by Robert Wilkinson
This retrograde between 12 Virgo and 29 Leo gives us a look back at significant transits that have occurred in that span of degrees. We have several strong associations with the past during this retrograde. Today we weave the threads of 46 years into a picture!
We’ve had several other Mercury retrograde periods that fell close to the span of this one. That implies those periods, and the months after they occurred, will have at least a few qualities that are similar to the one we’re going through at this time.
I’ll note that in researching this, it’s interesting that we have similar retrogrades about 7 years apart, with some variations once in a while. Mercury retrograded from 11 Virgo back to 28 Leo in August 1971. That is the closest to the current one I could find. Then we had the Mercury retrograde of August 1984, which began at 14 Virgo but only made it back to 1 Virgo. Close by degree, but it didn’t RX back into Leo, and important consideration.
In August 1991, it retrograded from 6 Virgo back to 24 Leo, and in August 2004, from 9 Virgo back to 26 Leo. As you can see, by decan and closeness, we’re going to experience the early Autumn of 1971 in a new way. (As that was when I began to study astrology in earnest, I’m intrigued at what I’m thinking about during this retrograde!) And yet, it seems that we’ll also be re-experiencing, re-thinking, reconnecting with, or getting a new look at the Autumns of 1991 and 2004.
Remember those times. Remember what your experience of the Autumns of 1971, 1984, 1991, and 2004 gave you, and what memories you have of those times. This may be the time to review and revise your understanding of those times, or see how they are strangely parallel to now.
There are other ways this time of “looking back” will connect you to the distant past. We begin with Jupiter, which moved between 29 Leo and 12 Virgo between late August 2003 and October 2003, and again late March through late June 2004. Whatever opened during those times will be subject to coming up in a new if roundabout way during this retrograde.
During that time in 2003 we had two major events, with Sun conjunct Jupiter at 29 Leo in August 2003, and Mercury going stationary direct at 13 Virgo in September. That means in some way the coming Mercury stationary direct conjunct Mars at 29 Leo will activate something of the promise Jupiter opened in the Summer of 2003, while the entire retrograde theme revisits the platform our minds launched from that Autumn.
(As an aside, it’s clear that the current Solar Eclipse will be directly related to the promise of the period between August 2003-August 2004 since it is the same degree as the Sun conjunction with Jupiter. It will either shut down things set into motion then, or renew something in a new form once the current forms of 29 Leo are shut down, creating a void for new 29 Leo forms to be made manifest.)
Saturn then came along and transited 29 Leo through 12 Virgo between late August 2007 and early September 2008. That crystallized certain parts of what Jupiter had opened in 2003-2004. And this retrograde period is giving us a new look at 2007-2008 so we can come to a new understanding or new way of seeing our experiences from that time.
Life is a continuum. By occasionally taking a look back, we may be able to see the threads connecting the past with the present, and catch glimpses of the future. That’s what retrogrades are good for.
Copyright © 2017 Robert Wilkinson
I don't know about Mercury retrograde - I personally never really notice anything. But I DO know that Gemini energy can be very difficult to deal with. I have Asc, Venus & Mars in Gemini and it's a very high-strung vibe. When I'm in a romantic relationship, I'm always worried about it. Ugh. Robert, if you have any tips beyond my zen practices please do pass them on.
Thanks for your incredible wisdom!
Posted by: Diana | August 29, 2017 at 06:21 AM
Thanks for the masterful review. Incredibly helpful as an old way of life ends and a new one begins. I have a new personal mantra: What would Love do?
Posted by: Jo Garceau | August 29, 2017 at 11:40 AM
Great article, and what a trip through memory lane. Aug 2003 I had just gotten into a new cirle of friends after moving and met someone who I instantly fell in love with, but was afraid to take a chance. I found out too late he felt as strongly about me and thought I rejected him. I have regretted it all these years to this day. Looks like that day Venus was also in that degree.
In both Aug 2003 and Aug 2007 I was employed in jobs that were just waypoints between significant periods of my career, and the next step opportunities opened up two months later in October (in both cases.)
Venus takes her turn at 29Leo on Sep 18 just after Mercury's second conj to Mars. Does that mean anything?
Posted by: bomega | September 02, 2017 at 01:14 AM
@Jo Garceau: I've adopted your mantra as of today. Seriously, thanks for sharing. It has brought me back several times just today.
Posted by: bomega | September 05, 2017 at 03:21 PM