by Robert Wilkinson
This Full Moon will move us into powerful transformations, endings, and beginnings as a result of the heart strength we cultivated in August and September leading to healing via our “will to wholeness” leading us into repairing the connections between the worldly and spiritual within us, and healthy relationships in the external world. This Full Moon has three oppositions, creating a powerful “Tension of Opposites” in the Taurus-Scorpio axis, with Venus retrograde bringing flashes from the past. The “Cosmic visitations” promised by Uranus in June, late September, and early October are on the way!
This Full Moon is intense, deep, clarifying, and transformational. The coming two weeks will be purifying, regenerative, and healing. Emotional conflicts show us the contrast between old and new perspectives; yield to knowing your feelings, and you will also know what to do once you’ve experienced what you need to. Don’t take feelings at face value – go deeper, see how they’re related to the past, and be fearless in asserting parts of you that you haven’t before now. Be flexible as you navigate deep waters, and learn to trust what you know on levels beyond the mind.
I spoke of the 7th harmonic aspects in part one which will precipitate irrational events in the zones mentioned in that article, so please take a new look to see how the Moon triseptile Uranus, biseptile Pluto, and Uranus biseptile Pluto is or isn’t disrupting your life! Again, Mercury played this part in the last Full Moon, so we should be able to see how we’ve been nurtured or cared for since then in ways that are perfect for our future relations, with self and others.
In part 1 I also explained why there’s some constant friction and agitation in the collective atmosphere off and on during these months due to Uranus semisquare Neptune anchoring constant friction whenever a planet moves through the middle degrees of the Mutable signs or the end of Cardinal signs and beginning of Fixed signs. Not long ago we had what I term a “Rhombus Diamond” which created a lot of “cutting, grinding, and polishing” energy disrupting many things.
Why Are Full Moons So Important?
At a Full Moon, that which has opened since the previous New Moon surfaces in a public form, and heads toward the culmination and fruition symbolized by the second half of any cycle. First half, birth into form and field. Second half, culmination and completion of the purpose of that cycle.
That’s why it’s important to regard the New and Full Moon charts as “God’s Footprints in Time,” since one follows the other in an unending sequence of births of newer and newer seeds. The New Moons show us the seeds that will flourish under the reflected light of the Full Moon.
Full Moons heighten feelings, due to the opposition of the Moon and the Sun. We’ve been moving through the time of the year when we had oppositions from the inner planets to the outermost planets. We had the oppositions to Saturn and Pluto, and then to Neptune. We’ve now been in a time when the Sun, Venus and Mercury have opposed or are opposing Uranus, promising revolution!
Dispositors - What's the Backdrop to the Energies?
The Moon is in Taurus, making Venus in Scorpio its worldly ruler, and TransPluto in Virgo its spiritual ruler. The Sun is in Scorpio, making Mars in Aquarius its worldly ruler, and Pluto in Capricorn its Spiritual Ruler. As Mars rules Venus, and Mars is ruled by Saturn, this makes Saturn VERY important as a backdrop to how the Moon and these planets operate.
The planets in Taurus are ruled by Venus, and Venus and the rest of the planets in Scorpio are ruled by Mars. That makes Saturn the “final dispositor” for all the other planetary energies except Neptune in its own sign, which makes it a “standalone” final dispositor of itself. Taking a look at all the other planets, we find them ALL ultimately ruled by Saturn in Capricorn.
So this month we have all the planets ruled by one planet as a final dispositor. By looking at how “chains of dispositors,” “final dispositors,” and “mutual reception” are in play between the planets, we get a clear picture of the backdrop for how each planet operates. You can find out more about dispositors in general, chains of dispositors, and mutual reception by going to Astrology Class – What Is A Dispositor and What Is Mutual Reception Between Two Planets?
The Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon
This Full Moon falls at 2 Scorpio and Taurus. It is said that the first third (decan) of any sign deals with the actional, physical, material levels of life, and as the Lunation is in the first decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of Scorpio and Taurus.
Since the Moon always focuses the light of the Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the Lunation, whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will take. Though I’ve given you a sense of what this is about up to now, here’s where we go into detail.
The Solar degree symbol for the 2nd degree of Scorpio is “A Broken Bottle and Spilled Perfume.” In the Astrology of Personality, where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, 2 Scorpio is said to be a phase of “the fine scent of deeds well done as it persists in the memory of men,” “stimulating recollection,” and “spiritual immortality.”
We are told in the Astrological Mandala that this degree symbolizes “the accidental nature of opportunities that impel one to break away from a past, the remembrance of which is still poignant and cherished.” He states “a new and greater realizations usually demands the sacrifice of something which has brought loveliness and fragrance to a lesser form of living and feeling. Old feelings are poignantly remembered, even as one moves into a new and wider sphere of experience. Old relationships may be left behind, but the memory of their essential moments lingers on, perhaps strong and nostalgic.”
