by Robert Wilkinson
Each Epoch defines “God” in a new way. While it’s normal for previous teachings to become distorted while new teachings are adopted, in fact each stage of human evolution adds to the sum total of what we know about “All That Is.”
I like to post this from time to time, since it contains a vast wisdom in just a few words. It’s from "Agni Yoga," an amazing work written over 80 years ago by Helena Roerich, wife of the legendary Nicholas Roerich, the first artist ever nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, among other notable achievements. In our transitional era, it gives hope for the future, clues to the eternal, and offers perspective on inclusivity as paramount to finding Truth.
"Each era chooses its corresponding Teaching. At such hour, all former Teachings assume a quite distorted image. Humanity itself seeks to adopt the most twisted perversions of the reverence of its forefathers. But each phase of the Teaching does not exclude the preceding one. Little attention is paid to this fact, as the priests of every Teaching build their welfare by a denial of the previous Teachings.But it is easy to prove the continuity of that which people call religion. In this incessancy is sensed the one stream of the very same energy. Calling it psychic energy, we speak of the same Sophia of the Hellenic world or Sarasvati of the Hindus. The Holy Ghost of the Christians manifests signs of psychic energy, just as the creative Adonai of Israel, and Mitra, full of solar power. Certainly, no one doubts that the fire of Zoroaster is the fire of space which you study." (#416)
Belief systems pervade every part of our lives, from politics to religion to economics to health to media to the human condition itself. And there is a religion of politics, economics, health, and the rest. While many seek dominance through asserting points of view that exclude more than they include, any real manifestation of Truth will demonstrate the opposite quality, i.e., inclusivity.
Though twisted or perverted understandings may create momentary errors on the personality level, the higher Truth of the evolutionary process will manifest despite the distortions. The trick is to stay focused, and not mistake individual or collective madness for any reality we should buy into.
I once read that each sub-race of each Root Race brings forth its concept of “God,” and from the angle of the eternal, contributes that facet of Truth to an ever-evolving concept of “God.” As evolution is eternal (since even an absolute sense of Oneness still evolves as a function of direct experience on whatever level), then how we view God, or “All-That-Is,” evolves through absorbing and assimilating every new “Truth of God,” becoming a greater view of God than existed before.
This infinite set of realizations about God across space and time contributes to a greater human awareness of what God is. We never have to fear seeing a greater God than we did before. As lesser forms of understanding God fall away, replaced by more inclusive view of the infinite power, love, wisdom, and intelligence that God manifests in infinite ways, we will directly experience that “Way to God.”
The journey from truth to Truth is eternal. Look for evidence of continuity in developing awareness, and you will find that the principle of inclusivity is paramount. In this is the way beyond fear.
"Look fear in the face, and it will cease to trouble you." - Sri Yukteswar
For more by Helena Roerich, here’s a piece from the work “Brotherhood”
Agni Yoga - Helena and Nicholas Roerich, Brotherhood, Thought-forms, Bees and other things
Here’s another piece from “Brotherhood,”
Brotherhood, Agni Yoga, and Courage As the Light of Truth
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson
Great post Robert, thank you.
"The journey from truth to Truth is eternal. Look for evidence of continuity in developing awareness, and you will find that the principle of inclusivity is paramount. In this is the way beyond fear."
So true. As humanity we need to move into an inclusive consciousness (in all fields).
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | August 28, 2017 at 03:45 AM
Ur timing is impeccable!!! Just returned from my hometown...some experiences brought fear up close and very personal..tears are the only option..for now that is......thanks Boss!!
Posted by: Chickie | August 28, 2017 at 08:46 PM