by Robert Wilkinson
Last week, I gave you an article about Mars in Virgo creating a special configuration that symbolizes the collective agitation and angst. We are now in the midst of it again, but this time instead of Mars triggering the configuration, it’s Venus activating this Cosmic gear grind!
As I told you then, there is a major frictional configuration at work this season. Jupiter opposition Uranus, with Jupiter sesquisquare Neptune and Uranus semisquare Neptune, is creating the frictional equivalent to the “opposition, sextile, trine” configuration most know about. Instead of the harmonizing and productive sextile and trine resolving the tensional awareness of the opposition, this configuration has a third planet semisquare and sesquisquare the opposition.
Octiles (8th harmonic aspects) are phases in the “whole cycle” that indicate friction, whether internal or external. These are “hard” phase shifts, instead of the relatively easy phase shifts of the 3rd, 5th, and 6th harmonic aspects. The opposition of Jupiter to Uranus is generating a lot of electrical tension, requiring an excellent sense of balance and perspective amidst the destabilizing disruptions.
Here Neptune is the disharmonic third planet making frictional aspects to the opposing planet. This means major disruption in the atmosphere! And the configuration generates a void in Virgo opposed to Neptune which also creates frictional aspects to the Jupiter-Uranus opposition, reversing the energies to a Virgo semisquare to Jupiter and sesquisquare to Aries, creating an interlocking Rhombus, or Diamond, geometric configuration. Thus my term for this configuration.
This year, the opposition was too wide when Sun opposed Neptune. The one generated by Mars last weekend had been preceded by Mercury, which is why it was so evident in global affairs. Now we have Venus transiting the Virgo void, triggering it for the last time.
So instead of the dry and hot Mercury and Mars generating temporary friction as a spur to action, now we have the usually pleasant and agreeable Venus. Of course, Venus in Virgo can be VERY fussy, so try to be diplomatic in the face of disagreeable people and interactions. Pay attention to details, but don’t play to needless worry, criticism, or nit-picking.
As I gave you a week ago, this is creating friction and putting pressure on any planets or angles we may have near 10-15 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, as well as 25-30 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. If you have a planet or angle near these spans, then you definitely have a simultaneous conjunction, semisquare, square, sesquisquare, and/or opposition happening!
A brief reminder of how these aspects work: All “Octile” series involve “hard angles” that spur us to action, whether we want to or not. Semisquares deal with personal inner crises, both public and private, while sesquisquares create friction, agitation, and irritation in our world that involves others. In my experience sesquisquares are not necessarily associated with times of crisis, but they do seem to be times of no rest and spurs to act that may be inconvenient and aggravating. They definitely aren’t calm!
The “Octile Rectangle,” actually a “Rhombus” or “Diamond” configuration, also has the doubled awareness of 2 oppositions, but rather than have doubled harmonious aspects, they have doubled frictional aspects. So rather than a smooth tacking into the wind to make progress (to use a sailing metaphor), the Octile aspects create frictional “headwinds and sidewinds,” where each tack may create a problem we MUST deal with, or even swing the boom around to hit us in the head!
With octile aspects, even small things that ordinarily wouldn’t be a problem become an annoyance. As you can see, with a pair of “Tensions of Opposites” at work, during these Octile Rhombus diamonds we have to really focus on keeping things as stable and harmonious as we can despite the frictional side winds.
The Tension of Opposites involves polarized oppositions and/or realizations involving Aries (Uranus) and Libra (Jupiter), and Pisces (Neptune) and Virgo (Venus). As noted, we have Venus now semisquare Jupiter, closing their old cycle, and sesquisquare Uranus, generating emergent interactive friction on a social level. We have the ongoing Uranus semisquare Neptune, showing the widespread collective crisis discussed in each Lunation article. This is now coming into acute focus by Jupiter making a very tight sesquisquare to Neptune.
The thing about this particular configuration is that Uranus semisquare Neptune will be operating for quite a while, anchoring any other planet coming into an octile series aspect with either of them. Jupiter right now is expanding the friction, therefore throwing many things into imbalance. Jupiter opposed Uranus is a test to keep on track, and not “explode sideways” in temporary but strong “psychic storms.”
Jupiter sesquisquare Neptune is agitating the collective fog, restoring perspective to some, while throwing others into a different rhythm of life. As Jupiter is still in the decan of “Expiation,” we ALL are “paying dues” in some way, wherever Jupiter is transiting in our charts. Any friction we’re experiencing now is a test to stay balanced, stay calm, keep things in perspective, and not yield to the collective edginess shown by Uranus semisquare Neptune. Have courage, and all will turn out perfectly in the end, even if the ride there was a bit bumpy at times!
Venus is challenging us to hang in there, don’t settle for lesser things when greater things are at stake, and be clear about what is in our best interests, as well as the generic fogs and illusions, and even gaslighting, that’s going on in the larger atmosphere. Beware of exaggerated or erratic people and situations, and find the right balance and perspective as you move cautiously through this last Jupiter opposed Uranus storm.
And to paraphrase something I gave you a week ago, now that Venus is completing the current frictional Rhombus diamond, continue to ride this out in good spirits, since Venus hopefully will bring its harmonizing influence to the Rhombus and by October 6 Jupiter will be past the sesquisquare to Neptune.
Just remember that the transits through late Libra will activate the opposition to Uranus and sesquisquare to Neptune, throwing the void anew into mid-Virgo. Whatever you’ve learned during the inner planet transits creating this Rhombus diamond will be valuable tools to use when they move through late Libra.
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson
Haven't noticed much except 6-day record heat wave (just ended) here in Chicago, and everyone getting change-of-season flu.
Posted by: Diana | September 28, 2017 at 04:21 PM
Thanks for this article! I appreciate learning about this aspect shape- I've never read much on it! I think I can identify this energy occurring currently!
Posted by: Eric | September 28, 2017 at 09:20 PM
Well then, I am glad there's an explanation. Job peeps have gone mad mad mad I tell you. Not getting sucked into all that is my goal. That's a negative intention, I know, and I need to rephrase into a positive. I feel like I am get setup to get sucked in. It takes constant vigilance it seems.
Posted by: caliban | September 30, 2017 at 01:39 PM