by Robert Wilkinson
New experiences of course, since it's the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and the days will be longer than the nights for 6 months to come. The Sun is now entering Aries, promising renewal of energy and activity, even as we find opportunity and protection in bringing other things to their natural end.
Here we celebrate that it’s also the Autumnal Equinox down under!! The Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox and Southern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox occur today, March 20, 2018, at 2:59 pm PDT, 9:59 pm GMT. It is said that a chart done for this point in time offers a snapshot of the cosmic and literal weather for the next 3 months.
There is an old tradition that offers us two times when "the year begins," one at the Vernal Equinox, the other at the Autumnal. Perhaps that tradition came from explorers who saw the seasons flip between the Northern and Southern, going from the beginning of warm to the beginning of cold as they moved up and down the latitudes.
So today is the last day of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere, the last day of Summer in the Southern. If you’re wondering how I reconcile the seemingly opposing energies between the hemispheres, when you’re done here please take a look at The Mirroring of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere Year Cycles in Astrology. It may help readers “down under” see how the important points of seasonal change, though opposite in physical manifestation, actually have similar challenges at each point of shift.
This is an excellent time for looking at what has ended, what is emerging, and step out of the ocean on to dry land. Just keep following through on the future you have dreamed of while the Sun has been in Pisces, since every day is good for making a better future real. We up North have done our Winter preparation, and are beginning to plant the seeds that will grow over the next 180 days. In the Southern latitudes, they’re beginning to reap the harvest of what they've done and not done.
Whether North or South, keep following through on the new roles, new initiatives, new feelings, new flow, and new ways of relating to others on more refined levels you’ve already begun to experience in the recent past, since the season to come is the time to transfigure our future into more perfect forms. Regardless of where we live, what follows explores elements we all can expect to experience over the next 13 weeks.
The nights will now begin to be longer than the days for 6 months to come in the Southern Hemisphere, with lengthening days in the Northern. The Sun is now in Aries, promising new ways of acting on our own initiative, as well as new ways of relating to others. Both Aries and Libra represent new ways of acting on ideals, new ways of overcoming inertia to find new rhythms of action and new perspectives.
The charts for the Solstices and Equinoxes provide guideposts for what we can expect the following 90 days in the way of weather, both actual and symbolic. The Vernal Equinox chart shows a good balance of planets in the decans of the signs, with 4 in the first, 3 in the second, and 3 in the third decan in their respective signs.
This indicates a three month period of activity involving a preponderance of individual, mental, and spiritual focus, with slightly more emotional, social and cultural activity than actional-physical. If we add Chiron in the first decan of Aries conjunct the Sun, then we have an even greater preponderance of that “Illuminated Action” promised by the first decan occupancy.
An Overview of the Equinox
We now pass out of the dream time of the Sun at 30 Pisces, and power up a new season which puts the focus directly on Aries. With the Moon, Mars, and Saturn as significant players in the Equinox chart, we’re moving into a season of being able to use our will power to take command of our lives and destiny, as well as situations of “expertise” and executive strength. Listen to the inner voice, see how all has come together to prepare you for this rebirth, and build an adequate vehicle which will help you pick up and deliver Cosmic Power in the future.
With Mercury retrograde in Pisces conjunct Neptune, keep forgiving much and allowing it to be released down the timestream. See how your wisdom has begun to dissolve your sense of separateness via a greater redemptive compassion, and move into the Light of healing into your Higher Self. Use humor to find objectivity, mentor and/or be mentored at every opportunity, and you’ll find yourself with specialized gifts demonstrating your authorship to the world. Seeds of rewards for your courage will begin to sprout in the next 90 days.
This season launches many things that will acquire solidity fairly quickly. There are “grounded leaps of faith” to be made as we navigate through some fairly aggressive situations where we must demonstrate our skill in holding our own. Cross currents will force us to stay creative in our training, especially of our ego’s pride. Transmutation of the natural to the human, and the animal to the divine, are promised to those who focus on the inner rather than the outer.
Take a long look at how you’ve allowed inspired teachings to transform your everyday life since 2014, as these are the skills, creativity, and magnetism which will guide you through the cross currents. Keep your eyes on the prize, make sure you’re using the right means to get to your ends, and don’t get deflected or distracted by passing things.
