by Robert Wilkinson
I was on a FB group page dedicated to the wisdom teachings of HPB, Alice Bailey, and Helena Roerich, and the subject of what the “blue books” say about homosexuality came up. Several people were quoting verse and page about some things that were written, and what they allegedly mean.
There was a lot of back and forth about why “being gay” is this problem or that problem, from it being a leftover bad habit developed during Lemuria and Atlantis to being a way to imitate others having a good time to whatever. There was a lot of judgment about those who question the authority of some of the writings, with the usual put-downs that “if you don’t understand what the Master is saying then you just don’t get it,” “who are you to judge the work of a Master,” and other statements inferring that somehow we are devoid of wisdom and experience in these things if we don’t join the group think,
After reading through a lot of ponderous, contradictory, and judgmental comments about the “true meaning” of some of what was written in the “blue books,” I felt moved to write this, edited since the original was written on the fly:
At risk of stirring a pot that's already been simmering, in my 45 years of studying the material AND being a master of my craft, counseling literally thousands of disciples of every level, as well as thousands who aspired and those who didn't, I can say for a fact that I do not hold anything an alleged Master says as the final truth and authority of any subject, except one: Love Is The Way. Love is all there is, love is all there ever has been, and love is all there ever will be. Love is the natural affinity of one Eternal for another. Sometimes it leads to sexual interactions. There is no "sin" (error) in sexuality except for linking it with violence (on any level). It could be said this simply: More love is good, less love is bad.
Any teaching seeking to elevate consciousness that condemns one to elevate another (gay v straight; male v female; one ethnicity v another) is an erroneous teaching. Any teaching that undermines the sense of Eternal Loving Wise Intelligence that is our true nature is not true. Any teaching that identifies with the lower instead of the higher is not true. While we may need "fire by friction" to evolve, I have found we also evolve quite well without being undermined or challenged at every turn.
Our eternal Nature is Loving Wise Intelligence; being "gay" or "straight" literally has nothing to do with much of anything except as our personality has to deal with choices arising from that genetic identifier. We all love many throughout countless lifetimes, some of the same gender, some of the "other" gender; some we have sex with, most we don't. If Christ Himself didn't condemn homosexuality then how could we? If Buddha didn't condemn homosexuality, how can we?
I have read the works of countless Arhats and those who others claim to be "Masters," and I have yet to find one who was a true Master who condemned homosexuality. Just as I have yet to find one who condemned having red hair, or green eyes, or any other genetic trait. If we speak of homosexuality as being trapped in lower desires which are “perversions of habits left over from ancient days,” well, there are plenty of heterosexuals who have plenty of lower desires, even 2nd Initiates. That means it's a human problem, and not specific to one's gender affinities.
Our problem is in the desire mind, with its distortions, attachments, and aversions, all served up with a load of fear, vanity, the instinct for strong sensations, and the insatiable nature of desire itself. Dealing with the desire mind is an equal opportunity trap regardless of one’s orientation about anything.
I tend to take ALL so-called spiritual teachings with a proverbial grain of salt, since even very high Masters are not perfect in every way. Just as there are master mathematicians who know nothing about human psychology, and master psychologists who know nothing about higher level math, each Master of the Wisdom has their “department of labor,” where their Mastery plays out. That doesn’t mean they are Masters in other Ray fields of activity. A Master of the 4th Ray of Art may not be a Master on the 5th Ray of Science. A Master at teaching children may not be a Master at teaching adults. It's entirely possible a "Spiritual Master" in one department of Wisdom has no knowledge whatsoever of the world of diplomacy, or psychology, or child development, or human sexuality.
While a “Spiritual Master” must tame and integrate their lower Triad in order to become a true “Master of the Wisdom,” since humanity is itself evolving in its view of matter, human-ness, energy, and the physics of attraction-repulsion force in a larger undefined unified field of existence, the requirements of mastery are also evolving. The personality disciplines of ancient times may or may not take the same forms as personality disciplines in modern times. Again, all lesser distinctions must recede in the Light of our evolving collective awareness of what “being human” actually is, here and now.
