by Robert Wilkinson
Over at KISS, friend of the site Dennis Harris posed a question a couple of weeks back, and I attempted a brief answer. Today we do a brief overview of what we all experienced in 2018.
Dennis asked “On January 6th for the first time in many months all the planets will be direct in motion again as the last of the retrograde planets Uranus shifts back into direct motion on its last leg through the sign of Aries and eventually moving back into Taurus in March.” Here were my thoughts. I added a little more to each concept to flesh out what I meant.
We had major retrograde action between March and December 2018! Jupiter went RX in March, followed by Mercury going RX two weeks later. Saturn and Pluto both went RX within a week of each other in April just after Mercury went direct. Uranus entered Taurus in May, and Neptune and Mars both went retrograde in late June. Jupiter went direct in mid-July, and Mercury went RX again in late July. Uranus went retrograde in early August, Mercury went direct in mid-August, and Mars went direct in late August.
Saturn went direct in early September, Pluto went direct in late September, and Venus went retrograde in early October. Venus went direct in mid-November, just as Mercury went retrograde. Mercury finally ended the run when it went direct in early December. That’s a LOT of retrograde action! And now Uranus is direct, with no retrograde to come until early March when Mercury again goes RX at 30 Pisces, a degree where we will all consciously or unconsciously dream and “pre-form” the future.
Jupiter's RX station at 24 Scorpio was the third in a sequence of Saturn (2014) and then Mars (2016) also having stations on that degree. The theme is allowing inspiring truths and teachings to transform our everyday lives. I've certainly seen the long term effects of that degree play out in my life with Jupiter opening things related to those previous stations in 2018.
Mars RX helped me pull back from many attachments, and plan anew based in nullifying those old projections. We had to rework many things, since that was about some things no longer being “popular” in our lives, giving us a chance to clean out old desires (and aggravations!)
Mercury's stations bookended the year involving 14 Sagittarius, giving us signs and signals all year related to our "ancestral wisdom" or what I term “genetic wisdom.” I certainly found my ancestral wisdom in a variety of ways related to that degree falling in my 5th house. I have also found that many of my clients also were given information or memories of their “ancestral wisdom,” once they reflected on their wisdom lessons of 2018.
Venus RX either allowed a humanitarian to pull us back from going beyond our limit, or we were a humanitarian to others helping them “back to shore.” We all had lessons around “social restraint” despite feeling a lot, as well as radiating “warmth of character” and allowing other to be that with us.
In my own life, Venus rules my 4th house, and was RX in my 4th for almost the entire RX period. Just as it went stationary RX, I was reconnected with an ancient past and I saw some people I hadn’t seen for 50 years. I even got to walk the beach during that SRX period, which brought back ancient memories of when I walked and surfed that beach in the 60s.
Now Uranus direct helps us move forward with our parts to sing in the Cosmic Choir. We began our awakening to what we’re supposed to sing and not sing in the Summer of 2017, and been prodded to individualize our song(s) since then. As Uranus moves back into Taurus, we’ll be solidifying our ability to sing our own song in the way that is most natural and enjoyable for us.
We now know if we’re singing soprano, alto, tenor, or bass, and whether we’re supposed to sing unisons, harmonies, solos, or not at all. We’ve prepared, and now are ready to tune to the “Music of the Spheres” and sing our part! The coming Mars conjunct Uranus will carry us forward, encouraging us to limit our focus to the best environment for us to work and play in with others of like mind and heart.
Onward and upward in 2019!
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Great synthesis, thanks.
Posted by: Nic | January 21, 2019 at 10:26 AM
Great read!
Posted by: Nancy Robinson | January 27, 2019 at 11:46 PM