He offers this stage “reveals the difficulty of dealing with the past as one enters into a new realm of feelings. To the excitement of novelty answers the memory of the graciousness of the past one has surrendered.” He states this symbol is in the Span of Retention, Act of Group Integration, and is the counterpoint degree of the Actional level of the Scene of Communion.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this degree is one of our “real power in making (our) permanent impact on others,” by how we flow in and out of “every last ramification of the given experience.” He states this is “an irrevocability of self-expression” which marks our “divine determination to be significant at all costs,” and “The chrysalis of being is burst open in what may well be tragedy for anything short of a supreme self-dedication.”
He offers us the keyword of PERMEATION. He states that when this degree works positively, it is one of “persistence in creative effort and utter fidelity to the inner essence of selfhood.”
It seems from this symbol that we’re going to have the Light of spiritual flow into and out of experience, feeling a lot as we move from a lesser life and interactions to a greater one. This is the light of a deeper communion with life itself and all activity, where we can be true to ourselves and find immense creativity in the process.”
The Lunar degree symbol for the 2nd degree of Taurus is “An electrical storm brilliantly illumes the skies.” In "the Astrology of Personality, where Rudhyar uses the original Dr. Jones' class notes on the symbols, 2 Taurus is said to be a phase of “A sensing of the power and wonder of nature’s forces,” “complete transformation of being,” and “awe.”
We are told in the Astrological Mandala that this degree symbolizes “the cosmic power able to transform all the implications of natural existence.” He goes on to state this is a picture of “a celestial display of power,” symbolizing the “power of the ‘Soul Field’” expressed in a natural form. He tells us “At certain times, this power compels the natural Earth-conditioned personality to accept, perhaps in awe, the spiritual potentialities of its ‘higher’ celestial destiny.”
He says us this stage implies “revelation” is a potential, and offers “the consciousness may be deeply disturbed by THE VISITATION, but the substance of the individual being can be fecundated by the experience.” He states this symbol is in the Span of Experience, Act of Differentiation, and is the counterpoint degree of the Actional level of the Scene of Substantiation.
According to Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, this degree is a symbol of our “real power for making an effective impact on events, dramatized… by a completeness of (our) inward self-mobilization.” He states that ”here there is a catharsis… mirroring the capacity of every individual for discharging the whole complex of strain in (our) affairs… clearing the way for a more genuine progress ahead.”
He says that this is a critical moment, due to the “terror in the loss of aplomb whenever human personality rises to a moment of union with the universal forces.” He offers us the keyword of TRANSFORMATION. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this is a degree of our “genius for dramatizing both the values at hand and the potential ahead.”
So the Light of tearing away from old memories and life experiences will express through major transformational experiences which will be productively stabilizing and harmonizing as our personality witnesses something of our higher Destiny. While this may produce crises, the overall lesson is to overcome any lurking fear, and greet crises with harmlessness and kindness.
So the Lunar forms of the next 2 weeks involve a greater clarity around our resources, values, material things, and being awakened to a higher Destiny, or at least a greater practical spiritual effectiveness. We will certainly get to the core of many things, and any plans we have should be able to executed with precision, good timing, and simplicity.
TransPluto, Divine Mother, and the Tests of Human Redemption
Both Neptune and TransPluto represent very vast fields of feeling and connectedness beyond individual control. Neptune is the oceanic field of collective consciousness in which we all swim, and TransPluto is an almost incomprehensibly vast Divine Mother energy which redeems all things, brings grace to all circumstances, and is beyond even Death itself. When these two planets make an aspect, it shows us how the collective field is relating to Divine Redemption.
Many important collective developments related to these themes began to surface between 2009-2012, when Neptune in Aquarius was in very close opposition to TransPluto, or Divine Mother. That’s a major factor in why things became so polarized during those years, where the “tension of opposites” began to bring forth lessons in our Oneness, our need to share, and the human collective consciousness faced its need to embrace compassion and learn Viveka, or Divine Discrimination, especially when TransPluto was at the first degree of Virgo. Since that important opposition, we’ve all experienced intensified opportunities to join together in the Great Mother and realize our interrelatedness on a feeling level with All-That-Is.
In terms of the larger Era, we’ve now ended the TransPluto (Percephone, Parvati) in Leo era that we knew from September 20, 1935 through July 4, 2014. The transition period where this planet danced at the last degree of Leo and first two degrees of Virgo began October 2011 and ended July 4, 2014, when TransPluto left Leo for many centuries to come, and entered into Virgo for the next century.
TransPluto, or Divine Mother, danced between 1 and 2 Virgo between July 2014 and Oct 2017, showing us the larger view of what we are learning about how we conceive of God the Mother. The symbol for 1 Virgo is about how our ideas and ideals shape the outer forms in our lives, as well as how we act. It’s about picturing “the salient features and the overall meaning of any life situation,” as well as the Path of discipleship and other forms of training.
