integration, while opening our understanding to different forms of play. With the very strong Sun in Aquarius and Mercury exalted in Aquarius leading the Sun, see how to synthesize your ideas and views from the angle of your Higher Self. Be aware of the relationship between “the above and the below,” and see how embracing your spiritual Truth of Being can lead you to a greater contribution in your world.
Dispositors - What's the Backdrop to the Energies?
The Moon is in Leo, ruled by the Sun. The Sun is in Aquarius, making Saturn in Sagittarius its worldly ruler, and Uranus in Aries its spiritual ruler. Obviously this continues Saturn’s major influence behind the scenes, since it governs the backdrop to the Sun, Mercury, and Pluto.
That said, while it has been a major player in the larger governing “chain of dispositors” ruling the backdrop of all the planetary functions, in this Lunation Saturn is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter is ruled by Venus, and Venus is ruled by Mars in its home sign of Aries. That makes it the “final dispositor” for all the other planets except Neptune, the spiritual ruler of Pisces, in its home sign. So it too is the “final dispositor” in its own oceanic realm.
So for the first time in many months, we have no mutual receptions or chains of dispositors, and Mars pretty much is the final backdrop for all the other planets in the map. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to Astrology Class – What Is A Dispositor and What Is Mutual Reception Between Two Planets?
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon
This Full Moon falls at 23 Aquarius and Leo. It is said that the last third (decan) of any sign deals with the individual, mental, and spiritual levels of life, and as the Lunation is in the third decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Libra and Aries.
The Sun is the Light, while the Moon gives form to that Light. With the Sun in Aquarius, we are illuminated by seeing a greater good for a greater number, a collective ideal, or some group work that will outlive us. Aquarius takes the personal power of Capricorn and offers it to a better future and better world.
The Moon in Leo shows the Light of Aquarius will take form through the Leo qualities of natural creative self-expression with a flair for dramatics. Leo is the sign of the heart, and that means it is associated with whatever we wholeheartedly embrace with enthusiasm. Where’s your heart at? This Eclipse will take away all that your heart is no longer holding on to, with the void being filled by new experiences and new enthusiasms. The Law of Magnetic Attraction will be on full display during the next 4 months this Eclipse is in force.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.
The Solar degree symbol for the 23rd degree of Aquarius is “A big bear sitting down and waving all its paws.” In the original notes from the Marc Jones class on the symbols, Rudhyar says this degree is one of "Need to build an adequate vehicle for cosmic power,” “performance beyond native endowment,” and “a striving for balance.”
In the Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree is about “the self-discipline which results from an intelligent development of individual faculties under proper training.” He offers this symbol is about “proper training” and our need to understand that “no training is really successful unless it leads to the realization of the value and power of self-discipline.”
He continues that “God or the Soul is the trainer” in many situations, and that we can strengthen our character and understanding as we learn to overcome emotional heaviness. He states “we can learn to discipline our natural impulses and to use them for a more-than-personal purpose,” thus fulfilling a quality of any true Spiritual discipleship. He says this degree fall in the Span of Perspective, Act of Capitalization, and Scene of Contribution on the Social-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of our “absolute mastery of (our) own lower nature,” and our ability to achieve “high personal fulfillment.” He tells us “there are illimitable channels through which (we) may further each separate phase of (our) self-discovery, “ but we must demonstrate the worth of our gifts before we can participate in a greater life.
With this degree, our “Soul find itself through the excellencies it makes the very fabric of itself.” He offers us the keyword APTITUDE, and states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree "is a consistent desire for genuinely significant experience and a willingness to dramatize the self’s potentials to any necessary extent.”
The Lunar degree symbol for the 23rd degree of Leo is "A bareback rider.” In the original Jones class notes from “The Astrology of Personality,” Rudhyar says this is a degree of "the supremacy given to the (person) who has mastered (their) senses and (their) emotions,” “full utilization of inner powers,” and “audacity.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree symbolizes "the audacity and perseverance required to control and play with the powerful energies of the vital realm in human existence.” He says the horse “represents the magnificent, raw, impetuous energy” of the animal nature, and with training can be put to higher service. He offers there are people who “have dominated their natural energies so well that they can perform spectacular feats,” where the “achievements are seen within the context of a social function and expressing a flair for dramatics.”
He states that here “the ego is in control” and in putting on a show it serves a purpose in stirring the imagination and raising “the mind above the commonplace” through “virtuosity.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Interpretation, Act of Stabilization, and Scene of Release on the Social-Cultural level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this is a degree of our “mastery of (our) immediate world of experience,” and our “ability to capitalize on any special function of life” which concerns us. He continues with “there are illimitable opportunities for the human spirit to dramatize its personal achievement or individual aspiration, and to do this is the way of most effective self-refinement if only it is pursued assiduously and valiantly enough.”
