by Robert Wilkinson
73 years ago the US ended a war through mass murder and unleashing the nuclear demon on our planet. Today we remember Hiroshima.
Born of Nazi research on heavy water, on this day in 1945 the US dropped the first nuclear bomb in history on Hiroshima to prove the point that it would do anything to “win” WWII. While ending wars is always a good thing, that way of ending WWII unleashed the horror of the nuclear menace.
Once let out of its cage, the nuclear demon set off an arms race that came close to blowing up the planet during the Cold War. Most people do not know how close humanity came to total annihilation through psychopaths having access to nuclear arsenals and the political brinksmanship of “Mutually Assured Destruction.” And give the current state of inflamed relations in our world, this must never happen again.
I cannot say that someone wouldn’t have come up with nuclear energy had the Nazis not done their experiments, but I must reflect on the fact that nuclear weaponry was originally a Nazi concept. That would seem to make it a bad thing, regardless of whatever “good” may have come out of nuclear technology. Anything that totalitarian cannot be a good thing for our fragile Earth and its creatures. Weapons of mass destruction are bad for all living things.
So today please take a moment to meditate on the 90,000 who died in an instant, fried beyond comprehension by the most horrific force ever unleashed on humans by other humans. Almost as many died of radiation poisoning in the 4 months that followed. A miserable way to die, that type of inhumane insanity must never happen again.
I personally affirm that nuclear everything will be banished from this Earth forever as soon as possible, and that until that time, may there be no more nuclear energy spread anywhere on Earth by any means. No more nukes!
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Could to agree more with you. Indeed, humanity is not fit to use this kind of energy and the problem of even peaceful use of nuclear energy causes huge problems of contamination and danger, and that is the peaceful use of it!
Indeed, no more nukes (of any kind).
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | August 06, 2018 at 11:43 AM