by Robert Wilkinson
A while back at KISS we were discussing the effect of the Nodes conjuncting a planet in a chart, and outer planets transiting the North Node. The first happens twice every 18 years, while the second happens infrequently with Jupiter and Saturn, and rarely if ever when it comes to Neptune or Pluto.
This won’t be an exhaustive article on the subject, but hopefully it will open your imagination to some things you haven’t thought of before now!
Jupiter’s orbit is one complete trip through all the signs in 11+ years. That means if we live to be 72, it will conjunct our NN a minimum of 6 times, and even 7 if Jupiter immediately leads the Node. An example of this would be those born in early 1951 with Jupiter in mid-Pisces and NN in late Pisces. As of 2011, they had 6 Jupiter conjunctions with their NN.
Jupiter conjunct the NN begins a grand new adventure in personal evolution according to the sign and aspects. As Jupiter spends about a year in a sign, then it means it conjuncts ALL North Nodes every 12 years, opening new doors to that sign’s line of development.
Saturn’s orbit is one complete trip through all the signs in 29+ years. That means if we live to be 88, it will conjunct our NN a minimum of 3 times, or 4 if Saturn leads the Node. That means Saturn conjuncts ALL North Nodes every 30 years, and each time brings a new maturity and structure to our line of development according to the sign involved.
Uranus takes 84 years to circumnavigate the zodiac, so it usually only conjuncts the NN once in a lifetime. Obviously, Uranus, Neptune, or Pluto conjunct our NN would be a “once in a lifetime experience,” with transpersonal spiritual energies acting to stimulate our “line of greatest development” in their own unique broad-spectrum ways. Uranus awakens our development if/when it conjuncts our NN, and if we live long enough, will experience this.
Of course Neptune transiting the NN would be a “once in a lifetime experience” (literally!) because unless we live to be over 165, it can only happen once. Any outer invisible spiritual planet transiting over any significant point in our charts is truly a once in a lifetime experience.
Neptune was in Sagittarius from 1971 through 1984. Neptune was in Capricorn from 1984 through 1998. Neptune was in Aquarius from 1998 through 2012. Neptune entered Pisces in 2011 and will be there through 2025. So everyone with NN in Sag, Cap, Aquarius, and Pisces has had or will have a Neptune transit over their NN. It’s happening to me as you read these words.
With Neptune, collective consciousness has come to show you how you must grow, whether you know it or not. It shows you can grow in the direction of the collective atmosphere. Of course, that could be good or bad, depending. "Group think" is usually unwise, whereas "compassionate connectedness" is usually a good thing to cultivate. This conjunction can awaken a vast feeling-wisdom.
(Answering a question, I didn't go into Pluto because if you have a NN in Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer, Pluto has never conjuncted your NN, and even those with NN in Leo or Virgo never experienced that if you're under 50. As it is, those with NN in Libra felt Pluto's conjunction in the 70s and early 80s, while those with NN in Scorpio felt Pluto's conjunction from the early 80s through the mid-90s, and those with NN in Sag felt Pluto's conjunction in the late 90s through 2008. Those with NN in Capricorn have been experiencing Pluto's conjunction since then. Obviously this deals with larger transformational energies that most are unaware of on a daily level.)
It works in a different way when the transiting NN conjuncts one of our planets, as then the generic line of development in “real time” comes to visit a specific planetary principle and “department of labor” in our lives. Then how we express that planetary energy is pulled into development, specific to various Lunar positions.
The reason I add this qualifier is that the North and South Nodes are the Nodes of the Moon, and not the nodes of the planets. Yes, each planet has a North and South Node as well! This is a huge area for exploration for someone with patience and persistence.
As the Nodes move through all the signs fairly quickly, they will in fact push and pull every planetary energy we have several times in a life. Every 18 years, we get every planet pulled to develop with the NN conjunctions, and then at the midpoint of the cycle have to either let go or show what we know related to that planetary energy through the SN conjunctions.
Just a few things to consider as we dance down the time stream!
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
What about Pluto?
Posted by: Donna | August 13, 2018 at 03:27 PM
Hi Robert,
Very interesting article. Thanks for sharing. I'm curious about your perspective on Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, aligning with a natal north node in Pisces.
Thank you for all your great work.
Posted by: RL | August 13, 2018 at 07:11 PM
Hi Robert. What is the effect of the outer planet transits across the natal South node (Neptune will cross mine soon at 24 Pisces)? Peace, Veronica
Posted by: Veronica Norman | August 14, 2018 at 12:34 PM
Hi Robert. Thank you for this article.
Last December I accidentally found out that the most important person in my life had died two months earlier and I had no idea. In fact he committed suicide. To say that I was shattered would be an understatement, as I have reasons to feel a lot of guilt. Checking his chart, at the time of the event, October 11, tr. Pluto conj. his n.NN 16d 44' Capricorn 5H, and tr.NN conj. his n.Pluto 22d 32' Leo 12H. In his pr.chart, tr.NN conj.his pr.Pluto/pr.Venus conj.
In my natal chart I have a n.Pluto/n.NN conj.Virgo 4H as an apex of a YOD formed with n.Jupiter in Aquarius 8H (end) and Mercury in Aries 11H. On the MP of these two, Chiron Pisces 10H conj.SN. These conj. are also conj. my n. MC/IC. A configuration which has determined my course in life in various ways.
Posted by: Kate Minogianni | August 15, 2018 at 12:31 PM