He offers the keyword AUDACITY. He states that when operating positively, the degree is "uncompromising courage in the everyday business of living and a carefree assurance in meeting the problems of a modern society.”
TransPluto, Divine Mother, Neptune, and the Polarization in the Collective Atmosphere
In the Full Moon charts of 2009-2012, Neptune was in a very close opposition to TransPluto, the planet symbolizing Divine Mother Energy. That’s a major factor in why things became so polarized during those years, teaching humanity compassion and the need for Viveka, or Divine Discrimination. This has offered all of us opportunities to join together in the Great Mother and realize our interrelatedness on a feeling level with All-That-Is.The energies of Divine Mother will only grow stronger throughout this century, and these will be demonstrated each time the planets make significant aspects to TransPluto. In this chart TransPluto is still at 2 Virgo, giving us another experience of the 2nd step in our entry into this new Virgo era where Divine Mother takes center stage and shows us the long term future of humanity. As it is still conjunct the North Node, we are all being pulled toward a greater liberation from ego, a greater compassion, or a redemption we’ve wanted for a long time.
We are now revisiting the lessons of the last times it occupied 2 Virgo. The first time we went through this “liberating ordeal” was between October 2014 and mid-January 2015, at which time it retrograded back to 1 Virgo. It re-entered 2 Virgo in early September 2015, and stayed at that degree until February 2016, when it retrograded back to 1 Virgo.
In mid-May it went stationary direct at 1 Virgo, and then re-entered 2 Virgo in early August 2016. It remains on this second degree of Virgo until the end of March 2017, when it again retrogrades back to 1 Virgo. As you can see, we’ll be dealing with themes related to 1 and 2 Virgo for a long time to come.
So we again re-visit the themes of 2 Virgo, where the Divine Redeemer is giving us ways to demonstrate a higher and broader level of discernment through accepting experiences that liberate us so that “compassion and understanding” may come forth. Give up all that suppresses your compassion and spiritual understanding, and you will find both inner strength and invisible help in the future.
In terms of the larger Era, we’ve now ended the TransPluto (Percephone, Parvati) in Leo era that we knew from September 20, 1935 through July 4, 2014. The transition period where this planet danced at the last degree of Leo and first two degrees of Virgo began October 2011 and ended July 2014.
On July 4, 2014, TransPluto left Leo for many centuries, and entered into Virgo for the next century. Because 2 Virgo symbolizes “a liberating ordeal” and the planet occupying that degree symbolizes Divine Mother energy, I would think that would mean we all will be tested to allow compassion and understanding to come forth as humanity stands at the crossroads of time.
Of some importance is that Saturn squared TransPluto from December 2014 through June 2015, and again in late September and October 2015. That severely tested our ability to be far sighted, compassionate, and discerning in seeing the larger redemptive possibilities of this time in history. However, the first two months of 2016 Saturn made a waxing biseptile to TransPluto, showing that time was a huge turning point in finding responsible, future oriented truth teaching ways to demonstrate this “Divine Mother energy.”
Mars biseptiled TransPluto the last 4 days of August and first 5 days of September, triggering previous Saturn in Sagittarius biseptiles to that planet involving lessons of huge “crisis of compassion and connectedness” for humanity. This activated the forming direct biseptile of Saturn to TransPluto of Jan-Feb 2016, the Saturn retrograde biseptile of May-June 2016, and heralded and activated energy that being structured in the final Saturn biseptile to TransPluto between mid-October and mid-November which gave us major shifts and “liberating ordeals.”
Saturn has now moved past its tredecile to TransPluto between late November through early January 2017. This began a long wave sequence of serendipitous relationship pulses between these two important planets. The first tredecile was made when Saturn went stationary retrograde in March 2016. This activated when Mars made its tredecile to TransPluto from September 5-14.
The tredecile is an aspect of “serendipity,” and indicates some very unique and specialized interactive gifts. That means the earlier tredecile between Saturn and TransPluto set up what’s happened in recent weeks, when Saturn made the tredecile again in November and December 2016. This sequence will be resolved this Summer when Saturn goes SD at 22 Sagittarius, creating a “hot spot” tredecile that will be activated by future transits.
Also, when Jupiter conjuncted TransPluto in August 2015 for the first time in Virgo, it began a new 12 year cycle of how these “Divine Mother energies” will manifest. It also began a new long wave era, since Jupiter will conjunct TransPluto in Virgo every 12 years until the 22nd century!
