by Robert Wilkinson
Saturn is transiting the Galactic Center, and will make an exact conjunction with the GC around 4 pm PST Nov 24! This marks an incredibly important point in space-time for us all, and begins a restructuring of our global energy relative to the galaxy. Because we’ve already been experiencing it for a while, we’ve had plenty of time to do our dress rehearsals for embracing this new galactic understanding and discipline!
Given that this is truly an important point in our space-time reality, today we take a new look at the outer planet conjunctions to the Galactic Center. I last gave this to you 11+ years ago when Pluto was conjunct the GC in 2006-2008 (coincidentally when Jupiter was at 12 Scorpio, making it an entire Jupiter cycle since then!) Right now the CG is approximately 27 Sag 05, and has been on that Sabian Symbol since 2012, also an important point in human evolution, as we all went through a profound energetic adjustment, despite many not noticing.
The late degrees of Sagittarius, like all the other “faces” in the zodiac, have their unique quality in the “whole cycle.” They complete the promise, vision, and truth that expanded in Sag, preparing to take responsibility in Capricorn. As it is the Leo sector, it stabilizes and ennobles the Distributive Fire by Friction represented by Sagittarius. As it also has a Saturnine quality, now that Saturn has been in that last decan, we have experienced those qualities as well through 2017.
Back when I first wrote this, I read that the Galactic Center is said to be a major source of motivation, aspiration, and the "gravitational energy" in our Milky Way Galaxy. I have also read that it accompanies "otherworldly" feelings and galactic experiences, and it is reasonable to infer that any planetary contacts to the GC do resonate with Galactic energy. Still, I believe it only activates those who are consciously aligning with galactic thinking, feeling, and acting, no small feat! So I do believe that this conjunction of Saturn with the GC will have a huge influence on letting energies in, though each individual will respond to the degree they are aware of galactic (transpersonal-spiritual) perspectives.
We are told that the GC was at 26 Sag 52 in 2000, and working back through the centuries we find it at the following approximate points: 26 Sag 31 in 1975, 26 Sag 10 in 1950, 25 Sag 49 in 1925, 25 Sag 28 in 1900, 25 Sag 07 in 1875, 24 Sag 46 in 1850, 24 Sag 25 in 1825, 24 Sag 04 in 1800, 23 Sag 43 in 1775, 23 Sag 22 in 1750, 23 Sag 01 in 1725, and 22 Sag 40 in 1700. Going back a little further, the GC was 21 Sag 16 in 1600, and 19 Sag 52 in 1500.
A Little History of the GC
In researching the web, I found this:
In 1932, Karl Jansky, a Bell Telephone Laboratories engineer, was searching for the source of static affecting overseas telephone lines. To find the source he built the first 95 foot movable radio- telescope to detect it. Part of the static turned out to be created by the center of our Galaxy at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. Astronomers paid little attention to the discovery, but to the astrology of consciousness, this discovery should rank right up there with the discovery of Pluto in 1930.In the late 1960's, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. A huge Black Hole is thought to be at the center, about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.
Outer Planet Conjunctions with the GC the Past 300 Years
Before 2006-2008, Pluto was last on the GC between February-May 1758, December 1758-January 1759, and June-November 1759, at 24 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn January-February 1762 and June-December 1962.
Neptune was on the GC twice in this span. The first time was February-June 1817, December 1817-January 1818, and June-November 1818, at 25 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn February-June 1820, December 1820-January 1821, and July-November 1821. The more recent time was January-June 1982, November-December 1982, January 1983, and July-November 1983 at 27 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn most recently January-February 1984, May-June 1984, November-December 1984.
Uranus was on the GC 4 times in this span. The first time was February-May 1735, December 1735-January 1736, August-October 1736, at 24 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn January 1737-June 1737 and November-December 1737. The second time was February-June 1819 and November-December 1819 at 25 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn January 1821, June-July 1821, and October-November 1821.
The third time was February-May 1903 and December 1903 at 26 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn December 1904-January 1905 and July-October 1905. The most recent transit of Uranus over the Galactic Center was February-June 1987 and November-December 1987 at 27 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn February-May 1988 and December 1988.
Saturn Conjunctions with the GC the Past 300 Years
Saturn has been on the GC 10 times in this span, including 2 important conjunctions on the GC with Jupiter and 1 with Uranus. The first time Saturn was on the GC during this span was January 1723 during the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction setting a new 20 year cycle into motion on this important point, and later that year in August-October 1723 at 24 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn December 1723. The second time Saturn hit the GC was in 1752 between February-June and in November, also at 24 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn January 1753.
The third time Saturn was on the Galactic Center during this span was at another Jupiter-Saturn conjunction around April-May 1782. Jupiter was exactly on the GC that year in February, June, and October, while Saturn was exactly on the GC in December 1781 and August-September 1782. Saturn was at 1 Capricorn March-May 1782, and both Jupiter and Saturn were again at 1 Capricorn in November 1782.
