by Robert Wilkinson
Michele Meiche and I will be on the air Wednesday discussing all kinds of things, including the recent Eclipses, the Full Moon, and the Mercury retrograde coming at us like an express train! Please join us on "Awakenings" at the time-space coordinate listed above. More details below.
Her show begins at noon PDT if you want to hear her advice to callers asking all kinds of questions. I begin about 30 minutes in, and as usual, we’ll be talking about all kinds of things. As I said, we have an important Full Moon coming on the heels of the powerful recent Eclipses, as well as a Mercury retrograde that will “dream the future into pre-manifestation.” As Saturn is biseptile Uranus, we’ll also be discussing the Grand Irrationality V.2 putting the whole world at a fork in the road of its destiny.
If you go into her archives, you may find a rich amount of material on our last shows in June and November 2017 and January, July, and August 2018, which specifically covered some of the themes in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. Saturn has been front and center in our most important lessons of 2017, 2018, and 2019 which have prepared us for two of the most important years in recent history coming in 2020 and 2021. By making friends with our inner Saturn, we acquire the power to take command of our lives and destiny. Saturn shows us those things we must master to become spiritual adults and fulfill our purpose for being alive on Earth. Each time you read any section of this book you will find new insights about your power to steer your personal evolution. Through your journey of self-discovery, you can find ways to live life on your own terms, and fulfill your purpose for being alive as an Eternal having human experiences!
Anyway, Michele and I always have a great time, so tune in if you can! Here's the link to Wednesday's party: Full Moon Energy with Spiritual Astrologer Robert Wilkinson.
Here are links to the two previous interviews. This one’s our July 2018 interview: Impending Eclipses and Retrogrades with Spiritual Astrologer Robert Wilkinson, and here's the link to our August talk: Autumn Astrological Forecasts for 2018 with Spiritual Astrologer Robert Wilkinson.
For those who want to call in, the number is 347-539-5122.
See you there and Mahalo! And if you can't be there, it'll be in her archives.
Copyright © 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Great program, Robert. Congrats on your article in Horoscope magazine. Thank you Michelle for hosting Robert.
I have done a lot of thinking about the exposing of abuse through time's up and me to. The son of Trungpa Rinpoche who is the lineage holder at Shambhala has recently been accused of sexual misconduct. I am convinced that all of this is a harbinger of the shift into the age of Aquarius. We can no longer worship anyone, be they movie stars, politicians, priests, or gurus. That was the age of Pisces. We are now moving into the awareness that we are ALL teachers, priests, and gurus. Every human being on this planet is sacred. That is the awareness of Humanity being symbolized by the sign of Aquarius. May we ALL continue to have Radiant Awakenings. And so it is.
Posted by: Clay Walks With Fire | February 20, 2019 at 02:49 PM