So one of the two great themes Divine Mother has taught all of us these past several years was to see life as a whole, and find meaning in seeing the significant features of the whole picture. We have had to understand the value and function of differences, and seeing how our personal integrity has allowed us to make our ideals real through accepting some sort of responsibility.
TransPluto then made its first entry into 2 Virgo October 2014, and we began humanity’s “liberating ordeal.” That initial visit was between October 2014 and mid-January 2015, and began the themes of the “crucifixion” of our sense of ego-separateness so that compassion and understanding could come forth. We are told it symbolizes “eminence at the cost of struggle,”’ which certainly seems to be very much the case as humanity redeems the promise of its better nature.
It was at 2 Virgo between October 2014 and mid-January 2015, after which it retrograded back to 1 Virgo. It re-entered 2 Virgo in early September 2015, and stayed at that degree until February 2016, when it retrograded back to 1 Virgo again. In mid-May 2016 it went stationary direct at 1 Virgo, and then re-entered 2 Virgo in early August 2016. It remained at 2 Virgo until the end of March 2017 and then retrograded back to 1 Virgo between April and the end of June 2017.
It then again entered 2 Virgo until October 11, 2017, when it entered 3 Virgo, which we are told is a degree of “Two angels bring protection,” symbolizing inner powers and “divine help when human efforts fail.” Its occupancy of 1 Virgo is now complete, and this is the next phase in our collective “liberating ordeal,” promising relief, protection, as well as the manifestation of unexpected latent powers.
This should bring forms of security via “the simple and consistent convergence of all good things toward their own kind.” This is a type of conviction that guarantees “an effective fulfillment of our dreams.” With the planet symbolizing Divine Mother expressing help via guardian angels, it should provide us a welcome relief from some parts of our “liberating ordeal.”
It went stationary retrograde at the end of November 2017 at 3 Virgo, and re-entered 2 Virgo on Jan 19, 2018. It occupied 2 Virgo until it went stationary direct in mid-May 2018 on that degree, continuing to occupy 2 Virgo until Sept 6, 2018, when it re-entered 3 Virgo again. Our guardian angels are back on the job, and there are inner powers to cultivate, as well as a greater recognition of how we have divine helpers everywhere! As you can see, while we dealt with themes related to 1 and 2 Virgo for a long time, we’re now moving into themes related to 2 and 3 Virgo for many months to come.
Planetary Cycles Bringing Forth Divine Mother
The energies of Divine Mother will only grow stronger throughout this century, and these will be demonstrated each time the planets make significant aspects to TransPluto. One major set of cycles were set into motion When Saturn conjuncted TransPluto at 28 Leo in August 2007, and of course Saturn’s SD point at 2 Virgo in May 2008 is currently being transited by TransPluto. Those Saturn-expressed TransPluto Leo lessons will hold sway until their next conjunction at 9 Virgo in Sept 2037.
Another important cycle was set into motion when Jupiter conjuncted TransPluto at 1 Virgo in August 2015 in Virgo, beginning a new 12 year cycle of how these “Divine Mother energies” will manifest. It also began a new long wave era, since Jupiter will conjunct TransPluto in Virgo every 12 years until the 22nd century!
Related to that Jupiter conjunction, Venus went stationary retrograde exactly conjunct TransPluto in late July 2015, also at 1 Virgo, setting up Venusian manifestations of Divine Mother that will show each and every time 1 Virgo is transited. That means the Venusian Divine Mother promise of late July 2015 was expanded, or set into motion somehow, by Jupiter's transit of 1 Virgo in mid-August 2015, and then took expression due to Mars’ transit of that degree in late September 2015, and found “beauty of form” when Venus transited it again in early October 2015.
Those two conjunctions have dominated the Virgo landscape in our charts since then, and were given new value, new power, and new understanding each time the inner planets transited those early degrees in 2016 and 2017. Related to this, please take a new look at the Mars-Jupiter cycle set into motion by their conjunction in mid-Virgo between October 2015.
So we’ve officially entered a different Spiritual Era that will last through July 2107, when it leaves Virgo for good and re-enters Libra for the first time in many centuries, also after a few years of dancing on the cusp of Virgo and Libra. I offered you a bit more about this vast spiritual energy field in Astrology in the Age of Aquarius - Transpluto, a.k.a Divine Mother, Parvati, and Percephone.
See you soon with part 3 covering aspects, planetary sequencing, and other important factors in this Full Moon!
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Your words "learn to trust what you know on levels beyond the mind."
... In 2008 a tidal wave became 51%...Insulting both the tidal wave and all 7th harmonic drop ins!
Posted by: sue | October 23, 2018 at 08:36 AM