by Robert Wilkinson
Yes, Mars is slowing in motion, preparing to go retrograde in early Aquarius. What does this mean?
Mars will go stationary retrograde June 26, 2018, 2:05 pm PDT, 10:05 pm BST, at 10 Aquarius. I'll be posting several articles about Mars retrograde as well as the coming Mercury retrograde in the near future. For now, remember that a retrograde doesn't necessarily mean something bad. Let's review some things to remember about Mars retrograde.
The Retrograde Phenomenon
First, there are many things that move forward exactly as they should during Mars retrograde periods. Though there may seem to be less momentum to some things, even delays and the need to rework some things, or wait for other things to develop before picking up the original intention, there are ways to navigate these recurring periods and keep everything on track quite nicely. It doesn't have to be much of a problem if we position ourselves correctly given the shift in the pace and unfolding of events.
Also, please remember that the planets do not "cause" anything. Whether and how things happen or don't during a retrograde period has everything to do with us and others' actions and reactions to things, both past and present. The free will of human beings has far more power than a planetary retrograde!
As I wrote in A New Look at Mercury Retrograde, Chapter 1, "What Is Mercury Retrograde and Why Does It Seem to Cause So Many Hassles?"
Throughout the year, all the planets go retrograde at some point. Usually one or more planets are retrograde simultaneously. Sometimes there are as many as four to six retrogrades occurring simultaneously... A planet, when retrograde, simply indicates a slowing of its orbital speed relative to the Sun from the perspective of the Earth.
Some planets slow for a few weeks; some for a few months.... In our Solar system, the motion of the planets and the "lights" (the Sun and Moon) symbolize the ebb and flow of the universal life that we all live within.
This is why it is inappropriate to attribute a problem to a retrograde; though there may be some apparent correlation, a retrograde cannot "cause" anything. This may be the most commonly held misunderstanding about astrology and how it works. Any astrological configuration simply symbolizes a state of time within which life manifests.
It is true that many things seem to happen because of an astrological association. However, the cause of all that happens (if and when there is a concrete cause at all) is a prior action, or inaction. All that is, all that occurs, is a part of a larger natural process of unfoldment. All our experiences give us opportunities to be led out of ignorance and fear of the unknown into a greater awareness of the interrelationships between all things.
Mars Retrograde – Past, Present, and Future
Mars retrograde represents a period where the timing and coordination of things, as well as how fast or slow things seem to be happening, take on a different pace and rhythm of development. At this time in history, with Uranus semisquare Neptune and biseptile Pluto, and Jupiter septile Saturn, slowing things down a bit might be exactly what’s needed!
Perhaps Mars retrograding in Aquarius back into late Capricorn can give us ways to rework or redo our plans in order to be more effective when Saturn transits that span from March 2020 through December 2021, with blessings from Jupiter when it also transits that span December 2020 and January 2021. I’m equally sure that many things that transpire during this retrograde will be reflected in the Plutonic seeds that will sprout between 2022-2030 when it transits late Capricorn and early Aquarius.
Of note is that this SRX degree at 10 Aquarius is sextile the last SRX degree of Mars in April 2016 at 9 Sagittarius, and quintile its June 2016 SD point at 24 Scorpio. The current SRX degree is also biseptile the March 2014 Mars SRX degree of Mars at 28 Libra, and trine its May 2014 SD point at 10 Libra.
By studying how different planetary stationary degrees relate to previous stationary degrees, we get a sense of the larger “pulse” of that planet in our lives across time. Look at the houses these occupied, and the aspects they made to your planets if you want to know how your response to your Mars function has evolved over time.
The Sabian Symbol for Mars’ Stationary Retrograde degree
The Sabian Symbol for 10 Aquarius is “A popularity that proves ephemeral.” In the Marc Jones class notes from "The Astrology of Personality," Rudhyar states this degree is one of “ability to rise above vicissitudes of passing fortune,” “faithfulness to self,” dependence upon native endowment,” and “projection.”
In his "Astrological Mandala," we are told that this degree is one of “the need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screen upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal.” He goes on to state this degree contrasts the ideal and the reality, the person and the archetype they seem to represent. He states “the star’s popularity fades away, the person remains.”
He continues that this symbol is about “person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need to self-evaluation.” He offers that this is in the Span of Defensiveness, and is the culminating degree on the emotional-cultural level of the Scene of Contribution in the Act of Capitalization.
Dr. Marc Jones says this symbol is one of “the eternal challenge which comes to an individual at every point of climax in (their) experience, and of the swing of the pendulum between an endorsement and a repudiation of (our) efforts by (our) social group.” He offers that we must “accept the applause as encouragement in (our) self-strengthening” even as we search for “continued sustainment from (our) own ability of being.”
He continues that “a courageous self-confidence and an unflagging faith are worthy of recognition, but only in their moment of significance.” He offers us the keyword APPROBATION, and says when this degree is working positively, it’s one of “a gift for bringing the issues of life to a dramatic consummation at a time of crisis.”
Keep In Mind…
Mars retrograde usually indicates there will be some things that must occur before other things can be done. Get clear about the priority of things, pay attention to the rhythm of unfolding events, and see much of what's come down the past few weeks as prelude to undoing, redoing, or reworking some things in late June, July and August before picking the pace back up in late August. All of this relates to the life areas (houses) where we have Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Remember that sometimes a delay is the best thing that could happen as other things develop on their own, since I've found life is sometimes like a Charles Dickens novel. There are many chapters, many players, and some things cannot be known and/or acted upon until the plot develops.
But rest assured, that at the end of the play, all will be seen in proper perspective, the unknowns between the players become clear, and things have developed so that "the hero's journey" is perfectly completed. So during this Mars retrograde, do what you must, work and/or adapt the plan, don't fret at the apparent delays or slowness, and fit things into a long range perspective with an eye to the radical quickening to come in September.
Copyright © 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Very well written. The initial beginning with "The Retrograde Phenomenon" is a very important piece to start with.
Yes, it is important to be doing the right things at right times with due consideration to the planetary positions which doesn't necessarily remove freewill out of the equation.
Awaiting more articles on Mars Retrograde in the near future.
Posted by: VibesCelestial | June 24, 2018 at 10:03 AM
"The free will of human beings has far more power than a planetary retrograde!"
Thank you for reminding us this, Robert.
Last night I watched a very interesting conversation about the relationship between archangels and planets. Archangel Michael is Saturn the teacher. I liked very much a point when was said that though Saturn has been given a negative meaning. But it is your soul that is teaching you. Not Saturn."
Posted by: Kate Minogianni | June 24, 2018 at 11:16 AM
Thank you, Robert.
Your wisdom and insight into the transitional waves we've all been surfing, swimming or, sinking in have been so helpful. Your words have effected my perspective and bearings like a flashlight is to a spelunker.
In this time of Grandiose and Irrationality, I've been in no shortage of reasons to exclaim, "WTF!"
Currently, Mars is at its SRX on my natal Mercury exactly. This SRX degree is an angle of a Yod in my natal chart formed by Mercury sextile Neptune (12' Sag.) and both Neptune and Mercury quincunx my Moon conjunct Saturn in Cancer (12'). So, please pardon my verbosity.
Meanwhile, Pluto & Saturn are approaching their conjunction at the exact degree of my natal Mars in Capricorn. Sigh...
Long story short, you've been so light-shedding, I'm wondering if you still do personal chart readings. If so, where can I make such a request?
ThanQ so much for your light, Robert.
Posted by: ThanQ | June 24, 2018 at 11:17 AM