by Robert Wilkinson
Yesterday’s article about progressed planets going retrograde led back to this article on how progressions are computed, and how they are similar and different than transits.
We previously explored this over 3 years ago, and since it came up not long ago in a conversation, this seems the perfect time to revisit the material. In the original article, I offered that an amateur astrologer friend of mine had a question about how to progress a chart, and why “the dates jumped” when she entered the data. Today is a brief explanation of how and why.
She said “when I progress a chart the date jumps.” I explained that when we’re computing progressions (secondary directions, as distinct from primary directions), we begin at the birth day and year, and then calculate each day after that birthday as a year beyond the birth. In other words, if we’re born the first of a month, then the second day of that month and year is when we turn 1, and the 11th day of that month shows us our progressed planetary positions for our 10th birthday.
For example, if we’re looking at a birthday of March 8, 1973, then if we’re doing a progression for that person’s 46th birthday, the chart will be calculated for April 23, 1973, since that day is 46 days after the birthday. Even though it it is 2019 when that person turns 46, the progressed day will be in late April 1973.
In my case, I was born April 1, 1951. When I progressed my chart for my 29th birthday, the computation was for April 30, 1951, even though it was 1980 in real time. If I want to know my progressed positions for 2019, when I’m 68, then I look to the day that is 68 days after my April 1, 1951 birthday. And I always calculate the progression for the birth place.
Some astrologers don’t use progressions since they are a purely symbolic movement, having no basis in anything other than those planets being in those positions at that point in time. I use them because I find they are good markers for looking at internal movement over time modifying the natal tendency. Other astrologers swear by the accuracy of types of primary directions, but in any case, how we evolve internally is entirely a matter of the choices we make with our free will. Any given directed or progressed potential event can be turned in a different direction by the exercise of our free will. That's why some tragedies bring us to spiritual triumph, and some apparently "fortunate"things can lead our lives into a ditch.
This brings us to an important distinction. Because ALL progressions and directions use “a day for a year” as a reference, they aren’t “real time” measurements except relative to the birth moment. They represent internal movement as shown by an extrapolation of the birth time, and not the “real world” positions of the planets except back then for those days after the birth day. Those things and events in the "real world" we respond to which shape our internal experience are shown by transits.
That's why transits are entirely different matter, since they measure movement in "real time." Transits positions are shown by where the planets actually are, as measured by their longitude (and declination and latitude as well) at any point in the here and now. This allows us to know where they are in our charts, as well as the angles they are making to our natal planets (and each other). A transiting planet is where it is in the moment, not where they were back when, which make them an extraordinarily important factor in our lives, since they show the events our natal "pre-set" and our evolved "pre-sets" must deal with as we move through the transactions and transitions of life.
So progressions and directions measure internal movement using a symbolic frame of reference, while transits measure external energies manifesting in the here and now. That’s the most important distinction between the two.
Anyway, if you’ve wondered why the dates jump when you calculate progressions using your software, or what progressions actually are and how they differ from transits, consider this one port of entry into the what and how of two vast subjects in astrology.
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
"So progressions and directions measure internal movement using a symbolic frame of reference, while transits measure external energies manifesting in the here and now. That’s the most important distinction between the two."
Very clearly explained, thank you.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | January 23, 2019 at 11:22 AM