by Robert Wilkinson
Mars is now direct in motion! It occupies 29 Capricorn, a platform for everything Mars springs forth to achieve for many months to come. So what does this mean, and how can we use it wisely?
After 8+ weeks of extreme slow-mo, where much got put on hold, got diverted while other things were taken care of, or went into reverse while other things caught up, Mars begins to speed up very quickly. Things will develop VERY rapidly from this point on, so get ready to rock and roll! 29 Capricorn is now the platform from which Mars launches into its next long wave phase, moving from here toward its next conjunction with the Sun at 10 Virgo on September 2, 2019.
So Mars is now direct at 29 Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for the 29th degree of Capricorn is “A woman reading tea leaves.” In The Astrology of Personality, where he used notes from the Marc Jones classes, Rudhyar says this degree is one of “the quest for inner understanding through all life-conditioning,” “first approach to reality,” and “desire to transcend routine.”
In the Astrological Mandala he states this degree is one of “the ability to see the signature of hidden meaning in every occurrence drawing one’s attention,” where we seek some procedure to establish a deeper understanding of the meaning of things through omens and oracles. He offers this has been used by seers, “based on the realization of ‘the relation of everything to everything else,’ a definition of astrology given by Marc Jones.” He continues that these techniques are “based upon the establishment of a close connection between the unconscious and the conscious,” where we learn to rely “upon the power of occult forces… to convey the information that will clarify confusing situations.”
He says it’s a technique of understanding and “the ability not only to perceive the facts of everyday existence, but to see through these facts and discover how they are related to the realm of basic meanings or archetypal processes,” and relates the technique to “Clairvoyance, the capacity to see in everything the Signature of deeper realities.” He states it falls in the Span of Dependence, and is the technical degree on the individual-mental level of the Scene of Group Performance in the Act of Capitalization.
I interpret this to mean we will all have opportunities to redirect our efforts and transform our lives by understanding that there are always omens, signs, and signals indicating the path of our best direction which we can trust. For the rest of this year and next, we’ve entered a time of transcending old routines, referencing our inner guidance, learning to recognize the omens in situations, and develop our potential for clairvoyance.
Dr. Jones says this degree is about our “persistent desire to establish conscious relationship with an invisible world of over-reality” through self-encouragement. He says “the mind has its ultimate focus in eternal and universal coordinates” where it tries to fit necessities of “practical living into some pattern of possible consummations.” He continues “conscious experience therefore comes to be supplemented by intuition as a direct realization of pure potentiality.”
He offers the keyword of SIGNATURE. He states that when this degree works positively, it is “naïve insight as brought to high intelligence in meeting the recurrent issues of life.
As Mars begins to speed up, you can expect more energy in the coming weeks, as well as a sense that the momentum is picking up, moving substantially faster than it has the past 11 weeks. Much we've been waiting for will now develop more rapidly than it has so far this year.
For some, a real sense of new energy as things begin to move forward. There are a phenomenal number of different quality aspects in play right now, indicating major friction, forks in the road of destiny, and gifts and interactive blessings. Things may not make much sense right now, but our decisions and actions are very important since the future is on the move! Whatever has been stalled or delayed up to now will begin to show up, rather dramatically!
As the Moon is at 17 Pisces during this station, it takes us further into the dream state and collective consciousness, with an increased ability to navigate through fogs and illusions as we act within some social or group context to see and/or reveal “the Divine Signature” in events presenting themselves. We will be able to see when things are ending, and when it’s time to preside over the blessing that allows things past to flow down the time stream with compassion and forgiveness.
Mars will still be in its “shadow phase” of 29 Capricorn through 10 Aquarius through October 9. For everyone on Earth, during the coming weeks we’ll experience a third pass of Mars over this late Capricorn and early Aquarius span of degrees, offering us opportunities to act in some way appropriate to what we’ve learned and done since last May.
We experienced the span during Mars’ first pass of this Capricorn and Aquarius span between May 11, 2018 and when it went retrograde June 26. It then retrograded back from 10 Aquarius to 29 Capricorn, where it now goes direct. It will make a third transit of this span from now to October 9, when it moves out of its shadow zone and activates the rest of the Aquarius sectors in our chart.
Since May, this transit has stimulated our Capricorn and Aquarius sectors in pretty radical ways, reworking our life affairs and forms of planetary self-expression. We now stand ready to express those affairs and expressions in more perfect forms, having been educated in some way connected to Mars in Capricorn and Aquarius.
As I’ve noted in several recent articles, this transit in some way portends what we will experience when Jupiter and Saturn occupy late Capricorn and early Aquarius in 2020 and 2021, as well as when Pluto transits this zone from 2022 through 2030. Consider this a dress rehearsal, a preliminary practicum, and stimulus to intuition you’ll need in those years, or whatever else you believe may come that somehow relates to what you’ve been learning to do, undo, re-do, or defer doing since May.
So from here we go on! Be focused, clear, and willing to allow whatever inspires you to transform your everyday life. Enjoy the accelerating process, and much that was promised earlier this year, will leap forward dramatically between now and October.
This is when we move forward with confidence, knowing we can achieve what we’ve prepared for. Just get ready to embrace new forms of intuitive individual, mental, and/or spiritual “group performance,” and use every opportunity to practice your skills at seeing “the shapes of things to come” in the NOW.
Copyright © 2018 Robert Wilkinson
The choir of Dead Inventors just signed to Chinstrap Productions...
Posted by: sue | August 28, 2018 at 08:11 AM
Thanks for the two clear posts. Now it is up to us and our collective to move forward and with the right focus.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | August 29, 2018 at 06:32 PM
I love this. My midheaven is 29 41 Cap and my moon is 3 07 Aqua. I am experiencing some confusion atm but largely positive about what ishere/coming for mw. Thank you for your insight!!✌🌈💙
Posted by: Ryan | August 29, 2018 at 08:48 PM