by Robert Wilkinson
Today Venus re-enters its home sign of Libra. What does this mean?
First, Venus is far more at ease in Libra than it is in Scorpio! Venus in Libra is in its home; Venus in Scorpio is in exile, as far away from its home in Taurus as it can be. Scorpio is never as settled as Taurus, so Venus' easygoing side is not comfortable in Scorpio. Venus likes the elegance, grace, balance, and equipoise of Libra, and so finds itself in its ideal place of expression.
This significant event took place at 12:42 pm PDT, 7:42 pm GMT on October 31. It is still slow, but gradually speeding up, preparing to go direct Nov 16 at 26 Libra, After the weeks Venus has been in Scorpio, the coming weeks should bring a more natural balance and perspective to the intensification of feelings and relationships we've been through since it entered Scorpio in the second week of September.
We first experienced Venus in Libra between early August and early September, and since Venus will occupy 26-30 Libra the entire month of November, this period will bring echoes of September 3-8 when Venus was previously in this “face” of Libra. This retrograde period in Libra between now and November 16 will allow us a greater appreciation of the lessons Saturn put into play when it was at the end of Libra between late November 2011 and early October 2012.
Jupiter brought us openings in this sector when it occupied the final face of Libra in late September and the first 10 Days of October 2017. Many of these late Libra lessons and opportunities were triggered by Mars’ transit of the sector during the first 9 days of December 2017. Everything of a Venusian nature we experience in November is related to these three periods in time.
As I offered in another article, this period parallels the most recent time Venus retrograded from Scorpio back to late Libra in October and November 2010, so take a look back to find hints about what’s in front of you the next few weeks. When we’re done, we’ll be able to blend “soft power” with “hard power,” or use them in alternating ways to achieve a form of mastery over the late Libra areas of our lives. We may also have the ability to demonstrate this in our social existence, or anywhere we have Taurus or Libra planets or houses.
Anyway, with Venus now out of Scorpio for a month, our Taurus and Libra houses and planets should feel "more natural" in many ways. Enjoy the balancing act, and remember we’ll be using late Libra energy as a platform when we must again deal with Venus in Scorpio energy during December and early January.
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you 💛 love your posts 💛
I'm wandering if there's a certain thing to this Venus-Libra energy when Libra is intercepted in a natal chart...I have Libra intercepted in 4th (24° Virgo - 3°Scorpio) I have a lot going on in Scorpio but "only" Pluto in Libra and nothing in Taurus, except from south node...(which is quite important actually 😉)
I have Venus and Pluto swapped sign in my natal: Venus 14° Scorpio and Pluto 11° Libra...
Anyway, thank you for your great posts,I love them! 💛
Posted by: Karoline Osmer Andersen | November 01, 2018 at 01:44 AM
Thank god!!! I always feel depressed to an existential degree when 2 or more planets are in Scorpio. Ugh!
Posted by: Diana | November 03, 2018 at 09:50 AM