by Robert Wilkinson
About a week ago, Venus made a semisquare to Saturn and square to Jupiter, triggering the ongoing Jupiter semisquare Saturn. It’s happening again over the next 5 days as the Sun and then Mercury semisquare Saturn and square Jupiter. What does this mean?
First, in general, the waxing semisquare between planets in Aquarius to Saturn in Capricorn and waxing square to Jupiter indicates a crucial emergent turning point in the 2018 yearly cycles of Jupiter and Saturn. So these octile series aspects are bringing some Jupiter in Scorpio and Saturn in Capricorn manifestations into the public eye.
This period is good for seeing a bigger picture and moving into a greater social effectiveness (Aquarius) based in emergent duties and obligations (Saturn) and/or greater adventures into inner and outer space (Jupiter), and turning corners on old extravagances or exaggerated ideas. We are learning to be detached, see the big picture, not get hung up on “being disappointed,” and finding our places of greatest service. Keep the initiative and momentum in your own hands, and find the right way to represent yourself to your world in the light of the new determination you’ve experienced since December.
As I’ve noted in recent Lunation articles, the waning Jupiter semisquare Saturn will be with us for a while, and is the “death blow” to their long wave cycle begun at their conjunction back in 2000. This gear grind symbolizing our need to make sure our values support our ambitions, and our truth supports our worldly roles, is triggered every time any planet moves through one of the 8 sectors triggering this octile energy.
These zones are around 4-9 Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, and Libra, as well as 19-24 Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio. Of special note, since these are 3 consecutive points making a frictional “chord” of discordancy, is the “Hammer of Thor” created around 4-9 Cancer. This will create a “nozzle” to Cancer that will express through Saturn. Saturn is showing us the limitlessness of our possibilities, but also the need to complete the old before fully embarking on the new.
Because of the Celestial Geometry at play in this configuration, it also creates two potential “Rhombus Diamonds.” These demonstrate as a “cutting, grinding, and polishing” effect in our lives wherever they fall. There is friction, because of the number of octile aspects made.
In this case, a Rhombus Diamond is created by planets or points simultaneous occupying the Cancer and Leo zones, as well as planets and points simultaneously occupying the Taurus and Cancer zones. If this affects you, you’re like a diamond being cut to perfection, even though there may be some grinding involved!
This configuration will be triggered for the last time this year when Mercury passes through the Aquarius zone just after the Sun completes its part in the play. So we entered through social Venus, now get to experience the Light of it, and will soon get the understanding of it, each in our own way and areas affected in our charts.
Remember too that the recent Lunar Eclipse is helping us eliminate and recycle many things that will benefit us down the road. Mars will be in favorable aspect to the last Lunation over the next week, so be a good juggler as you move into a more inspired way to do whatever you have to do.
That said, Mars will also sesquisquare Uranus over the next few days, setting an entirely different potential Rhombus Diamond into motion! Octile affected zones are around 8-13 Gemini, Virgo, Sag, and Pisces, and 23-28 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. The Rhombus Diamond will be formed by planets or points simultaneously occupying the Gemini and Libra zones.
Anyway, just a bit of the Cosmic Weather Report for this weekend into the middle of next week! We also have some extremely favorable and productive aspects, so whatever friction you’re going through, make the most of it, since many good things can be accomplished despite the friction.
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for the "week end" Cosmic weather report!
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | February 09, 2018 at 10:17 AM
Thanks,Robert. Helpful as always. Are you still doing readings? Sent you an email to schedule but I wasn't sure if you were accepting appointments.
Posted by: Terri Campbell | February 09, 2018 at 01:01 PM
Hi Terri - Yes, the work has been overwhelming. I'll be emailing you soon.
Posted by: Robert | February 09, 2018 at 04:00 PM