by Robert Wilkinson
Venus makes its “Inferior Conjunction” with the Sun on October 26 at 4 Scorpio. This fusion of “likes” and Life will help us find a new appreciation for the symbols of our past, as well as a new value in re-imaging what we like and why we like it in a Scorpio-related area of life.
This will help us get a new perspective on the universal lessons and possibilities opened to all of us since the October 2017 Sun conjunct Jupiter on this exact degree. Perhaps we will see how what opened then wherever we have 4 Scorpio in our charts has led us to a new way to value our past, and see how the things and people we left behind we all symbols in our journey from ignorance to awareness.
Be open to new ways of appreciating and/or valuing what you learned from old relationships and old close contacts. And of course, during any Venus retrograde there is the possibility of the return of old friends and associates as well, especially Venusian and Solar Beings.
While not as rare as the 2012 “Venus occultation event” which only happens twice every 110-120 years, this merging of Venus with the Sun symbolizes a point where the spiritual mind awakens and seeks to merge with the heart and find new ways to interact with others to share spiritual knowledge. In Esoteric Science Venus rules the Throat chakra, associated with Spiritual Knowledge of the Way, whereas the Sun rules the Heart chakra, associated with the Love of the Way. Both are constantly exercised as we move from ignorance to knowledge, and from conditional love to Unconditional Love.
How Is This Inferior Conjunction Similar and Different From Others?
In terms of the mechanics of the process, as I’ve explained before, when Venus retrograde conjuncts the Sun it’s similar to when Mercury retrograde conjuncts the Sun in what is called “an Inferior Conjunction.” However, rather than Mercury as coordinating principle in life being part of the fusion, here Venus is fusing. And because now the Sun is moving much faster than Venus, Life has been chasing Likes, and Light is illuminating Relatedness.
In the cases of both Mercury and Venus, an inner planet conjuncts the Sun while retrograde. In this case, if you’re wondering how it works, substitute Venus “slowing down and looking back” energy for Mercury energy. While Life (the Sun) moves steadily forward, these inner planet energies are moving at a different pace so that life can then move forward beyond the function of these inner planet energies.
Whereas when direct they raced forward ahead of the Sun (as our mind and vanities often do!), when retrograde they internalize, or become receptive to inner energies we may not have paid attention to before then. It may lead to a realization of how we are impacted by (in this case) Venus forces from “the outside” that influence what we like or don’t, why we like what we like, why we believe we’re getting what we want from others or not, and a host of other Venus retrograde possibilities.
As usual, a chart done for the exact Inferior Conjunction should show us elements of things related to this “Venus fused with the Sun” energy. This will impact the months to come between now and the next Venus Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 22 Leo on Aug 13-14, 2019. That will impact the following period until the next Venus Inferior Conjunction with the Sun at 14 Gemini in early June 2020.
Aspects and Key Factors in Play at this Conjunction
The main inner planet aspects at play for this Venus retrograde conjunction with the Sun (forming aspects only) are Moon triseptile the Sun and Venus, opposed Jupiter, and biquintile Saturn; Mercury conjunct Jupiter, novile Saturn, and tredecile Neptune; Venus and the Sun are sextile Saturn, opposed Uranus, and quintile Pluto; and Mars semisquare Saturn and quintile Uranus. The main outer planet aspects are Jupiter decile Saturn and septile Pluto, and Uranus semisquare Neptune.
The Moon at 27 Taurus triseptile the conjunction is the dominant influence, with active zones around 25-29 Taurus, 17-21 Cancer, 9-13 Virgo, 1-5 Scorpio, 22-26 Sagittarius, 13-17 Aquarius, and 4-8 Aries. Fateful encounters with the past, present, and future are indicated by this triseptile, so be a pioneer joining with other pioneers to offer your wisdom to others.
High specialization is indicated by the 3 quintiles, tredecile, and biquintile. As usual, Saturn is still the “final dispositor” to all the other planets, making it a dominant backdrop influence on a degree of extraordinary mobilization. Add the quickening promised by the Pluto symbol, and the accelerating of the need “to rise to an occasion” shown by Mars, and it’s clear this one is a “power building” fusion of “Life and Likes,” whether from a look back or a reminder of what once was but is no more.
This inferior conjunction will be both eliminative and regenerative, and give us a new appreciation of or value for all things Scorpio in our lives, and especially the life areas where the conjunction falls in our charts. Go back to prepare to move forward once Venus goes direct in mid-November!
Again, this event is directly related to what the Sun conjunct Jupiter opened for all of us in late October 2017, and helps us see the past year in a new light or a new perspective. This will show us the past year has been heavily influenced by the symbols of our lives via the fusion of Life/Light with Divine Knowledge, or on another level, our values and ways of relating to things and people, as well as what we like, or think we like.
