by Robert Wilkinson
So far we’ve taken a look at the long wave cycles of evolution and the various conjunctions, squares, and oppositions of the interplanetary cycles of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and TransPluto. Today we take a look at Jupiter cycles with each of these.
As Jupiter conjuncts the planets outside its orbit, it ends some of those pulses, while expanding new ones. Jupiter opens the doors through imagination and the glimpsing of greater truths about whatever it conjuncts, but it also closes out old pulses which have no truth to be applied, or which have outlived their motivational place in the transpersonal atmosphere or the collective structure. As Jupiter has an approximate 12 year cycle, it makes a lot of conjunctions with the planets outside its orbit.
This is how the collective transpersonal redemptive pulse takes flight in expansive ways, and offers compassionate redemptive protective and merciful energies globally. This ends old conceptions of “Divine Mother Energy,” and opens newer, vaster ones.
Jupiter conjuncted TransPluto in 1979, exact at 18 Leo, again in 1991, exact at 23 Leo, again in 2003 at 27 Leo, and again in 2015 at 1 Virgo, ushering in a new quality of our understanding of “God the Mother.” As we’re still in that cycle, we haven’t had any squares yet. The first one to the conjunction degree will be in late 2018, with the first transit to transit square coming just after then from 3 Sagittarius to 3 Virgo.
This is how the collective transpersonal transformative pulse expands as a purifying or corrosive force. This cycle allows us to learn about the underworld, and/or come up out of the underworld. This can lead to an expansion of spiritual power in ways that others can understand.
Jupiter conjuncted Pluto in 1981, exact at 25 Libra, again in 1994, exact at 29 Scorpio, and again in 2007, exact at 29 Sagittarius, which is the one we’re in right now. They will again conjunct in 2020, exact at 23 and 25 Capricorn. (Please note that this is also when and where Saturn conjuncts Pluto!) Big cluster ending and beginning a huge cycle!
As we discussed, the square and opposition points to these conjunction degree points will happen before transiting Jupiter squares and opposes transiting Pluto. In this cycle we’re in, Jupiter squared the 2007 conjunction point at 29 Sagittarius from 29 Pisces in 2010-11, but Jupiter didn’t make a transit to transit square to Pluto until 2011 from 8 Aries to 8 Capricorn.
Jupiter opposed the conjunction point in June 2013, but transiting Jupiter didn’t oppose transiting Pluto until August 2013 through April 2014 from 10, 13, and 14 Cancer to Capricorn. Jupiter made a waning square to the conjunction point at 29 Virgo in September 2016, but the transiting waning square didn’t happen until November 2016 through August 2017 from 16, 18, and 20 Libra to Capricorn.
This is how the collective transpersonal unifying field opens to new possibilities, visions, and truths. This cycle is about collective hopes, delusions, promises, and belief systems, and opens “what’s popular” to wider perspectives and paths to the future while shutting down old collective belief systems and what is no longer popular.
Jupiter conjuncted Neptune in 1984, exact at 1 Capricorn, again in 1997, exact at 28 Capricorn, and again in 2009, exact at 25 and 27 Aquarius. That’s the one we’re in right now. Jupiter squared the 2009 conjunction points in May 2012, while the transit to transit square happened in June 2012 from 4 Gemini to Pisces.
Jupiter opposed the conjunction point July 2015, while the transit opposition happened Sept 2015 from 8 Virgo to 8 Pisces. Jupiter will make a waning square to the conjunction degree in Oct 2018, but the transit to transit square won’t happen until 2019 from 15, 17, and 19 Sagittarius to Pisces.
This is how the collective transpersonal individualizing and awakening force takes shape as new ideas, new truths, and new approaches to a broader, wider freedom for all. These are ideas that help society break away from old beliefs and embrace newer, more unique attitudes. This cycle is about radical new movements and ideas that help others individualize.
Jupiter conjuncted Uranus in 1983, exact at 6, 8, and 9 Sagittarius, again in 1997, exact at 6 Aquarius, and again in 2010-11, exact at 28 and 29 Pisces, and 1 Aries. That’s the cycle we’re in right now. It made the waxing square to the conjunction points in June 2013, but didn’t make a transit to transit square until August 2013 through April 2014, exact from 11, 13 , and 14 Cancer to Aries.
Jupiter opposed the conjunction point in Aug-Sept 2016, while the transit to transit opposition occurred between Dec 2016 and Oct 2017 from 21, 23, and 28 Libra to Aries. It will make the waning square to the conjunction degree in Nov-Dec 2019, while the transit to transit square will be early 2021 from Aquarius to Taurus.
This is one of the most famous cycles of all, since these two have a 20 year cycle, which has proven significant in all sorts of larger social, financial, and national cycles as well. There have been correlations involving everything from stock market fluctuations to presidential assassination, and since we usually have at least two of these conjunctions in a normal life span, these hot spots are a valuable clue to our social and cultural outreach.
This cycle is about the opening and closure of rules, structures, and duties. Whether the closing of old duties upon finding newer truths and possibilities, or the opening of new duties based on closing old attitudes and visions, these conjunctions, squares, and oppositions loom large in our life pulses!
Jupiter conjuncted Saturn in Feb 1961, exact at 26 Capricorn, again in Dec 1980 through July 1981, exact at 5, 9, and 10 Libra, and again in 2000, exact at 23 Taurus, which is the one we’re in now. Jupiter made the waxing square to the 23 Taurus conjunction point in July 2003, but didn’t make the transit to transit square until Dec 2005 through Oct 2006 from 10, 11, and 24 Scorpio to Leo.
Jupiter opposed the conjunction point in October 2006, while the transit to transit opposition occurred between May 2010 and March 2011 from 28 Pisces to Virgo, and 3 and 15 Aries to Libra. It made the waning square to the conjunction degree between April and Dec 2009, but didn’t make the transit to transit square until August 2015 from 29 Leo to Scorpio and again between March and May 2016 from 14 and 17 Virgo to Sag.
Interestingly, Jupiter has given us 2 major expansive pulses within the last conjunction with Saturn. It again transited 23 Taurus, the conjunction point, in May 2012, and will again oppose the conjunction point in Feb-Mar and October 2018. After that it conjuncts Saturn again at 1 Aquarius in Dec 2020, setting another long wave cycle into motion.In the next part, we’ll explore another approach to these long wave cycles affecting everyone on Earth.
Copyright © 2017 Robert Wilkinson