Jones Pattern
We are now in a period of shifting Jones patterns, depending on where the Moon is. This chart maintains the “Bucket” that’s active every time the Moon is in Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra. The Moon is the handle and focal significator, which I explained in the recent Full Moon article, so please consult that if you want to know more about what it means and how it works.
What Rules the Sun, and What Are the Main Aspects in Play?
On this Equinox, worldly ruler of the Sun in Aries is Mars, which is in its sign of “exile” in Taurus, while its spiritual ruler, Pluto, is also in Capricorn. With both in Earth signs, it should make for a very grounded and practical Spring. Keep it simple, enjoyable, and show skill in dealing with aggressive-assertive elements in the world. As the aspects are very similar to those in play during the Full Moon, please consult that article coming out soon.
Forming aspects show what is coming, and closely partile forming and separating aspects indicate things going on in the now. In this chart, the Lunar aspects are powerful, while the Sun quintiles Saturn, Mars quincunxes Jupiter, and Venus squares Mars! I explain how these work in part 3 of the Full Moon series currently being posted.
The Sun exalted in Aries quintile Saturn in its home sign of Capricorn makes for powerful gifts and specialization in the coming season. Those most affected have planets or points near 18-22 Capricorn, 30 Pisces-4 Aries, 12-16 Gemini, 24-28 Leo, and 6-10 Scorpio.
The Moon, The Elements, and more
At the Equinox the Moon is at 28 Virgo in a Gibbous Moon phase, showing this season will be very educative as we search for realizations and revelations that seem just beyond our fingertips. Adjust to circumstances while bringing forth your personality strengths through crucial decisions shaping your future destiny. While some might say the Moon is Void of Course, remember a) there is never a time when “nothing important” is happening, and b) those of us with planets at the 29th and 30th degrees of a sign NEVER experience a VOC Moon!
The next three months will bring hard-edged turning points in both outer and inner space, requiring that we navigate fixed cross currents to find a new heart expression and a new magnetism in our energy field. Don’t get deflected by passing distractions, and make sure you’re using the right means to achieve your ends.
This Spring chart shows 2 planets in Fire signs, 5 in Earth, 1 in Air, and 2 in Water. All in all, it should be a season of high practicality grounded by all three Earth signs, supported by inspired feelings, a sense of Divine Grace at work, and a deep wisdom coming from our inner Spiritual Master.
Fire and Water are “hot” elements, while Earth and Air are “cool” elements. This spread shows a slight emphasis on cool, through with Sun and Jupiter being in Fire signs, inspiration is the way to enter into all experience.
Uranus and Pluto Are No Longer Frictional To The Sun
After many years of being an important factor in the Solstice and Equinox charts that kicked off the last 9 year era, both Uranus and Pluto receded in importance once they no longer made dynamic hard aspects to the Sun in these charts. When Pluto transited very early Capricorn 2008-2011, it was squared by the Sun at the Spring and Autumn Equinoctial points, opposed by the Sun at the Summer Solstice point, and conjunct the Sun at the Galactic Center, which I wrote extensively about at the time. These were very dynamic aspects that released a lot of energy, either blocking or propelling events.
Pluto is the ultimate transformer. It figured prominently in Equinox and Solstice charts in 2007, 2008, and 2009 due to it going back and forth over 29-30 Sag and 1-3 Capricorn when Pluto was conjunct the Galactic Center. You can find more by going to the articles in the archives written at that time concerning Pluto conjunct the Galactic Center, including those that explored past Galactic Center conjunctions.
2011 continued the pattern, though that Vernal Equinox chart saw the widest orb between the Sun, Uranus, and Pluto except for the 2011 Winter Solstice chart impacting December 2011 through March 2012. The 2012 Vernal Equinox chart began many years of Equinox and Solstice charts where Uranus was in close square to Pluto (except for the 2012 Winter Solstice), even if they were not directly afflicting the Sun in those seasonal charts. By 2013 we finished the era when the Sun was in conjunction, square, or opposition to Pluto during these changes of season.
Uranus entered Aries in June 2010 and became a major player in these seasonal charts, beginning with the 2010 Summer Solstice. Even though it went back to late Pisces for the 2010 Autumnal Equinox and Winter Solstice, it was still close enough to be a factor in those charts.
