by Robert Wilkinson
On August 25, Saturn went stationary direct at 22 Sagittarius. As I told you in part 1, the trine between Saturn and Uranus in play since November 2016 has been beneficial in stabilizing a new Light, a new Life, a new inspiration, and a new way of blending the old with the new, as well as ways to innovate life structures so they allow for more freedom and individuality.
Saturn has now resumed its forward motion, and will re-trace ground it covered since it went stationary retrograde in early April 2017 at 28 Sagittarius. To recap what I gave you in a recent article on Saturn going stationary direct, since then, we’ve been challenged to see the enduring elements in our lives, find a way to coordinate our affairs through using intelligence and understanding to see what’s permanent and what we’re dedicated to. We found something we cared about, grew in many imaginative ways, conserved what needed conserving, found blessings for being true to ourselves, and opened new worlds and lives if we risked the lesser self for a greater one.
From the last week of July through the last week of September, Saturn occupies its stationary direct degree at 22 Sagittarius. We now launch from this platform of knowing “who speaks our language,” what “ancestral behaviors” we still claim as our own, and ideally have found an “easy poise” as we prepare to move forward yet again a third time through these late Sagittarius degrees. When it goes direct, we will take a new look at past lessons Saturn showed us since April, with an eye to demonstrating maturity, organization, and patience in taking command of our life trajectory.
Saturn will be in its 2017 “shadow zone” until it again moves across 28 Sagittarius the last week of November, after which it begins its movement through the final degrees of Sagittarius until it enters Capricorn on December 19-20. For now, we stand on the threshold of a third experience of the span from 22 to 28 Sagittarius, which includes the social, emotional, and cultural span, as well as the individual, mental, and spiritual span of the last half of Sagittarius.
The current station at 22 Sagittarius is the platform from which we will launch our final transit of Saturn through Sagittarius for many years to come. This is the beginning of the end of the Saturn in Sagittarius era, and the trine to Uranus is extraordinary in blending the innovative with the established, the unique with the traditional. As these two planets are in Fire signs, keep the fires burning bright, and light up the areas of your life in the planets where these are transiting in your chart.
The best part of this entire period is that even when Saturn moves into Capricorn in the early part of 2018, by late January they will be a very powerful tredecile, and aspect of serendipity that is interactive, highly specializing, and very beneficial! This tredecile will persist until Saturn goes retrograde at 10 Capricorn in April, and begins to make another trine to Uranus when that planet enters Taurus in mid-May 2018. Then we’ll have another Saturn trine Uranus, but from the Earth signs of Capricorn to Taurus, which will last until November 2018!
Anyway, for now enjoy the lightness and brightness of the Fire trine. We’ve recently had Mercury and the Sun make their Grand Fire Trines, are now moving through Mars making its Grand Fire Trine, and will continue to have this very beneficial energy through September, when Venus makes her Grand Fire Trine. This is truly “a Summer of Love,” and over time many will look back on this Summer with true felt appreciation for the courageous Light of the Radiant Heart that was awakened in each and all of us.
So continue to find your “tribe” and those you can feel at ease with because they understand you through the end of September. Then prepare, since you’re in transition as you “await entrance into a new country” through the first 10 days of October. Reorient, have courage, and you could find a great happiness in the third and fourth weeks of October. Many things will feel very different in the second half of October than the first half, and by the end of October we should all be anticipating enjoyable experiences to come.
Rededicate yourself to what you believe in during the first half of November, be willing to put forth a greater effort, and then demonstrate your uniqueness in how you shape and manifest your vision to your world. By early December Saturn will have moved out of its shadow zone, and will be rapidly finishing up our Sagittarius lessons as taught by Saturn.
For now, we’ll close with something I offered you yesterday. Saturn symbolizes the universal binding force in Nature, the “Ring Pass Not” of Dharma. Dharma is our “true function,” that overarching Truth of Self that permits all things if they serve Dharma and no thing if it does not serve Dharma. Saturn is our “skin of personality,” the boundaries of what we are able to master, found through the ten thousand things that temporarily enslave us through various types of mental, emotional, or material inertia.
Uranus is the Higher Law, Saturn is the worldly law. Uranus helps us break free, break out, and break through the binding force Saturn represents. Saturn helps us give structure through discipline to our eternal discoveries along our Path to Truth. In one esoteric system, Saturn is Divine Understanding, whereas Uranus is Divine Wisdom. Both serve each other in the Great Work each of us is here to do.
As I mentioned before, my book addresses these important evolutionary issues we all deal with throughout our lives. It explores how Saturn relates to Dharma, the “Ring Pass Not,” and various types of Karma, and how we can make friends with our inner Saturn to claim our spiritual individuality. The second part of the work examines the important changes we go through as Saturn conjuncts, squares, and opposes all the planets in our charts as it moves through the houses throughout our lives.
For now, take a look back at what you first encountered in January, February, and March, and see how the review of April through now has helped you get ready for the adventure promised once Saturn is direct in motion. This is the Cosmic Timekeeper about to reverse course again and get back on the move, so it’s also time for us to move!
Here's the main article on Saturn SD: Saturn Stationary Direct at 22 Sagittarius
See you soon with part 3!
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson
Great two posts Robert, thank you.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | August 31, 2017 at 11:56 AM