by Robert Wilkinson
Today we take a new look at the astrological signs of the Sun and Moon of the 50 United States. If you've wondered why certain places seem to have a specific quality, these positions may help you make sense of why certain states appeal to you or turn you off or seem to have the qualities they do. Every country, state, city and village in the world has its own astrological character, so no matter where we are, we can benefit by knowing the chart of the place we're at.
I last gave this to you in 2015. I’ve rewritten some of it and am republishing it since I’ve heard many wonder about where to move, and it’s useful to know the astrology of the state you are thinking about moving to. The chart of a state or city is a primary influence on our chart when we’re there. (Some use astrocartography to select where to move, but I don’t use it because after studying it for years, I believe it to be fundamentally flawed in several ways.)
Besides these charts for the states, I also use geodetic equivalents when doing these sorts of consultations, since everywhere on Earth has an Ascendant and Midheaven, and all governmental entities represent another chart imposed on the geodetic chart. When we see how our chart superimposes on the chart of a place, and vice versa, we can get a real sense of how anywhere will impact our chart and life.
The birth chart of any legal entity is to be found in its incorporation date, or when it was founded by charter or declaration. That is when the entity formally began to exist. For a state in the US, its birth chart is when it was accepted into the Union and agreed to be part of our Federal Constitutional Republic.
There are some schools of thought that posit several charts for any nation based in significant events in the history of that nation. While I accept that a nation’s chart can be different than the sign attributed to “the people” of that nation, I also believe that a nation can only have one chart at a time for its current “form of government.” And when there’s a dispute about which of several charts to accept, I believe that the only way we can find “the true chart” of a nation is by doing statistical runs on significant points correlating to nationally significant events and seeing which chart works most often.
The original 13 colonies that founded the nation are calculated from when they ratified the Constitution, the supreme Law of our land. I would think we could use the same standard for Canada, Australia, Germany, or any other country with states that had to ratify their national governing document.
The chart of a political entity is usually calculated for noon, since it elevates the Sun and supposedly symbolizes how that entity will "shine its light-life" in our world of nations. For individuals, though noon charts are often used, I have found it better to use a sunrise, or "Solar" chart, when the birth time is not known.
There are different opinions about whether Solar or Noon charts are more accurate, or if they're both equally valid to use for delineation. I have always used sunrise charts for individuals, since that supposedly "begins" the day, and holds the promise of that day in its patterns. That said, I use noon charts for political entities.
Why Are the Sun and Moon of a State Important?
The Sun is the basic Light/Life showing what a Being IS, how that Being is illuminated, and how they illuminate others. It represents the central integrity of the "solar system" of a Being’s life, where the other planets represent various elements of that Life. For a state, the Sun symbolizes the basic nature of the state. It is how it “shines its Light” out into the world.
The Moon, on the other hand, symbolizes the people of the state, the feeling experience people have about that state. If the Sun is what it IS, the Moon is how that "Is-ness" is packaged. The difference between the Sun sign and Moon sign of a person or place is why many times, who we are seems different than the way others experience us. That’s also why a place, whether a town, state, or nation may not seem to conform to its Sun sign.
Besides the Sun and Moon signs, I’ve also included the planetary ruler of the Sun sign, a.k.a. its "dispositor." The dispositor of the Sun sign is important because it exerts a major influence in how the energies of the Sun is expressed, like a shading or background tone to that energy expression.
For example, a Sun in Sagittarius state with Jupiter (its dispositor) in Libra will show a different Sagittarian light than one with Jupiter in Aquarius, where the Sun will show more an Aquarian background tone. Its national character, the people, are shown by the Moon. A Moon in Pisces state would have different kinds of people than a Moon in Virgo state.
These factors make a huge difference when we’re trying to figure out where to live. In the chart below listing the signs for the Sun, Moon, and Sun’s dispositor, you'll see that some Sun signs are over-represented, (7 each for Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn) while others don't occur at all, like Aries and Libra. 38 states are represented by only 6 signs.
I've always thought that seemed strange, but this world can be pretty strange indeed. At least with the states there would seem to be no confusion as to their "birth" sign, since it is determined by when they were accepted into the union. Of course, that raises the question as to whether some of them have a different sign if they were part of the Confederacy, since they left the union only to rejoin it several years later. That is an unresolved question about which sign actually rules certain states.
Another possible factor that could change these listings is that the states ratified the Constitution before their acceptance into the US, which may produce different results. And a curveball is that all charts are done for Washington DC (the Capitol city is where they were accepted into the US) even though early in our nation's history Philadelphia and New York were the national Capitols before DC.
Hopefully, by understanding 3 primary qualities of each of the states, we can understand what that state is about, and it may serve those who are considering a move somewhere in the US. For mundane purposes, we don't use Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto for sign rulership, but confine rulers to the seven "sacred" planets that have ruled the signs since antiquity.
So here are the signs for when each state was accepted into the United States, set for DC at noon. As an aside, most of them have an Ascendant square to the Sun sign, but not in all cases. I left out the state of Confusion, since we all live there from time to time. ;) Enjoy!
The Sun and Moon Signs for the 50 United States
State---------Sun-----Moon-----Ruler of Sun and its sign
Alabama - Sagittarius--Scorpio--Jupiter in Aquarius
Alaska - Capricorn--Libra--Saturn in Sagittarius
Arizona - Aquarius--Capricorn--Saturn in Taurus
Arkansas - Gemini--Cancer--Mercury in Cancer retrograde
California - Virgo--Scorpio--Mercury in Libra
Colorado - Leo--Capricorn--Sun in Leo
Connecticut - Capricorn--Aquarius--Saturn in Aquarius
Delaware - Sagittarius--Scorpio--Jupiter in Gemini retrograde
Florida - Pisces--Capricorn--Jupiter in Aries
Georgia - Capricorn--Scorpio--Saturn in Aquarius
Hawaii - Leo--Aries--Sun in Leo
Idaho - Cancer--Capricorn--Moon in Capricorn
Illinois - Sagittarius--Aquarius--Jupiter in Capricorn
Indiana - Sagittarius--Virgo--Jupiter in Scorpio
Iowa - Capricorn--Taurus--Saturn in Aquarius
Kansas - Aquarius--Virgo--Saturn in Virgo retrograde
Kentucky - Gemini--Libra--Mercury in Taurus
Louisiana - Taurus--Sagittarius--Venus in Gemini
Maine - Pisces--Aries--Jupiter in Pisces
Maryland - Taurus--Aquarius--Venus in Gemini
Massachusetts - Aquarius--Aquarius--Saturn in Aquarius
Michigan - Aquarius--Libra--Saturn in Scorpio
Minnesota - Taurus--Aries--Venus in Gemini
Mississippi - Sagittarius--Capricorn--Jupiter in Sagittarius
Missouri - Leo--Capricorn--Sun in Leo
Montana - Scorpio--Taurus--Mars in Virgo
Nebraska - Pisces--Capricorn--Jupiter in Aquarius
Nevada - Scorpio--Scorpio--Mars in Gemini retrograde
New Hampshire - Cancer--Aquarius--Moon in Aquarius
New Jersey - Sagittarius--Aries--Jupiter in Gemini retrograde
New Mexico - Capricorn--Leo--Saturn in Taurus retrograde
New York - Leo--Taurus--Sun in Leo
North Carolina - Scorpio--Capricorn--Mars in Leo
North Dakota - Scorpio--Pisces--Mars in Virgo
Ohio - Pisces--Gemini--Jupiter in Libra retrograde
Oklahoma - Scorpio--Aries--Mars in Aquarius
Oregon - Aquarius--Cancer--Saturn in Leo retrograde
Pennsylvania - Sagittarius--Capricorn--Jupiter in Gemini retrograde
Rhode Island - Gemini--Sagittarius--Mercury in Cancer
South Carolina - Gemini--Capricorn--Mercury in Taurus
South Dakota - Scorpio--Pisces--Mars in Virgo
Tennessee - Gemini--Aries--Mercury in Cancer
Texas - Capricorn--Capricorn--Saturn in Aquarius
Utah - Capricorn--Virgo--Saturn in Scorpio
Vermont - Pisces--Pisces--Jupiter in Virgo retrograde
Virginia - Cancer--Pisces--Moon in Pisces
Washington - Scorpio--Cancer--Mars in Libra
West Virginia - Gemini--Leo--Mercury in Gemini retrograde
Wisconsin - Gemini--Aries--Mercury in Gemini
Wyoming - Cancer--Taurus--Moon in Taurus
The tally: Sun-Moon-Sign of Sun's Ruler
Aries - 0-7-1
Taurus - 3-4-5
Gemini - 7-1-9
Cancer - 4-3-3
Leo - 4-2-6
Virgo - 1-3-5
Libra - 0-3-3
Scorpio - 7-5-3
Sagittarius - 7-2-2
Capricorn - 7-11-2
Aquarius - 5-5-9
Pisces - 5-4-2
This indicates that Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn all dominate the Sun signs, and the rulers of these Suns show Gemini and Aquarius in preponderance, with Taurus, Leo, and Virgo also strong. Aries and Capricorn are the Moon signs of over 1/3 of the states. So while some Sun signs spread the influence into Aquarius, the Moon brings Aries to the forefront. Thus 9 signs are strong in the above indicators, with only Cancer, Libra, and Pisces not very strong. Interesting.
As always with things of this nature, if any of you history afficionados want to offer alternative historical dates, please feel free to do so in this comment stream.
All information is taken from Horoscopes of the U.S. States and Cities by Carolyn Dodson.
© Copyright 2017Robert Wilkinson