As for “truth,” I have found there is absolute truth, apparent truth, conditional truth, and untruth. I have found examples of each in the “blue books,” as well as every other “spiritual” work I've ever examined. I do accept the wisdom of DK when he states we are learning to kill out “the heresy of separateness." As anything condemning the affinity loving Beings have for each other is furthering separateness, then any teaching condemning the affinity loving Beings have for each other is not part of the Ageless Wisdom.
Many misunderstandings arise because often even well-read disciples still identify with the personality expressions rather than the fact that we are Eternals having human experiences. As Eternals, we must have an infinite number of physical, emotional, and mental experiences if we are to learn Divine Discernment as to what is true for us and what is untrue for us as a function of our endlessly evolving Awareness.
Again, to restate the obvious: I've yet to read even one acknowledged historical Master condemn homosexuality. Krishna didn't. Buddha didn't. Christ didn't. Apollonius of Tyana didn't. No Master ever furthered that symptom of "the heresy of separateness." To my knowledge, no Arhat or Paramahamsa has condemned homosexuality except those who were still working through the prejudices of their lower mind obscuring the Love behind all worldly manifestations.
From my earliest days seeking the Way, Truth, and Light, I’ve found the third great Truth taught by the Buddha to be universal: “that our suffering born of ignorance and attachments can be ended without priest or scripture." We each find the way to Self-realization and learn to train our lower triad to express the intention of the Higher Triad. This is true regardless of our sexual orientation, or whether we do this in active or passive ways, or whether we read books or not.
Just because something is written in a book does not make it universally true, unless it promotes the expansive Love principle pervading all creation. And even then, it may or may not be true all the time under all conditions. We cannot slavishly parrot alleged “spiritual works” and not question why it states what it does, and how those teachings relate to the universal Wisdom we all are learning whether we know it or not. We learn to play many songs in the Key of Life, and not all of them are harmonious with all the other songs we’re learning to play. This helps us overcome duality and elevating this while condemning that.
While one of the greatest transcendent experiences of my life came while staring at the diagram of the planes in the venerable work Initiation Human and Solar, another came from my Book of Life dealing with a Chapter of Death and transcended all the words ever written in any holy book. The highest awareness comes with no words to describe it.
So enjoy reading what you read, allowing yourself to experience a higher awareness with each genuine gem of truth you find along the way. Still, as with all concepts and attachment to any sort of form, whether physical, emotional, or mental, these too must pass away in the Light of ever greater Truths beyond our current comprehension. All fear, all separateness, all dualities must give way to a sense of our Oneness within Life itself.
Here I’ll leave you with a great Truth: Death is a fact of Life, and Love is stronger than death. Your evolving Love will outlast and outshine all the deadly thoughts, feelings, and actions in this mortal vale. You are Love Itself, greater than all the thoughts and opinions ever written on this Earth.
Copyright © 2019 Robert Wilkinson
I bow to this and gratefully thank you for these beneficial words in a world so wounded by separateness. Another fragment of wisdom for my daughter to ponder.namaste Barbara
Posted by: Barbara | February 21, 2019 at 05:12 AM
Amen brother
Posted by: Ale Tarallo | February 21, 2019 at 08:54 AM
Thanks for your words of wisdom. You captured what was troubling me in the online discussion. Blessings.
Posted by: Jo Garceau | February 21, 2019 at 11:20 AM
Clear thinking!
Even DK in the Blue Books warns against believing without experience. Warns not to follow blindly just because it is written or said by someone (whomever that someone might be). He recommends personal experience and personal thought and consciousness above everything else.
Quoting authority really adds not much. Understanding, compassion, not-judging and Love are the ways to wisdom.
Who knows? maybe in past life times we have been the pirate, the saint, a homosexual, the whore, the farmer, the musician, the healer, the.... In the last analysis, we are all brothers and sisters going through individual and group (humanity) experience.
When too much enphasis is placed on personality issues, the essential is lost.
Thanks for the great post and wise words.
Blessings be to all.
Posted by: Nic | February 21, 2019 at 12:13 PM
Allowing myself to experience a higher awareness with this genuine gem of truth; thank you so much... and thank you for sharing these great metaphysical links on the left side, and for all the depth, and wisdom, (and music) that shines from your posts to our hearts.
Posted by: Umay | February 21, 2019 at 01:03 PM