To finish this brief section, Venus also went stationary retrograde exactly conjunct TransPluto in late July 2015, setting up Venusian manifestations of Divine Mother that will show each and every time 1 Virgo is transited. That means the Venusian Divine Mother promise of late July 2015 was expanded, or set into motion somehow, by Jupiter's transit of 1 Virgo in mid-August 2015, and then took expression due to Mars’ transit of that degree in late September, and found “beauty of form” when Venus transited it in early October 2015.
Those two conjunctions have dominated the Virgo landscape in our charts since then, and were given new value, new power, and new understanding with the inner planet transits over those early degrees between late July and late August 2016. The Mars-Jupiter cycle set into motion in October 2015 in mid-Virgo will continue through their next conjunction in mid-Scorpio January 2018.
So we’ve officially entered a different Spiritual Era that will last through July 2107, when it leaves Virgo for good and re-enters Libra for the first time in many centuries, also after a few years of dancing on the cusp of Virgo and Libra. I offered you a bit more about this vast spiritual energy field in Astrology in the Age of Aquarius - Transpluto, a.k.a Divine Mother, Parvati, and Percephone.
Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend
Because Saturn disposits the Sun in this Eclipse, it’s the backdrop to the Light as we go through endings and beginning these next 4 months. It’s on a degree of finding a new dedication, and becoming the standard bearer for a collective effort. It’s structuring the future already in the making. Because Saturn is such a powerful force right now, if you haven’t already gotten your copy, please consider getting your copy of my new book “Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend.”
This book takes an entirely new look at our inner Saturn and the power it gives us to take command of our lives and destiny. If Saturn represents all that limits us and holds us back, it’s only because we must master those lessons so we may become spiritual adults and fulfill our purpose for being alive on Earth. By knowing our Saturnian strengths, we can overcome fear and any sense of victimization or powerlessness.
It was written for both astrologers and non-astrologers, and gives the reader the power to understand why some things happened when they did. Throughout the book, it offers ways for us to “make friends” with this part of our existence and take command of our destiny. As you read each chapter, you’ll become more aware of all the factors assisting Soul growth through understanding how our Saturn lessons relate to Dharma (our Highest Spiritual Function) and various types of karma, both those we cause and those which are "Sacred Wounds" leading us to a greater compassion and understanding.
And as you've just sampled, we explore the concept of Saturn representing our Ring-Pass-Not, or that part of us which is limited while we learn certain lessons related to our understanding of who we are and why we can or cannot do certain things. As our Saturn expands its understanding and wisdom, then our Ring-Pass-Not expands so we can find purpose and meaning in each chapter of life. It is the secret to our power to guide our own evolution as we become conscious of the meaning of why we are on Earth.
The second part of the book examines how Saturn cycles mark major points of choice and change throughout life, and what we can expect when Saturn makes conjunctions, squares, and oppositions to our planets and Ascendant. There are tables assisting the reader to know when Saturn was in each sign, so even those with little or no understanding of astrology can track the timing on their major life changes. There is an entire chapter dedicated to the Saturn Return, perhaps the most important times in life when our decisions profoundly shape our future.
Part two closes with a chapter on one of the most crucial factors in our personal unfoldment: how the progressed Moon and transiting Saturn cycles track each other throughout life and relate to our emotional growth, and a chapter on a global phenomenon happening since 2003 impacting everyone on Earth. The Epilogue offers a few insights about living “the spiritual life,” and opens dimensions of higher and broader possibilities of personal evolution, regardless of which path to Truth we may be on.
This is a book you will reference many times for many reasons, and each time you pick it up you’re sure to find undiscovered gems of insight on each page. This book can help you throw off all the attitudes and memories which have held you back from finding and living the life and purpose you’ve been searching for since you were young. Welcome to the journey of self-discovery, and finding your power to live your life on your own terms, fulfilling your reason for being alive as an Eternal having human experiences!
Please order your copy today! You can go to the Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend page and order your copy of either the paperback or the ebook. It's also available as an ebook on B&N's Nook. I’ve been told that people who live overseas can get their copy much faster by going through Amazon. And if you would, please write a review on the Amazon site, since the more reviews, the bigger the boost on their site.
See you soon with part 4, covering aspects, planetary sequencing, and other important factors in this Full Moon!
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you Robert for the huge effort on gathering and explaining so clearly all this information. It is truly appreciated.
Ready for part 4!
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | February 10, 2017 at 05:21 AM
Thanks much information and flow to absorb.
That the void is in Gemini and the announcement from two sets of high profile parents are expecting twins...
life is full of chinstrap moments these days...
Posted by: sue | February 10, 2017 at 09:09 AM
Thank you Robert. My natal Saturn is conjuncting the lunar degree in my 10th house. Recently I have a better understanding of the challenges I have been through related Saturn, 10th house lessons. So I assume this will be a threshold for this new understanding to be realized.
Posted by: Seren | February 10, 2017 at 11:32 AM