by Robert Wilkinson
We have an incredibly great week ahead, with some extraordinarily favorable aspects! Get as much done as you can, since it’s a great time to make progress in many different areas of our charts.
Right now and for the next 2 days, we’re in the heart of Sun sextile Jupiter and trine Pluto! This is going to be very favorable for any planets we have between 17-21 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. It leads immediately to the perfection of Jupiter sextile Pluto, which has been exact for about 2 weeks, and will be for another 2 weeks. This is helping us cut through obstacles, eliminating all that would impede our progress in any way.
This week we also have Venus opposed Uranus and sextile Saturn, creating a dynamic vibrational configuration generating a lot of positive energy around 1-5 degrees of the above signs, with a special focus on that zone in Cancer. As Venus is just coming off its exact square to Mars, and will be back in exact square during the entire second week of October, it’s putting a lot of pressure on early Fixed sign planets not to get distracted by passing things, and keep focused on the main issue or prize.
Obviously, Venus square Mars can lead to social and interactive “misfiring,” and Mars square Uranus is never easy! Venus opposed Uranus challenges us to get focused, stay focused, get a grip on things that may be in constant upheaval, and not jump to conclusions.
If something unusual or sudden develops, find ways to take full advantage of those changes, see how to direct the flow toward your intended outcome, and remember you’re being led out beyond the known and familiar. We mainly need to replace negative Leo responses with positive Leo responses, demonstrating our ability to work at our play, play at our work, and demonstrate true mature independence.
The second half of the week into the weekend puts the spotlight on Mercury, who is opposed Neptune, trine Pluto, and sextile Jupiter between Thursday and Sunday. This will stimulate the zones listed in the second paragraph, but from a Mercurial rather than a Solar impulse. That implies the “Life” energies productively at work right now will yield ideas, perception, and understanding later this week through the coming weekend.
As the New Moon happened just 2 days ago, we have an increasing Moon all week, transiting from Libra through Sagittarius. In Libra, its square to Pluto should give us opportunities to release the productive energies of the Solar sextile and trine. Take the lead, and do what you must in the way of “enlightened self-interest” on Tuesday (Wednesday in India and points east of there).
Moon in Scorpio Wed-Thurs-Fri should be excellent, as it configures favorable with everything mentioned above! Even when it accents the Fixed T-square involving Venus, Mars, and Uranus, its conjunction with Venus and then Jupiter should ensure a favorable outcome regardless of whatever happens.
The Moon in Sag on Fri-Sat-Sun is also favorable at the front end with a sextile to Mars, and as it makes its First Quarter square to the Sun and Mercury on Sunday (Monday in India and points east), we should see a favorable turning and emergence of important new developments which result from our Higher Self and “will to wholeness” taking turns “breaking up complexes” this week.
And that’s the Cosmic Weather Report in the second week of September 2018. Enjoy surfing the waves!
Copyright © 2018 Robert Wilkinson
So true. Feeling it in my energies very strongly! <3
Posted by: Mar | September 15, 2018 at 03:57 AM