by Robert Wilkinson
As you know, “dispositors” are one of the most important factors in how any planet operates. They show us the backdrop to how the planets in the signs express themselves, and thus are an integral part of the celestial fabric patterns weaving time and experience at the intersections of Fate Street and Freewill Street as we navigate Eternity Boulevard.
To refresh your understanding, a dispositor is a planet which rules the sign another planet is in. In other words, if planet A rules the sign planet B is in, planet A has a major influence in how planet B expresses its energies. So what’s going on right now? Which energies dominate the celestial patterns in which we’re doing our Being?
For many years to come, Pluto will be in Capricorn, and therefore disposited by Saturn. Saturn’s sign therefore is very important in the backdrop to how Pluto expresses its energies. Neptune will be in Pisces, a planet it rules on a spiritual level, so it is its own dispositor, a “standalone” energy that dominates the collective consciousness.
Uranus in Aries is disposited by Mars until it moves into Taurus this May, when it will begin to be disposited by Venus. Depending on which sign it’s in, look to the signs of Mars or Venus to see the backdrop to how transpersonal awakenings will occur. Hint: as Mars will occupy a Saturn-ruled sign until mid-November, we WILL have to learn to respond as best we can to the evolutionary challenges presented to all of us wherever we have Capricorn and Aquarius in our charts. Any planets we have in those signs will also be subject to these evolutionary lessons.
The outer planets symbolize global transpersonal influences which work on a very broad planetary level. They are all outside the “Rings of Saturn,” the boundary marking the end of the visible world and the beginning of the visible world. For the next 2 years, Saturn will be in its home sign of Capricorn, ruler of that realm unto itself, and then move into Aquarius, another sign it rules. So Saturn will be its own dispositor through March 2023.
(And now, a word from our sponsor: Because Saturn will be a dominant force in the celestial landscape for the next 5 years, it’ll be useful for you to have a copy of Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend to reference, since as you make Saturn your friend, you’ll avoid the unfortunate traits of this planet, and learn to take command of your life, steering your destiny toward your higher purpose. Every time you read it you’ll get more out of the material, and over time it’ll become an enjoyable journey with a friend – your inner Saturn - who will help you become your Highest Self!)
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming!
Jupiter is in Scorpio, and disposited by Mars. Mars has been in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, creating a “mutual reception,” a very powerful “closed loop” of self-reinforcing energies. That’s why we’ve still had a LOT of Scorpio and Sagittarius energies pervading the atmosphere, even though the inner planets have been in Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries.
Venus and Mercury are now in Aries, and disposited by Mars. The Sun is in Pisces, and disposited by Jupiter. As you can see, we’ve had three types of “backdrop” energies at work: Saturn and Neptune both in their home signs, and the Mars-Jupiter mutual reception. This is about to change in a HUGE way!
Just 3.5 hours after the 27 Pisces New Moon on March 17 at 6:12 am PDT, Mars will enter Capricorn, where it will remain until it enters Aquarius 17 hours after the New Moon on May 15 at 25 Taurus. That means beginning March 17, Mars will begin its long 2018 stay in signs disposited by Saturn, which changes everything!
As of March 17, of the outer planets we’ll have Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto disposited by Saturn. Once the Sun enters Aries, it will join Mercury and Venus in that sign, and they all will be disposited by Saturn! That will make Saturn extremely important as the backdrop to how ALL the other planetary energies are expressed (except Neptune, of course)!
This will last until Venus enters Taurus, its home sign, on March 30 at 9:54 pm PDT. At that point, Venus becomes its own final dispositor, stepping out of Saturn’s shadow and entering the spotlight on its own terms. Saturn will continue to dominate all the other energies except for a brief period between April 19-24, when Venus will disposit the Sun and still be in Taurus.
Once Venus enters Gemini, it’s disposited by Mercury in Aries, which is disposited by Mars in Capricorn, and so Saturn continues to dominate the landscape until Mercury moves into Taurus making a mutual reception with Venus in Gemini just before Venus enters Cancer and has the Moon as its dispositor. That begins to break up and distribute the dispositors among many signs rather than the dominance of Saturn in Capricorn.
Please study the aspects made to and from Saturn by the other planets to get a sense of when things are being built, when they’re being released, when they’re being challenged, and when they’re being moved forward in a disciplined, organized way. Studying the Sabian Symbol that Saturn occupies will give you more clues about how it’s specifically expressing its virtues.
2018 is a year when Saturn dominates the landscape. Make the most of it, and with a willingness to be guided to your Higher Self, striving to transmute old attitudes and karmas into new attitudes and better karmic patterns, you could find you have attained a form of personal mastery by 2019!
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson