by Robert Wilkinson
On September 6, Saturn will go stationary direct at 3 Capricorn. As I told you in part 1, the trine between Saturn and Uranus in play since November 2016 has been beneficial in stabilizing a new Light, a new Life, a new inspiration, and a new way of blending the old with the new, as well as ways to innovate life structures so they allow for more freedom and individuality.
In September, Saturn resumes its forward motion, and will re-trace ground it covered since it went stationary retrograde in early April 2018 at 10 Capricorn. To recap, we’ve all been getting over fear and learning harmlessness in our interactions. We have learned that kindness often prevails when other means do not, and we’ve all found a certain “culture of kindness” since then. Of course, Saturn going stationary retrograde on that degree structured prior Pluto lessons into our lives in personal ways, since Pluto danced on that exact degree between February 2012 and November 2013 during the time of the transition between the old Mayan calendar and the new “Time out of Time” we’re living within since then.
From mid-August through the last week of September, Saturn occupies its stationary direct degree at 3 Capricorn. We now launch from this platform of wanting new experiences where we can test our authorship or power within some public setting, find our “pure motivation,” get beyond certain physical limitations, and demonstrate free will and detachment.
When it goes direct, we will take a new look at past lessons Saturn showed us since April, as we prepare to move forward yet again a third time through these early Capricorn degrees. Because it’s Saturn, it all relates to our ability to demonstrate maturity, organization, and patience in taking command of our life trajectory.
Saturn will be in its 2018 “shadow zone” until it again moves across 10 Capricorn in the second and third week of December, after which it begins its movement through the middle degrees of Capricorn. For now, we stand on the threshold of a third experience of the span from 3 to 10 Capricorn, which includes the actional-physical, as well as the social, emotional, and cultural span of the first half of Capricorn, which is about claiming power in a publicly responsible way.
Saturn continues to trine Uranus from Capricorn to Taurus it began in mid-May. This is grounding the Fire trines between these two major powerhouses that dominated 2017! This is helping us to find a harmony of understanding and expression between the innovator and the structurer, the revolutionary and the calculating patient “Chief of the Tribe.” As this lasts through November, continue to make the most of it!
So continue to search for new experiences with an eye to potential consequences, and you could find yourself in a very grounded and harmonious understanding of what to do and how to do it by November. By early October you’ll find yourself in transition, somehow related to what you learned the first time in January and a second time in late July and early August. Late October brings energetic activation, so get it in motion! By November, you’ll realize you must finish up some things before moving into the next chapter, but you should also see the limitless possibilities of ways to claim your authorship in your world.
Mid-November launces a new law in our lives related to what we were learning in February and June, and late November allows us to settle into a role we were born to play, first rehearsed in early March and again in late May and early June. By the December Solstice Saturn will have moved out of its shadow zone, and will be rapidly moving into the middle decan of Capricorn.
For now, we’ll close with something I offered you three weeks ago in part one, Spiritual Astrology in the Summer of 2018 – Uranus Stationary Retrograde, Saturn Stationary Direct Pt. 1.
Saturn symbolizes the universal binding force in Nature, the “Ring Pass Not” of Dharma. Dharma is our “true function,” that overarching Truth of Self that permits all things if they serve Dharma and no thing if it does not serve Dharma. Saturn is our “skin of personality,” the boundaries of what we are able to master, found through the ten thousand things that temporarily enslave us through various types of mental, emotional, or material inertia.Uranus is the Higher Law, Saturn is the worldly law. Uranus helps us break free, break out, and break through the binding force Saturn represents. Saturn helps us give structure through discipline to our eternal discoveries along our Path to Truth. In one esoteric system, Saturn is Divine Understanding, whereas Uranus is Divine Wisdom. Both serve each other in the Great Work each of us is here to do.
As I mentioned before, my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend addresses these important evolutionary issues we all deal with throughout our lives. It explores how Saturn relates to Dharma, the “Ring Pass Not,” and various types of Karma, and how we can make friends with our inner Saturn to claim our spiritual individuality. The second part of the work examines the important changes we go through as Saturn conjuncts, squares, and opposes all the planets in our charts as it moves through the houses throughout our lives.
For now, take a look back at what you first encountered in January, February, March and early April, and see how the review since then has helped you get ready for the adventure promised once Saturn is direct in motion. This is the Cosmic Timekeeper about to reverse course again and get back on the move, so it’s also time for us to move!
I’ll publish the main article on Saturn’s stationary direct point next week. See you soon with part 3!
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Century 9 - 44
Avant l'a ruent de ciel signes fera.
The greedy old paedophiles scared to sleep
Abducted by Grannies no secrets will keep...
Posted by: sue | August 30, 2018 at 07:50 AM