by Robert Wilkinson
This impacts the planets and houses where we have Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius, and begins a new phase of discovering, exploring, and processing information.
Mercury enters Sagittarius for its long stay there at 9:39 pm PST October 30, 5:39 am GMT October 31. That means Mercury, or the Guide of Souls that helps us coordinate the many facets of our existence, will no longer express its energy through the depth intensity of Scorpio, and now moves into the broadminded and expansive energy of Sagittarius. While Scorpio is great for getting focused and seeing clearly what is needed and what is not in any given situation, Sagittarius jumps on its horse and rides off in 10 directions simultaneously!
Mercury in Scorpio has helped uncover whatever needs to be seen or known, and its ability to probe beneath the surface of things will be seen in a different light by early December when Mercury retrogrades back into that sign. So between now and late December, we are going to get a LOT of early Sag and late Scorpio action! Use this time when Mercury is in Sag to explore possible futures, and broader vistas of influence and understanding.
We should be able to feel a definite shift in all the areas of your life related to planets we have in Gemini or Virgo. This shifts the dispositor of these planets from the Water backdrop to a Fire backdrop. This Mercurial sign shift moves us from a penetrating exploration that seeks depth understanding to seeing the endless possibilities of how to apply our magnetism to open to a greater life.
During the time Mercury is in very late Scorpio we’re getting the set up for early December’s Mercury RX and direct time in that sign. We’ve been purging our minds of impurities and obsolete desires, and learning to “de-magnetize” certain thought patterns. As we release obsolete or corrosive mental patterns, we create a type of “spaciousness” in the mind that will naturally attract more evolved forms in our lives. These concepts will be key to using Mercury retrograde in Scorpio effectively in early December, as well as when it moves forward again through the last 3 degrees of that sign.
When we have mastered our Scorpio energies, we know how to eliminate what is obsolete or no longer needed in our life. Because Nature abhors a vacuum, as we clear out old ideas, feelings, desires, and habits, we naturally attract people and circumstances that mirror who we are in the Here and Now. As we make space in our consciousness by eliminating all that is obsolete, our Sag energies naturally expand into the voids created by what we’ve eliminated.
Learning how to control our magnetism and “hold the emptiness” allows us to attract the highest good for who we are now, if we have cultivated how to attract that and are open to that highest good to come. This year, we glimpsed our “ancestral wisdom” and now get to look back, or be reminded, or find new interpretations for what that means in our lives.
Anyway, welcome to Mercury in Sagittarius! As it’s slowing down fast, it’s the beginning of about 8 weeks of activity in the sector of our charts where it’s happening. That means all Mercury ruled things will be slowing down the next 2 weeks, with signs and signals anticipating the future coming via Sag related symbols and activities. Take a look back to see how you are wiser than you were this time last year, based in your genetic wisdom or something related to your ancestry.
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, Robert.
Happy Mercury retrograde for all!
Posted by: Mary | November 03, 2018 at 02:19 PM