by Robert Wilkinson
Now that we’ve explored what the North and South Node of the Moon are and how they manifest, today we examine ways to apply their energies in our charts. While not listing all possible combinations, by applying the examples offered here you can change the keywords for the signs and houses appropriate to your chart and come to a whole new approach to these very important significators of growth, change, and release in our chart.
As I noted yesterday, the sign of the North Node shows the quality of your line of greatest evolutionary development; the sign of the South Node shows the quality of your line of least resistance. North Node efforts are often difficult, whereas the South Node patterns are familiar, and therefore usually easy. One is in-take, one is out-flow, and we are told that both assist the mechanics of our personal line of greatest evolutionary development.
In a birth chart, the signs of the Nodes show the quality of the polarity you’re learning how to balance between absorption and release, effort and “cruise-control.” You build through the sign of the NN, let go through the sign of the SN.
For example, if you have NN in Pisces/SN in Virgo, you’re learning to be compassionate this life, letting go of criticism and worry. It’s harder to be intuitive, but will yield great dividends to the degree you develop it; it’s easy to get focused on minute details, rationalizations, and there is a natural pull to be of service to others in practical ways.
Another example: If you have a North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus, it’s easy to go for what’s comfortable, more difficult to develop the ability to go deeply into things. With this position, development is found through seeing losses as opportunities to learn recycling, regeneration, probing and detecting unknown things. It’s also good for exploring things hidden below the surface, whether of the Earth or the personality.
A simple way to view it is if Taurus is gain and Scorpio is loss, then with NN in Scorpio and SN in Taurus you learn more from your losses than your gains. It’s easier to accumulate, whether ideas, things, or whatever; it’s harder, but better for your development, to learn to let go, voluntarily and proactively, of whatever you need to release. Learning to “hold the void” assures that this position attracts exact what is perfect for it at the right time. In this case, having things is less important than learning about the principles of magnetic attraction and repulsion.
The house of the North Node shows the life activities where you will grow in the way of the sign. The house of the South Node shows life affairs where you will probably find yourself doing what you already know but may not feel like you're making much progress. It could also be where you demonstrate what you have grown into, or where you're bogged down by too much repetitive familiarity.
For example, if you have NN in the 4th house and SN in the 10th, it’s easier to be public and more challenging to be obscure. It is easier to focus on profession, less so to focus on family. And of course, growth and development this life will be found in learning about family, home, land, early home life, all 4th house affairs.
South Node in the 10th makes it easy to take responsibility, but better growth comes from learning about caring for self and others. Reversing this, I have found people with SN in the 4th are often bogged down by family affairs, issues, and concerns that prevent them from growing and developing, which would be found in professional responsibilities and taking charge in worldly affairs if NN is in the 10th.
If the NN is in the 8th house, and SN in the 2nd, it works much like having the NN in Scorpio and SN in Taurus. However, if NN is in the 2nd and SN is in the 8th, then it’s more like NN in Taurus and SN in Scorpio, except that the signs are the qualities with which we approach the affairs of the houses in question. The signs are our biases; the houses are the arenas of life where we do our sign expression.
So someone with NN in Scorpio in the 2nd/SN in Taurus in the 8th would learn by seeing the ever-transforming nature of accumulations while letting go of inert forms. This position would benefit through shared values and resources and seeing changing social values as a magnetic dance of attraction-repulsion, while being easy and pleasant when called upon to let go of old forms, things, money, etc.
NN in the 2nd definitely shows growth through attracting what is needed to support and establish our self image; in Scorpio, through focus and concentration and releasing old forms while holding on to the essence. Someone with this position would make a great “dowser,” finding water, oil, or gold within the Earth. And yes, there would be losses, but only of that which is no longer true or needed. Let go of comfort, and embrace the mystery.
In another example, SN in Virgo in the 2nd, NN in Pisces in the 8th, would indicate someone who worries too much about money, or gets too focused on the minutia of what they do and don’t have, and has to develop the faith that as they learn to “let go, let God,” they will attract just what they need. As Pisces is the last sign, it may come at “the last minute,” but it will come. The trick for this position is not to get locked into too narrow a view about resources.
The Transiting Nodes
Where the Nodal axis is transiting in the chart, it works like it would natally, except it moves backwards through the houses of your chart. Therefore, it exerts a direct house influence for approximately 18 months as well as for some time after, since we get many eclipses in that span of time.
The transiting Nodes in a sign show the same general development/release axis of energies for everyone on Earth. However, they fall in specific houses determined by where we have those signs in our charts. So right now, since the NN is in Leo, and SN is in Aquarius, we’re all learning about those sign energies, but in different life areas, depending on our rising sign.
One may be learning how to grow in Leo ways in values (transiting NN in the 2nd house), while another is learning nobility and/or creativity in speech, view, or mindset (3rd house), while yet another is learning through a more loving or creative sense of service (6th house). Some may be releasing old ideals of group work in their philosophy (SN in Aquarius in the 9th), or an old motive related to ideals of friendship, if the Aquarius SN is transiting their 12th. There are infinite possibilities, based in the qualities of the signs.
I believe it reveals its mystery every time the transiting Moon makes aspects to the transiting Nodes, as well as when the transiting Nodal axis makes aspects to our natal or progressed Moon. Wherever the axis is transiting in our charts is where we are growing and releasing, being pulled to demonstrate that growth pattern across time.
Much about our life development can be seen by studying the past transits of the Nodes through our various houses and quadrants in our chart. In one example, when the NN is transiting the 9th through the 4th, we grow in the realm of others, and release old elements of self, or use our growth process to demonstrate what we’ve learned in various realms of “self” (3rd through 10th.) Of course it works the other way as well, as we build “self” when the transiting NN is between the 3rd and 10th in our charts, and release/demonstrate our growth in the realm of others (9th through 4th.)
The Nodes may not be planets, but they provide a means to embrace a line of growth that ultimately will prove profitable to you, while seeing what is natural and easy for you to show your world of what you have developed. The North Node is what you’re here to take in; the South Node what you’re here to demonstrate and release. Let your imagination show you how you're developing by sign, in whichever life arena (house) is emphasized.
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson
A very practical explanation, thanks.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | June 29, 2017 at 07:07 AM