It was back in Aries for the Vernal Equinox of 2011, and very important through the 2012 Winter Solstice, since it was conjunct, square, or opposed to the Sun to a greater or lesser degree. I mark the beginning of this period of intense transformation at the 2010 Summer Solstice, since Uranus square Pluto was really strong then and making close squares and opposition to the Sun at that time. I believe that the events that followed in July, August, and September 2010 cut loose the seeds of transformation and revolution, and are directly related to the constant tensions set into motion during 2011 and 2012.
As I’ve told you before, squares tend to put the brakes on some things, while indicating a "turning of a corner" in other things. Squares to Pluto often show things going out of control or something extreme happening that results in either a favorable purification or a grinding toxicity. This season Pluto is teaching us that sometimes surrendering with dignity leads us to a real spiritual victory.
Looking Forward
We currently stand on a threshold of Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn about to go retrograde in the next few weeks. Ordinarily this marks a threshold state, where we begin to review many things from the past related to those planetary functions to consolidate those functions in our life. With Mercury retrograde at this Equinox, use this time to review, research, rehearse, and plan with an eye to the future, knowing much will move forward in late March.
This is a season of openings and new beginnings and initiatives, and with Mars, worldly ruler of the Equinox in Taurus, the backdrop to the new beginnings will have a slow, steady, and enjoyable quality, even if from time to time we must be more assertive, especially when dealing with unnecessarily aggressive elements in our world.
See what has ended and what’s beginning. Use your feelings to see a bigger picture, and use your powers of synthesis to see how your feelings and relationships will lead you to a vaster vision or understanding. Then make a decision and act on it! Feel your way into an idea, understanding, communication or vision, and then on the basis of a fundamental fact, take the next step forward. As we move step by step, by the end of the season we could find we’ve walked the proverbial 10,000 miles and enjoyed company every step of the way!
While this is sure to be a highly decisive and active season, remember to build in a Mercury retrograde “delay” where you can evaluate the information or understanding from multiple angles, and if you need to, rehearse scenarios before you leap into action. We’re all being led to a form of social rebirth and healing, so practice expressing your Higher Self, even if you don’t feel very strong or confident. You get to express your Higher Self in your own way on your own terms, so be gentle as you move into a new stabilized form of self-expression.
The coming 13 weeks will help us adjust so our personality strengths can find effective expression, with new allegiances and vistas calling us to move in new directions. Our old life is already over; this gives us a look back to see the wisdom in what ended and why, and how to move into a new form of self-expression which will be the vehicle for us to demonstrate Cosmic Power in the near future.
These energies will be in play through the Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice on June 21 at 8:54 am PDT, 11:54 am EDT, 4:54 pm BST. That Solstice chart will be VERY important due to the powerful aspects in play at that time. I’ll write more about that in mid-June.
The next 13 weeks can bring a vaster compassion, understanding, and connectedness with life, relationships, and Self, accept the blessings and happiness which await those who embrace Jupiter’s dance with the rest of life! Open to mentoring and being mentored so you may heal into your Higher Self, look at the life structures you’ve built that are absolutely dependable, and come to a greater appreciation about how they fit into your life story.
Open to expressing your individual Light in your own way, and allow yourself to feel a more universal wisdom and compassion. Embrace the universal dance of spirit and matter. And if memories of old relationships come up, bless and release the hurt or misunderstanding of the past to find more power in understanding you are not that now.
So we now enter a time of turning toward new directions, and will find stability as we learn to enjoy ourselves and the pace of the process. Take responsibility, and take note of how to use power in the most responsible way. If you find yourself involved with people who are overly aggressive or assertive, or who you feel are providing resistance to your process, claim your power to move beyond their control.
We are now in a time of finishing our “liberating ordeal,” and great redemption will be found in a greater vision and group work which mobilizes you, offers you deeper relationships and experiences, and the chance to leave the past behind. Demonstrate your personality strengths, focus your will power, and build your vehicle which will allow you to demonstrate Divine Power in the future for the betterment of a greater good or a spiritual group work.
Aum and blessings as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life!
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson
Thank you. <3
Posted by: Mary | March 20, 2019 at 01:00 PM
Great summary!
Posted by: Nic | March 21, 2019 at 11:25 AM