by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, Jupiter’s been blowing down the doors of perception for quite a while, with each generation finding an expanded awareness, or an expanded illusion!
As I told you in part 1, this entire train of thought was inspired by a Spiritual Brother in a FB group who asked about Jupiter in Libra, and I referenced it conjuncting my Neptune, which of course has been happening to everyone born between 1942 and 1957. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and during those years it expanded the collective awareness of the generation with Neptune in Libra. That got me to thinking…..
It’s safe to say everyone on Earth has Neptune in Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, or Pisces. For quick reference:
Neptune in Leo: 9-12/1914, 7/1915-3/1916, 5/1916-9/1928, 2-7/1929.
Neptune in Virgo: 9/1929-2/1929, 7/1929-10/1942, 4-8/1943
Neptune in Libra: 10/1942-4/1943, 8/1943-12/1955, 3-10/1956, 6-8/1957
Neptune in Scorpio: 12/1955-3/1956, 10/1956-6/1957, 8/1957-11/1970
Neptune in Sagittarius: 11/1970-1/1984, 6-11/1984
Neptune in Capricorn: 1-6/1984, 11/1984-1/1998, 8-11/1998
Neptune in Aquarius: 1-8/1998, 11/1998-4/2011, 8/2011-2/2012
Neptune in Pisces: 4-8/2011, 2/2012-3/2025, 10/2025-1/2026
Obviously Neptune is in the early degrees of a sign at the front end of these periods, it occupies the vast middle of the signs during most of the time it’s in the heart of the long periods in each sign, and occupies the final degrees of the signs during the end of these periods. Of course, if your birth month and year falls near the times during which it could be in one sign or the next one, whether preceding or succeeding, then you’ll need a more precise calculation.
This means since Jupiter entered Leo in August 2002, Jupiter has conjuncted the Neptune of every generation born between the 1920s and the late 1950s at least twice, and by late this year through late 2018 it will have conjuncted the Neptune in Scorpio group. Again, for quick reference:
First Pass this Century of Jupiter from Leo to Scorpio
Jupiter in first decan of Leo: 8-9/2002, 2-5/2003
Jupiter in second decan of Leo: 9/2002-2/2003, 5-7/2003
Jupiter in third decan of Leo: 7-8/2003
Jupiter in first decan of Virgo: 8-10/2003, 4-5/2004
Jupiter in second decan of Virgo: 10/2003-4/2004, 5-8/2004
Jupiter in third decan of Virgo: 8-9/2004
Jupiter in first decan of Libra: 9-11/2004, 5-6/2005
Jupiter in second decan of Libra: 11/2004-5/2005
Jupiter in third decan of Libra: 9-10/2005
Jupiter in first decan of Scorpio: 10-12/2005, 6-7/2006
Jupiter in second decan of Scorpio: 12/2005-6/2006, 8-10/2006
Jupiter in third decan of Scorpio: 10-11/2006
Second Pass this Century of Jupiter from Leo to Scorpio
Jupiter in first decan of Leo: 7-8/2014
Jupiter in second decan of Leo: 8-10/2014, 1-6/2015
Jupiter in third decan of Leo: 10/2014-1/2015, 6-8/2015
Jupiter in first decan of Virgo: 8-9/2015, 4-5/2004
Jupiter in second decan of Virgo: 9-11/2015, 2-7/2016
Jupiter in third decan of Virgo: 12/2015-2/2016, 7-9/2016
Jupiter in first decan of Libra: 9-10/2016, 5-6/2005
Jupiter in second decan of Libra: 11-12/2016, 3-8/2017
Jupiter in third decan of Libra: 12/2016-3/2017, 8-10/2017
Jupiter in first decan of Scorpio: 10-11/2017,
Jupiter in second decan of Scorpio: 11/2017-1/2018, 4-9/2018
Jupiter in third decan of Scorpio: 1-4/2018, 9-11/2018.
Jupiter makes an entire transit through all the signs every 11.5 years (approximately). That doesn’t mean it always spends about a year in each sign, since when it hits perihelion (closest point in its orbit around the Sun) it moves a LOT faster than it does when it’s at apehelion (furthest point in its orbit around the Sun.) That means it moves a lot faster in Pisces and Aries than it does in Virgo and Libra.
By way of illustration, between Jan 2009-10, it spent about 13 months in Aquarius, but between Jan 2010-11 it spent only about 9 months total in Pisces. Between Jun 2010-11 it spent 8 months in Aries, and between June 2011-12 it spent about 12.5 months in Taurus. Since then it spent about 12.5 months in Gemini, 12.5 months in Cancer, about 13 months in Leo, 13 in Virgo, and about 13 in Libra. It will spend about 13 months in Scorpio, 12.5 in Sagittarius, and 12.5 in Capricorn between October 2017 and December 2020.
This means that some Neptune positions get a quick pass of Jupiter, while others could experience the expansive energies for a year or more! As you can see, in recent years it’s been hanging out over a year in each sign, and its influence “expanding Neptune” lasts the entire year it’s in a given sign.
I explain this in my book “Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend.” Before a major planet conjunction, we feel like something is impending. When the exact conjunction is made, we feel like we’re in the beginning, middle, and end of something, whether we know what’s beginning or ending or not. Then after a conjunction is made, even though “it’s over,” it’s really NOT “over,” since a transit of an outer planet over any of the planets in our charts is a long term, life changing period that lasts for months or even years after the exact transit.
So everyone over the age of 60 has been experiencing Jupiter conjunct their Neptune the past 3 years, and all under the age of 60 will be experiencing Jupiter conjunct their Neptune over the next 5 years! This is a very important transit, since Neptune represents the collective consciousness we’re born into, as well as those generational ideals and fashions.
Jupiter expands, blesses, and spreads the word far and wide; when it crosses Neptune, we get in touch with collective consciousness in ways that open our imagination to potentially wider roles and a freer attitude within our generational ideals. While Jupiter on our Neptune could lead to delusions and even frustrations if our ideals are not realizable, it could also teach us a greater way to BE our greatest ideals, as well as open doors for us to teach greater ideals to others.
So for those over 60, look back to see how your connection to collective consciousness has been boosted, liberated, learned, or taught these past few years! And if you’re between 47 and 60, your turn is coming over the next two years, so get ready for a bigger view, wider ideals, and greater life adventures within your generational purpose as shown by the sign of your Neptune. If you’re in your 20s, 30s, or early 40s, your time is coming a few years from now.
By studying the qualities of the sign of your Neptune, you can learn a lot about how your sub-generation fits into the larger time stream of the progress of the collective consciousness through each sign. As Jupiter conjuncts your Neptune, you can see and embrace a greater life adventure, so make the most of it!
Copyright © 2017 Robert Wilkinson
"it could also teach us a greater way to BE our greatest ideals, as well as open doors for us to teach greater ideals to others."
I think this holds true for everyone regardless of age, even though at some age groups this opportunity might be "closer" or more available than what it is to other age groups. The quote holds universal value and timely application.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | July 26, 2017 at 03:41 AM
The creation of chaos
and the cremation of Care
A porn-fed population evolving who-knows-where?
Posted by: sue | July 27, 2017 at 08:09 AM