by Robert Wilkinson
At 10:34 pm PST November 25, 6:34 am GMT November 26, the Sun conjuncts Jupiter at 4 Sagittarius. This is important, because after a year of going deep into the symbols of our live, we enter a year of learning and teaching basic life skills!
Each year the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, illuminating and powering up the Jupiter lesson of that degree for the next 13 months. Where the conjunction falls is where we get a new set of truths, higher and/or broader understanding, or maybe just opportunities to expand our lives.
Obviously, as Jupiter moves through the signs, it brings a different “tone” to the houses where we have Sagittarius and Pisces. Thinks back on recent years, and see how each year Jupiter occupied a given sign that “colored” your experiences in Jupiterian ways. As Jupiter shifts signs, it also changes the backdrop to planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces.
During the past few years, we’ve had the Sun conjunct Jupiter at the very beginning of each sign. As the Sun conjuncts Jupiter, it lights up the Jupiterian promise, or message, or grace, or possibility in those parts of our life. The degree of the conjunction becomes “an enlightened promise,” or “illuminated adventure” in the life area shown by the house it falls in.
Past, Present, and Future Sun-Jupiter Conjunctions
Because of irregularities in Jupiter’s orbit, the conjunction doesn’t always fall in successive signs. In 2010, the conjunction was at 10 Pisces in late February. In 2011, it was at 17 Aries in early April. In 2012, the conjunction was at 24 Taurus in mid-May. In 2013, it fell at 29 Gemini in mid-June. In 2014, the conjunction was at 2 Leo in late July.
That means there was no Sun conjunct Jupiter in Cancer during this period in history. The last one was in 2002, and next one will be 2025. Because of the speed of Jupiter's orbit, every so often a sign will be skipped, which has its own interesting implications.
Resuming the string of conjunctions, in 2015 it was at 4 Virgo in late August. In 2016, it was at 4 Libra in late September. In 2017, it was at 4 Scorpio. This year it happens at 4 Sagittarius. Next year it will happen at 6 Capricorn in late December. We won’t have one in 2020, but will have one in late January 2021 at 10 Aquarius, obviously activating a larger expansion based in what we left behind since Mars went retrograde at that degree in June 2018.
How the Conjunction Manifests After the Event
Each of these conjunctions lights up a “hot spot” of illuminated opportunity, truth, or adventure in our charts that lasts a year. However, it is triggered different times in different ways by the transits of other planets over the degree of the conjunction.
In fact, often we will see major results of that promise activated as Mars transits the degree, with the other planets each bringing elements of that promise via its “department of labor.” This can mean through people or opportunities in circumstances described by the sign of the conjunction.
For example, the 2014 conjunction was at 4 Leo. That means each Summer when the Sun, Mercury, and Venus pass over 4 Leo, we get new information via those planets of the promise activated in late July 2014. And it’s been reactivated with each Mars transit of that degree in mid-August 2015 and late July 2017.
The 2015 conjunction at 4 Virgo was hyper charged due to Venus dancing with Mars in Leo during that season, with Mars quickly activating the conjunction degree in late September, and Venus capturing concrete forms of it in mid-October. Not much waiting for that one to manifest!!
The 2016 conjunction degree was transited by Mercury in mid-October, but that degree was not reactivated until this year’s Solar transit, followed quickly by Mercury, Venus, and now Mars. In mid-December 2017, Mars activated the Sun conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio cycle in a big way! This Sag cycle won’t be activated by Mars until January 2020 when it transits Sag.
Sabian Symbol for the Conjunction
This conjunction is at 4 Sagittarius. The symbol for the 4th degree of Sagittarius is "A little child learning to walk." In the Jones class notes he used in The Astrology of Personality, Rudhyar says this is a degree of "life's kindliness in creating safe opportunities for growth," "full appreciation of opportunity," and "crisis in self-development."
In The Astrological Mandala he states the keynote is "the natural assistance of superior powers during crises of growth." He notes that this symbol is one of overcoming "the power of gravitation, or … learn to use it... to fulfill the purpose of its life." He speaks of a "critical state of growth - growth in freedom, potency, and individuality" as the gateway to "self-induced progress" where we are observed by a "more evolved Power" and get encouragement and examples to model.
He offers that this is a technique to resolve conflict on whatever level it's encountered. He says this degree falls in the Span of Receptiveness, Act of Group Integration, and Scene of Abstraction on the technical degree of the Actional level.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, tells us here we can find "the maximum possible encouragement... on the practical or objective side," and be stimulated to new potential skills and character development. Here is "the universal fellowship" which helps us share our blessings with others.
He goes on to tell us that this degree is one of "constant rehearsal and perfecting of function through which the conscious being gains and strengthens its powers." The keyword is INDIVIDUALITY, and when positive, we are told this degree is "exceptional facility for entering experience on its own immediate terms while yet preserving the full genius of self-hood."
So the theme of this conjunction shows the Light of wider, brighter, and more intensely future oriented Jupiter energy over the next year is illuminating a promise, truth, or adventure. Its themes include safe growth into basic functional skills through willingness to learn what we need to learn, or teach others what they need to learn. Regard it all as a “constant rehearsal” so you can get your practice perfected to demonstrate your genius.
Summing Up
So from Autumn 2016 through Autumn 2017 we finished a year of opening to more ideal relationships and finding those who share our heart fire (even if these have barely begun to manifest). From Autumn 2017 to now, we’ve explored the higher, wider, and deeper qualities of life, and strengthened our magnetic bond with some things while letting go of all we do not need. We have lightened our load, and made space for a much broader future promised now that the Sun is conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius, setting a new year into motion!
We now begin a year of “Enlightened Expansion” into a greater truth, vision, or future. We have seen what to eliminate or what we have yet to eliminate, and will find new vistas of connecting with others and with a future we could embrace with enthusiasm. The trick to navigating the fogs and mists of collective consciousness as Jupiter moves through conflicting aspects with Neptune requires we get a sense of the bigger picture, and find ways to nudge things forward so they prove to be of continued interest.
Any conjunction to Jupiter ends an old view and begins a newer, broader vista of perception as a result of our movement since the last conjunction. We’re in a season of getting a bigger view of things, and finding an illuminated peace in that broader understanding. Two years ago we had a year of Activating Air; the past year was Stable Water. The coming year is Distributive Fire!
The Jupiter conjunctions this year actually began when Mercury conjuncted Jupiter at 28 Scorpio, coincidentally the same degree it will go stationary direct in early December, and again stationary retrograde late October 2019. The Sagittarius conjunctions this year begin with this Solar conjunction, followed by Mercury retrograde conjunct Jupiter at 5 Sagittarius just after the Inferior Conjunction, then again just hours before the December Solstice at 10 Sagittarius, and finally by Venus at 17 Sagittarius on January 22.
So consider a new adventure has been launched wherever you have 4 Sagittarius in your chart. This adventure will be easy or hard on other parts of your life depending on what aspects are in play. Because the conjunction makes a combination of harmonious and frictional aspects as it closes in on the next Grand Mutation Conjunction with Saturn (and Pluto!), this will quicken many areas of our lives, and open alternative views. By this time next year, all our lives will be concentrated in new directions, with new duties and responsibilities on the horizon.
© Copyright 2018 Robert Wilkinson
Thanks for the precise information. Knowledge is a first step towards right action.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | November 25, 2018 at 04:56 PM
Thanks again for another insightful article. Can't wait for the next two Sun-Jupiter conjunctions as they are direct hits to my chart. :)
Posted by: bomega | November 26, 2018 at 09:03 PM
Had to return for a re-read too much info flowing by...
The Gang of Angry Grannies aka GAG180 has new fire in their feet...
Posted by: sue | November 27, 2018 at 08:30 AM
How can I find out where I have 4 Sagittarius in my chart
What does that mean ?
Posted by: Holly | November 27, 2018 at 02:52 PM
Hi Holly - Find your Ascendant degree. Put the same degree value in the following sign on your 2nd house, and the sign after that on your 3rd house and continue. Eventually you'll see Sagittarius on one of your houses. Then determine if 4 Sagittarius falls in that house, or the one before it. That will happen if you have more than 4 degrees of the signs on the edge of the houses. You can also find out by going to any number of free chart sites and you'll see where you have Sag on a house cusp (edge of a house where the previous house becomes the next house.)
Posted by: Robert | November 27, 2018 at 06:25 PM