The Sabian Symbol for the Inferior Conjunction
The symbol for the 4th degree of Scorpio is “A youth holding a lighted candle.” In the Jones class notes published in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of “Beginning of spiritual participation in the world’s work,” sustained inspiration,” and “conscious linkage to inner realities.”
In the Astrological Mandala, he goes on to say that this degree is about “the educative power of ceremonies which impress the great images of a culture upon its gathered participants.” He goes on to state this degree is a technique by which communities feel a common bond through the symbols they share. These embody the values of the culture, and minds are shaped by those symbols.
He offers us this this “pictures for us the method by which a community of feelings is built during formative years,” where “the power of symbols is evident.” He says this degree falls in the Span of Retention, Act of Group Integration, and Scene of Communion on the technical degree of the Actional level.
Dr. Jones says this is a degree of “a true contact with inner and transcendental realms of reality,” and rewards that come from realizing “the continuing ties between the least of individuality and universal life as such.” He continues “there are always evidences of higher meaning and immortal value in each moment’s detail of everyday living,” with enthusiasm rising as we get a clear vision that brings “every possible sustainment” in our practical existence.
He offers us the keyword RELIANCE. He states that when operating in a positive manner, this degree “is an unquenchable and irresistible confidence in the goodness and integrity of all things.”
So the theme of this conjunction shows the Light of newer, deeper, and more intense Venus energy is illuminating a promise, truth, or adventure. Its themes include linking to our inner self and finding forms of inspiration, as well as building more powerful connections with others and seeing all that happens in its deeper symbolic meaning.
In Conclusion
All in all, it would seem from this chart that we are looking back to see how the symbols of our past have created our ability to see to the core of things in our current lives. We are revisiting the past as a prelude to moving forward in November. This Inferior conjunction should bring depth perception and understanding of how we have been influenced in the past by symbols, and how we can see symbols in a different light. This will mobilize us to deal with something urgent that could get out of control if we don’t focus on “taming the forest fire.”
This Venus retrograde conjunction with the Sun will help us process things from the past, understanding them in a different way. We can now safely look back at difficult people, situations, and memories of the past that we’ve now revisited and left behind. Sometimes we may be going inward and forward, though at times it may seem like we’re looking at who we were and who we might be rather than who we believe we are. Still, let go of inner and outer conflicts and get a broader view.
If you are called by memories or reminders to revisit the past, take a look at how those people and events led to you being greater than you used to be, and gave you a way to transcend your view that impacted who you are right here and now. Again, perhaps this can be a great time to reconnect to what you value about yourself as a result of old losses and deaths. This continues a time to take a look back at old relationships, or renew relationships with people from the past that present themselves who will have significance in the future.
There will be a lot of fusion in the house where we have Scorpio. This will put the focus on that house in our chart, and over time we should see how that area has opened for us over the past year, and eliminate the last of any lurking emotional or interpersonal heaviness in our subconscious mind that is now being illuminated. Maybe we can see how old relationships that seemed to fail helped us let go of an old hurt, or helped us get clear about where we really didn’t need or want to go. This will lead to a new understanding of the value of what we attracted and let go of long ago.
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
My Beloved Robert Wilkinson
This is divine music for my soul!
I am particularly enthused by these words:
"As usual, a chart done for the exact Inferior Conjunction should show us elements of things related to this “Venus fused with the Sun” energy. This will impact the months to come between now and the next Venus Superior Conjunction with the Sun at 22 Leo on Aug 13-14, 2019"
Because my spiritual and divine birthday is the 15th August (Mother India's Independence Day and Sri Aurobindo's Birthday, too ) and this will be a Full Moon in Aquarius!
And my 38th Anniversary of having visited Shambhala! It was Full Moon in Aquarius on the 15th August 1981, a Saturday. I met Thor/Zeus/Jupiter. He gave me a golden armour for my protection.
Otherwise I would have perished. Or at the very least gone insane by now :) !
Apparently, the only other to have had such an experience was Lord Jesus the Christ.
In divine friendship
Lady Shamla Rose
Posted by: Lady Shamla Rose | October 26, 2018 at 03:19 AM
...I've locked eyes with a Lynx
and said BOO to a Bear
Fed an abundance of Hummingbirds
in this past magical year...
...while my Soul has been nourished by the wisdom of your words, dear Robert.
Posted by: sue | October 26, 2018 at 07:54 AM
Thank you for the valuable and interesting information shared.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | October 26, 2018 at 03:30 PM
The Sabian symbol sounded familiar! T Sun and Venus are conjunct N Neptune at the MH...opposite N Moon and Square N Chiron and N Uranus....whisk me away...
Posted by: Carmen | October 26, 2018 at 04:31 PM