by Robert Wilkinson
Which means that Mercury is rapidly slowing, preparing to go retrograde soon! Lots of Sagittarius action ahead!
The shadow zone is defined by the span between where a planet goes retrograde, and where it goes direct after the retrograde period. In this case, Mercury goes retrograde at 14 Sagittarius at 5:33 pm PST on November 16, 3:33 am GMT on November 17. It will retrograde back to 28 Scorpio, where it goes stationary direct at 1:22 pm PST, 9:22 pm GMT December 6, just a few hours before the New Moon at 16 Sagittarius.
That puts the shadow zone between 28 Scorpio and 14 Sagittarius, and around 6 pm PDT Sunday, October 28, Mercury crossed into the exact degree and minute where it’ll go SD in August. I’ll be writing quite a few articles about the coming retrograde which will post as it comes closer.
For now, we are in the heart of Mercury conjunct Jupiter, with both triseptile Uranus and septile Pluto, triggering the Grand Irrationality! Mercury is also binovile Mars, creating an atmosphere which is intense, “destiny producing,” future-oriented, and extraordinarily spiritual. Once it enters Sagittarius on October 30-31, it will quincunx Uranus, anticipating Jupiter quincunx Uranus, and then biseptile Neptune, bringing the collective consciousness into the mix set into motion by the double triseptiles to Uranus and septiles to Pluto.
After that Mercury semisquares Pluto and quintiles Mars. All of these aspects are important, since once Mercury goes retrograde, it will make all these aspects again in November and December, but in reverse order. Because of the quincunx following the triseptile, and then the reverse down the road, during those exact points in time expect lot of sacrifice and adjustment at crucial cooperative-collective turning points.
The Mercurial data you notice over the next 2+ weeks will be clarified after the Sun crosses the Mercury SRX degree around November 19. For the rest of October and early November, adapt to the slowing pace of things, get all your papers in order, finish what you can in the next two weeks, and prepare to put some things on hold for a little while.
Take a look at what's been set into motion with an eye to building in delays, rehearsals, or more research before things again begin to move forward in early December. The time before Mercury goes retrograde is good for doing what must be done so that other related things can be done later, as well as reconnecting with people and activities from the past that are somehow related to the future.
With Mercury’s retrograde station at 14 Sagittarius, get ready to go inward and concentrate to contact and bring forth the “power and wisdom of your spiritual ancestry” from mid-November through late December. This degree is the exact degree Mercury went SD in January 2018, so no doubt we’ll get a look back on how that theme has pervaded our lives in 2018 wherever we have mid-Sag in our chart!
In a bit of good news, this is the end of the intense period since March of “tag team” retrogrades! We had Jupiter go retrograde, followed by Mercury retrograde, along with Saturn and Pluto going retrograde by late April! Then in late June Mars was retrograde through the end of August, with the last Mercury retrograde dominating late July through mid-August. This was followed by Venus slowing in September preparing to go retrograde in Scorpio in October, which we’re still in the middle of. Venus will go direct in mid-November just as Mercury goes retrograde at the same time, lasting through early December!
if you want to know more about Mercury retrograde and how it may operate in Scorpio and Sagittarius and affect your sign, please consider getting your copy of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde where you can find out all you need about this retrograde, as well as past and future retrogrades. Here's the Amazon link to where you can order the paperback or Kindle 2nd edition of A New Look at Mercury Retrograde.
Enjoy the entrance into late Scorpio and early Sagittarius retrograde energies for 2018, and I’ll post more about the coming Mercury retrograde in the second week of November.
Copyright © 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Wow! It’s going retro by one degree in my Sun! It goes direct on my birthday but it will not be rx in my SR chart though. There is also a new moon within one degree of my natal Sun though separating! I wonder how hat works when it goes rx on your Sun. I am to be doing a double birthday music event with Japanese Lady who shares the exact same day, month and year as I on The 8th of December! Thank you for your wonderful informative mind expanding and consciousness opening articles!
Posted by: Micheline | October 29, 2018 at 06:27 AM