by Robert Wilkinson
I was thinking of this remarkable man, and remembered this tribute I wrote for him 8 years ago. As his birthday was a few weeks back, I thought this deserved reprinting. Dr. Robert Muller was a UN Under Secretary General for 40 years, and his efforts toward world peace, education, and spirituality made our world a better place. If you want to know more about this great One, read on.
Robert Muller (March 11, 1923 – September 20, 2010) was known as the "Philosopher of the UN," as well as "Prophet of Hope of the UN." He was a pioneer in embracing a higher humanism as a way for diverse peoples to relate to each other with respect, awareness of one-ness, and a higher view. Educator, futurist, and global peacemaker, his life was dedicated to ending the causes of war by promoting global culture, tolerance, and spirituality.
From his blog, a part of his bio:
Robert Muller knew the horrors of World War II, of being a refugee, of Nazi occupation and imprisonment. During the war he was a member of the French Resistance. After the war he returned home and earned a Doctorate of Law from the University of Strasbourg. In 1947 he entered and won an essay contest on how to govern the world, the prize of which was an internship at the newly created United Nations.Dr. Muller devoted the next 40 years of his life behind the scenes at the United Nations focusing his energies on world peace. He rose to the official position of Assistant-Secretary-General... Robert Muller is a deeply spiritual person. From his vantage point of a top level global states-person he has seen a strong connection between spirituality and the political/cultural scene.
Robert Muller created a "World Core Curriculum" and is known throughout the world as the "father of global education." There are 43 Robert Muller schools around the world with more being established each year. The "World Core Curriculum" earned him the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989.
For the next 40 years he worked on world peace in his position as Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. After retiring from the United Nations, Robert Muller founded and developed the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica.
Muller's educational project is described in the World Core Curriculum Manual: "the underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul." Bailey was a famous theosophist, while Khul was the "Ascended Master" - a spiritual entity - who allegedly imparted knowledge to Bailey.
Dr. Muller concentrates his efforts on promoting greater human understanding and global awareness. He has received many awards, e.g. the Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities, the Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award, and was nominated 22 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Dr. Muller lives most of the year at his small farm overlooking the University of Peace, on a sacred indigenous hill, Mt. Rasur, from which according to indigenous prophecy, a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.
His is said to have been the one who legitimized the so-called "New Age Movement" as a multi-level vehicle of ideas and workers toward a better world. He was awarded more honors than can be listed here, and is truly an example of someone who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to further the cause of peace globally.
I had the blessing of seeing Dr. Muller about 35 years ago in New York at one of Hilda Charlton's fantastic Thursday night gatherings at the Cathedral of St. John on the upper west side. He told us a story of eluding the Nazis when he worked for the Red Cross and they had come to execute him as they knew he was also one of the leaders of the Resistance. Basically, it was a tale of a man who went invisible by bending light so that he walked down stairs right through the assembled troops and out the door without being seen. Knowing his amazing Light firsthand, I have no doubt the story was true. He was a Western Adept in every sense of the word.
I'm told by my malware protector that his site is infected with Trojan horses. So I won't like to them here. If you find his sites are not infected, please let me know. He has some truly amazing links and sayings there.
I found his nlog Good Morning World to have great stuff, including the section "Golden Sayings" which is quite amazing, including his PARADISE EARTH - his offering of what he believed our absolute priorities and objectives for the 21st century and the third millennium should be. It's followed by his "Golden Sayings," with some astounding things offered. Here are a few:
War is a sin. War is the highest degree of immorality.
War is inhuman insanity for it kills sacred human lives wholesale.
How can there still be any war on our miraculous planet?
Love for peace is not enough. Beyond it we need a vision of peace, a science of peace, a strategy for peace and innumerable actions for peace.
We need peace to concentrate on the happiness and fulfillment of people. Wars, armaments and conflicts make us lose much precious time and resources.
Even if they are not used, armaments kill: they kill little children who could have been saved if resources spent on arms had been available for their nourishment, care and education.
Happiness is an art. It must be practiced. It is like writing: write anything, just for the exercise of it, and you will become a writer. Practice any form of happiness, just for the sake of it, and you will become a happy person.
A loving smile is the cheapest and most rewarding gift on Earth.
We are all passengers on the same planet sailing towards eternity on the vast ocean of the universe.
The question can no longer be that of the power of a certain country or the assertion of a certain belief, mode of life or ideology. Such approach would be criminal towards our planet and its human family. The problem is essentially that of the fate of the total human race on a given planet. This new global paradigm must be accepted by all groups, if we want to survive.
Over the years I have come to believe that some day the UN system will be recognized as one of the most astonishing meta-organs ever produced by any species on this planet. It is indeed an evolutionary event of the first importance.
Do not let your enthusiasm and life abilities be diminished by false humility:
Yes, I am proud of myself,
Yes, I am happy with my gifts and capacities,
Yes, I sometimes feel like a God,
Yes, I exult with joy and happiness,
Yes, I am happy to inspire others,
Yes, I believe that I can aggrandize myself to untold limits,
Yes, for me life is an incredible miracle.
If you love life, you will care for life
If you love yourself, you will care for yourself
If you love your family, you will care for your family
If you love humanity, you will care for humanity
If you love the world, you will care for the world
If you love God, you will care for God.
So, everywhere you look, you will find love as the key to caring. And life without caring is tantamount to death.
The reverse is equally true:
If you do not love life, you will not care for life.
If you do not love yourself, you will not care of yourself.
Whenever I have found beauty in life, there was a great act of love at the origin.
Give everything in you and around you a supernatural, divine, sacred, miraculous character, and you will know untold happiness and pride.
The age of reason is not sufficient for human fulfillment. We must now enter the age of love: love for ourselves, for humanity, for our planet, for our wondrous universe and for its mysterious Master.
Wherever you are, whatever you do, if you love the world you will serve the world.
Now you know a little about why I loved this man and his work for over 30 years! We'll close with one more thing he wrote, and ask you to send beneficent and altruistic prayers to this Great One whose consciousness no doubt exists on the higher frequencies of Heaven.
From Robert
Let the good news be
incarnated in you
Proclaim your belief
In humanity
In our success
In our further transcendence
In our peace, justice
and happiness
In the construction of the
Planet of God
Think of it
Feel for it
Speak of it
Work for it
For all we think, all we feel,
all we say and all we do
Must not hinder, but help
The great design of God
Our Cosmic destiny
Our further ascent and evolution
Towards the permanent reign of
God on our miraculous planet."
Aum Namah Shivaya!
© Copyright 2010, 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for this post, this man is always an inspiration.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | June 09, 2018 at 02:09 PM