by Robert Wilkinson
On January 6, Uranus went stationary direct at 29 Aries. This completes a long term awakening of our part to sing in “the Cosmic Choir,” and sets the stage to complete our Uranus in Aries experience and re-enter our Uranus in Taurus experience. Embrace the awakening, and don't look back!
I'll be composing more about the major changes that are before us in a future article, since as Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move, so moves the greater Transpersonal Field within which we live and breathe and have our Being. The outer planets show us the larger fields within which we demonstrate our Higher Self as we stand individually and collectively at the threshold of a new era.
Uranus going direct is important since whenever an outer invisible goes retrograde or direct, it's a sea change in the collective consciousness. This larger shift began 12:26 pm PST January 6, and now Uranus again begins to retrace its steps over ground it's now covering for a FOURTH time.
Here's where the Transpersonal Individualizer again moves forward, also moving collective consciousness with it. The 29th degree of Aries is now again irrevocably burned as a hot spot that will be triggered any time there's a transit to that point.
This point was set as "original future potentiality" when Uranus went stationary retrograde at 29 Aries in August 2017, awakening us to finding our voice in in “the Cosmic Choir” since then. These energies were renewed and moved into unknown zones in April 2018, and now the themes of 29 Aries are a foundation energy as Uranus again moves forward over the degree span it’s occupied since April.
The last Mars conjunct Uranus occurred at 23 Aries in February 2017. Because it transited over 25 Aries shortly after that, the Uranian themes of 2017 began to be expressed in new ways and took shape in the world of expression in April, May, and June 2018 as the inner planets transited 25 Aries, adding their unique variations on the theme as each conjuncted Uranus.
The next Mars conjunct Uranus will occur in mid-February at 30 Aries, launching yet another 2 year cycle of these final stage Uranus in Aries themes. And yes, as the inner planets transit 29 and 30 Aries in April and May 2019, these late Aries energies will again express in new ways in our world and individual lives.
The Sabian Symbol for Uranus' Station
The Sabian symbol for the 29th degree of Aries is “A celestial choir singing.” According to Rudhyar’s notes from the Marc Jones class, this degree is one of “At-One-Ment of consciousness with cosmic powers” and “Harmonic understanding and faith in the order and meaning of life.”
In the Astrological Mandala he states this degree is one of “attunement to cosmic order,” where we who have “entered into a new realm of possibilities of action” need to learn “the harmonic principles operating” in that realm. He goes on to say that we who are “advancing ‘on the Path’ should seek to understand and realize (our) place in the vast scheme of (human) evolution, in the immense chord of the harmony of the universe.”
He continues that this symbol’s message is about learning “to listen to the inner voice” in order to find our place in the larger scheme of things. This challenges us to listen to “the voice of the whole,” where we sense our significance within the Universal Chord. This symbol is said to be in the Span of Examination, Act of Differentiation, and is the technical degree of the Individual-Mental level of the Scene of Potency.
Dr. Jones, creator of the Sabian Symbols, says this degree is one of our capacity to become “an immortal instrument for the enduring visions and aspirations which have created and now hallow the world” in which we live. He states “there are overtones here which transform every lesser aspect of experience” which call us as individuals “to give a spiritual dramatization to daily living” for ourselves and others “within every range of (our) power and skill.”
He offers us the keyword VENERATION. He states that when this degree works positively, it is one of “a gift for the effective articulation or manifestation of those eternal realities through which all people find themselves at one.”
It’s clear that “the Awakener” has moved us to listen to our inner voice to find our unique place in the eternal and infinite scheme of things, and to frame our understanding that we are a unit of “the cosmic choir.” I have found that as we learn to sing in “the cosmic choir,” sometimes we sing harmonies, sometimes we sing unisons, sometimes we sing solos, and sometimes we should not be singing at all. This can help us find our individual and spiritual potential through a vaster view of who we are in the bigger picture.
We can now use Uranus’ individuation energies to examine our potency on the individual, mental, and spiritual levels so we can know our unique part to play within the greater whole in the future. We can now move forward, expressing unique forms of synthesized spiritual initiative wherever we have 29 Aries in our charts.
Uranus is now at the final awakening of many things we’ve already experienced before now. Wherever we have late Aries in our charts was the life arena where we learned to shape our expectations to experience fulfillment in ways perfect to us as individuals in 2017, and now that we know our parts to play, many things can move forward as we prepare to complete our Aries awakening and renew our Taurus awakening.
So Uranus is now "on the move," exerting its own powerful pull on the tides of evolution while Pluto prepares to move into unknown Capricorn zones in February and Neptune moves forward anew over degrees that have brought all of us a “dress rehearsal,” a new inspiration, and a social renewal since last Summer. The Awakener is now moving everything in its realm forward, so whatever has emerged since Summer 2017 is now permanently a part of our reality!
We can expect dramatic upheavals and major movements in the world thanks to Uranus' station, and transpersonal long wave shifts in people and nations. There will be manifestations of Divine Power both from individuals and collectivities in creative and original forms, so get ready, since we've all prepared for these individualizing spiritual energies to come forth in many ways these past 18 months.
To understand more about the dance Saturn is doing with Uranus in their respective parts of the zodiac, please take a new look at Spiritual Astrology in the Summer of 2018 – Uranus Stationary Retrograde, Saturn Stationary Direct Pt. 1 and Spiritual Astrology in the Summer of 2018 – Uranus Stationary Retrograde, Saturn Stationary Direct Pt. 3
Copyright © 2019 Robert Wilkinson
My Beautiful Divine Robert Wilkinson!
This article makes my soul sing and my spirit soar!
So much happened for us on the 6th January 2019, the New Moon and 13th Day of Christmas, that is so perfectly described by you.
The Elohim, Who are the Creators of our Planet, have shown me why Christmas Day is the Holiest Day of the year. As a result we received so much from this!
Thank you so very much for your very divine sharing!
Oceans of Blessings to You!
In divine friendship
Lady Shamla Rose
Posted by: Lady Shamla Rose | January 08, 2019 at 02:05 AM
Beloved Robert Wilkinson
Please, provide me with your e-mail address? So I can share clearly how magnificently magically our LOVE (Manu's and mine) are being played out on Earth, in Tune with the Infinite...
In divine friendship
Lady Shamla Rose
Posted by: Lady Shamla Rose | January 08, 2019 at 02:46 AM