The next time Saturn was on the GC was December 1840 at 25 Sagittarius, and it danced at 1 Capricorn in February, June, and November 1841. It again conjuncted the GC in 1870 in January-February, Jun-Jul, and October-November at 26 Sagittarius. That year it entered Capricorn December 1870. The next visit was brief, in December 1899 at 26 Sagittarius. It spent time at 1 Capricorn January, July, and October 1900.
Saturn again conjuncted the GC in January and July-October 1929 at 26 Sagittarius. It was at 1 Capricorn March-May 1929 and November 1929. It entered the GC degree of 27 Sagittarius in March-May 1958 and November-December 1958, and again in December 1987, January 1988, and August-September 1988. Saturn was at 1 Capricorn in January 1959 and August-October 1959, and February 1988, May-June 1988, and November 1988.
It was during this 1988 transit that it also conjuncted Uranus all year long, a very significant contact whose influence will last through May-June 2032, when they will again conjunct opposite the GC in Gemini. Any time the outer planets conjunct each other, it sets long-term cycles into motion that affect the entire world. With Saturn conjunct Uranus, I would think it has brought forth new forms and structures (Saturn) shaping the expression of larger forces of change that are individualizing each of us and all of us (Uranus).
The critical turning points in the larger cycle that began in 1988 when they conjuncted at the Galactic Center were at the lower square of Saturn to that point in March 1996, the opposition to the GC point in August 2002, November-December 2002, and April-May 2003. And the upper (waning) square the GC in September-October 2009 and May-June 2010. This was a significant time due to the accompanying Uranus waxing square the GC conjunction point at 27 Pisces between April-September 2009, February-April 2010, and October 2010-February 2011. January 2011 featured a significant Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 28 Pisces, also important in releasing energies symbolized by this cycle.
Saturn Structuring GC Energy Sprouted by Pluto 2006-08
We now are experiencing yet another Saturn transit over the GC. The first one was in February, March, April, and May 2017, during the time Saturn went SRX at 28 Sagittarius, the same degree as the current GC. So we actually began to be profoundly influenced by the Saturn-associated GC energies that were structured into humanity and the Earth as part of the larger energetic field.
Saturn structures whatever it touches, and compels our attention to mature in the face of necessities. While its yoke is heavy, those who willingly do what they must to become spiritual adults find they are more in line with their higher Destiny, don’t have nearly the number of bad experiences they used to have, and their hard-won understanding makes them able to be of service to the world. You can find ways to learn mastery over your life by consulting the appropriate chapters in my book, “Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend.”
This is the first transit of Saturn over the GC since Pluto was there 9-11 years ago. That means it will allow a structured growth of the galactic seeds Pluto planted and/or sprouted then. However, this involves a larger perspective.
Those “galactic seeds” were endowed with the energy of the outer planet conjuncts before that time. As Neptune conjuncted the GC in 1982-83, it means those energies were structured in a certain way by Saturn in 1988, and now have begun a new structure of expression at this time, since Pluto stimulated these Neptunian energies 2006-08.
It is the same for Uranus. It was on the GC 1987-88, and those awakening energies affected the seeds planting/sprouting in 2006-08. Now those energies will be restructured in new forms by Saturn, since it is the Saturn return for the Saturn/Uranus conjunction in 1987-88.
I’ll take a new look at the articles I did when Pluto conjuncted the Galactic Center, and if there’s good information there that is important to consider in this 2017 transit of Saturn over the GC, I’ll republish it with relevant changes. Until then, this closes whatever was set into motion in 1987-88, and opens a new era!
(And in an interesting coincidence, the Moon will be conjunct Saturn on the GC in just a few hours, and Mercury will go SRX at 30 Sag on Dec 3, so it too will be conjunct Saturn on the GC in the two weeks between Nov 24 and Dec 8. Lots of GC action promised at that time, with a powerful focus on Nov 27-28 and Dec 4!)
© Copyright 2017 Robert Wilkinson
Hi Robert, thanks for this very interesting information. It is also interesting that so little attention has been placed on this kind of events as they surely have effects on universal energies and hence our planet and ourselves. It is obvious we are all connected and that any chance or action has effects, more so when this happen at the centre of our Galaxy and by such important planets (energies/consciousness if you will) as Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | November 21, 2017 at 12:04 PM
I've been waiting my whole life for this:
"While its yoke is heavy, those who willingly do what they must to become spiritual adults find they are more in line with their higher Destiny, don’t have nearly the number of bad experiences they used to have, and their hard-won understanding makes them able to be of service to the world".
Thanks Robert, you are a true visionary........
From a member of the pluto conjunct Uranus in virgo "x-generation".
Posted by: Gameover | November 23, 2017 at 07:48 PM