by Robert Wilkinson
On August 2-3, Uranus went stationary retrograde at 29 Aries. On August 25, Saturn will go stationary direct at 22 Sagittarius. Both of these events would be huge if taken separately; the trine they’ve been making since November 2016 has been and continues to be a harmonizing and stabilizing factor, helping us all integrate the new and innovative with the established structure of our life wherever the trine falls.
Uranus represents our eternal ability in the NOW to individualize our lives and consciousness. It is the Divine Revolutionizer within us that is directly connected with Spirit. It shows us how to live in a truly free way, not reacting to the world’s inertia, but instead moving into the eternal unknown adventure where we are forever free to explore, discover, and revolutionize our lives and consciousness.
Saturn, on the other hand, symbolizes the universal binding force in Nature, the “Ring Pass Not” of Dharma that permits all things if they serve Dharma and no thing if it does not serve Dharma. Saturn is our “skin of personality,” the boundaries of what we are able to master, found through the ten thousand things that temporarily enslave us through various types of mental, emotional, or material inertia.
Uranus is the Higher Law, Saturn is the worldly law. Uranus helps us break free, break out, and break through the binding force Saturn represents. Saturn helps us give structure through discipline to our eternal discoveries along our Path to Truth. In one esoteric system, Saturn is Divine Understanding, whereas Uranus is Divine Wisdom. Both serve each other in the Great Work each of us is here to do. I discuss the dance Saturn and Uranus do in our lives to bring us to spiritual adulthood fully living our individuality and higher purpose in my book "Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend," where you can find more about this process.
Uranus now begins to re-trace ground it’s covered since it last went direct in December 2016 at 21 Aries. Since then, we’ve explored how to individualize in the span of experience from 21-29 Aries. Now that it’s retrograde, we will take a new look at what Uranus awakened in us the first time in the Summer of 2016 when it went SRX at 25 Aries. That was the threshold of promises to be redeemed when Uranus again transited 25 Aries.
That promise was activated in March 2017 when Uranus transited 25 Aries again, en route to its SRX point at 29 Aries. Now it has begun to retrograde back through its “shadow zone,” giving us a second look at the Uranian developments set into motion in April. This will last through December 2017, when it again goes SD, again at 25 Aries, launching the third transit through its 2017 shadow zone until it enters Taurus in May 2018.
Since last December, we’ve learned how to generate and demonstrate power, were challenged to awaken to a new optimism, carry through whatever we began to completion, and received concentrated doses of spiritual energy. We again glimpsed a promise to be redeemed once we shaped our mind into a receptive container for spiritual fulfillment, and then had to move more cautiously in our awakened realm.
May awakened our imagination so we could re-claim "an opportunity we thought we had lost,” and then we got a new enlightened view on an old idea. Fearlessness was awakened, and we adjusted to further productivity. Since late June, we’ve had non-stop opportunities to find our place in the “Cosmic Choir,” and listen to the inner voice so we could see a vaster perspective on our individuality in the Infinity and Eternity of Life itself. The possibility of a form of "At-One-Ment" opened to us all, as well as "an understanding of the harmonics of the greater Life order and meaning" presenting itself.
Uranus is still at 29 Aries, retrograde and on the way to its review the span of degrees between 29 back to 25 Aries. 25 Aries fulfills the emotional-social and cultural face of the Scene of Potency, while 26-30 is about the individual-mental and spiritual face of the sign. So we can expect from August through November to be a time when individual, mental, and spiritual activities will help us awaken and focus our potential in ways that revolutionize our lives, liberate us, and get us ready for the spiritual individuality that will predominate the rest of 2017 through May 2018, as well as November 2018 through March 2019.
In December Uranus finishes its retrograde at 25 Aries, where it goes direct and continues to occupy that degree through January. The Summer of 2016 awakened the promise, 2017 has moved us into the promise, and now we re-trace the steps back to the promise before moving forward into the promise at the beginning of 2018.
In part 2 we’ll discuss Saturn going stationary direct, and how it will impact all of us in coming months, along with the dance that Saturn and Uranus are doing at this time.
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson