by Robert Wilkinson
Today we explore points in time these next few years when Uranian energies will be most intense, and therefore when major global events may happen.
Just as some people will be more affected than others, some nations will be more impacted by transiting semi-squares, squares, sesquisquares, and oppositions to Uranus. Neptune, Pluto, and TransPluto also, but those are beyond the scope of this article. Any of these aspects made to or from Uranus will last a long time, and we enter a year which renews the focus on the first 3 degrees of Taurus, and then extends the experience to the span between 4-7 Taurus.
It Most Impacts Planets in These Zones
In 2020 it will move between 3 and 11 Taurus, and so this year and next Uranus will impact all planets and angles in the first decan of Taurus. At various points in 2019, Uranus will square planets in the first 7 degrees of Leo and Aquarius, and oppose anything in the first 7 degrees of Scorpio. As it then retrogrades back to 3 Taurus, going direct on that degree in January 2020, you can see that even given a tight orb, the first 9 degrees of the Fixed signs will be under spiritual-transformational pressure for another two years.
Add that semisquares and sesquisquares will be made to/from planets and points around 18-26 Gemini, Virgo, Sag, and Pisces, and you can see there are powerful upheavals, revolutions, and individualizing experiences spurring us all on to bring forth elements of our genius, and fulfill our unique purpose for being on Earth. It’s obvious that we’ll all be impacted in profound ways, since very few charts don't have at least one planet somewhere in the early degrees of the Fixed signs and the middle to late degrees of the Mutable signs.
A Look Back On the Long Wave Dynamic Transformation of Our Times
The past 7 years have shown us dynamic transformations resulting from the powerful squares and other frictional aspects which have dominated this period, most notably Uranus square Pluto from 2010-2016 (with some echoes in 2017). This and other frictional aspects between the outer planets have brought and will continue to accompany major transformations in our world and the way we relate to everything and each other! While some disruptions are severe and don’t seem to be getting better quickly, and many old forms will be shattered forever, we are also seeing major challenges to existing systems which are bringing about innovation and revolutionary developments, shaking up the old world paradigm in major ways.
As I offered you 7 years ago on Uranus’ entry into Aries, “By the end of this period we shall have a new history, a new science, a new philosophy, a new mythos, and a new vision of the promise of human possibility. We shall understand the Cosmic Laws of Economy of Energy, Magnetic Attraction, and Synthesis from an entirely different angle of approach than now, and find a new way to achieve inner and outer cooperation based in a shared vision with others who share our Soul ideal.”
Looking back on the past 7 years, I’d say a lot of this is absolutely true! We’ve had archeological discoveries that push back human evolution many hundreds of thousands of years, showing we’ve been evolved far longer than we believed. Many Aries seeds were awakened by Uranus, including new economics (such as Uber, Air BnB, and other “shared resource” industries), new understanding of our global interconnectedness, AND the rapid evolution of social media among students and Masters in the three great Spiritual Schools of Art, Science, and “Philosophy.”
There has never been a time in history when we all had access to the Wisdom and each other with such speed and direct real-time communication. In this era, anyone who aspires to greater Self-realization has access to instantaneous communications between others, both more and less advanced, in all the Schools (Artists, Scientists, and "Philosophers"). All of us together now have a tighter connection with others in our schools, as well as other schools, which would seem to prove that we are truly a global Spiritual Interconnected Awareness. Right now, across the world, there are more of us aware of our One Life together than ever before, and we even have means to connect and confirm our participation in "the initiation of the world."
Uranus in Taurus will secure and establish these seeds of revolution and progress over the next 7 years, before they are transmuted into mind and understanding when Uranus enters Gemini. Again, these will vary with each individual person, city, state, and nation. However, there will be some points when the generic tension will be most challenging, and these are what follows.
Uranian Aspects in 2019
Besides profoundly impacting those with planets in the first seven degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, Uranus will also make aspects and be aspected by the other planets. These indicate generic times of upheaval, radical change, breakthroughs, and unexpected forces beyond individual control preempting the playing field.
Remember too that just because Uranus makes a hard aspect to any one planet, whether in your chart or transit to transit, is not indicator of doom or gloom, since it no doubt also makes other aspects that indicate mitigating circumstances or even unexpected fortuitous events. We can use the energy of the “Divine Awakener” as our personality planets are trained to do; there is no transit which automatically spells failure or a lack of an ability to respond constructively to any event.
For most of this year and the next, the semisquare from Uranus to Neptune mentioned earlier will accompany a widespread generic friction between the Divine Awakener and the Divine Unifier. It’s why we’re all feeling a broad based agitation in the atmosphere, awakening us but also setting us on a search for connectedness, both inner and outer. As planets move through the early degrees of the fixed signs and the second half of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, this friction will be released in a variety of ways.
This configuration features two oppositions, two semisquares, and two sesquisquares simultaneously, creating a Rhombus Diamond shape. I believe this represents a “cutting, grinding, and polishing” energy that enables us to be “cut to perfection” by whatever grinds us through this configuration. So if you have a planet or point anywhere near the zones listed above, keep in mind that the “Cosmic Diamond Cutter” is shaping you to some form of perfect presentation, and polishing your perfect facets.
The Uranus semisquare Neptune will last through mid-2020, when they almost septile. They then go back into a semisquare from late 2020 through May 2021, when they return to a long term septile, showing a major series of forks in the road of destiny for humanity.
During the times that planets move through early Aquarius, middle-late Pisces, early Taurus, middle-late Gemini, and early Leo, they make “interior angles” to Uranus and Neptune, triggering octile friction but not “perfecting the pattern” since these transits represent endings and beginning of the Uranus and Neptune year cycles. Since this configuration came into play, only when there were planets in mid-Virgo and late Libra/early Scorpio at the same time, as in September 2017 and again September 2018, did the pattern perfect itself and the 4 points created what I have termed a “Rhombus Diamond.”
In 2019 the pattern will perfect again THREE times! The first will be in early September when Venus opposes Neptune when the Moon is in early Scorpio; the second will be in late October when the Sun is in early Scorpio and the Moon is in mid-Virgo; and the third will be in late November when Mars is in early Scorpio and the Moon is in mid-Virgo.
Other Major Aspects in 2019
Uranus is now finishing its trielftile with Pluto, and by mid-May will again make a biseptile, guaranteed to be a very unstable and irrational time! This phase of The Grand Irrationality V.2 began at the end of June 2018 with Uranus 101+ degrees from Pluto, lasting through October when the orb got too large. We then enjoy a brief return to the trielftile between December 2018 and April 2019. The biseptile is back in play between May and July, and again October 2019 through December 2019.
This is the first biseptile in the larger Uranus/Pluto cycle that began at their conjunctions in the mid-1960s. The waxing septile occurred 1989-1991, so this is the next point in that larger “Pulse of Destiny.” Hot zones are around 21-25 Capricorn, 12-16 Pisces, 3-7 Taurus, 25-29 Gemini, 17-21 Leo, 8-12 Libra, and 29 Scorpio-3 Sag. If you have anything near these zones, your life will have some abrupt transformational experiences this Summer!
As you know from my Lunation articles, Saturn has been biseptile Uranus for many weeks, triggering the Grand Irrationality in its own department of life. Saturn will continue to biseptile Uranus through late May, when they slip into a very serendipitous tredecile through late July. They are back in a tredecile by mid-October, and back in biseptile in December. You can find out more about the tredecile, the biseptile, and the trielftile by going to my articles on those specific subjects.
Jupiter already made its opposition to Uranus from late Libra, and they were in sesquisquare in late December and early January. They then made a quadraelftile, but won’t make a trine since Jupiter goes SRX in April. Jupiter makes another sesquisquare in May and June and stop short of a biquintile in August. They’re back in sesquisquare from late September through late October, and we finish out the year with Jupiter making a trine to Uranus from 3 Capricorn to 3 Taurus, opening up a huge number of harmonious points related to these.
As Mars just conjuncted Uranus at 30 Aries in mid-February, we now have entered a new Mars-Uranus two year cycle! The first significant aspect from Mars to Uranus will be the semisquare in late April. This will accompany a square to Neptune, activating the octile configuration I spoke of earlier.
Mars makes a septile to Uranus (just after a triseptile to Pluto) in early May, with those two in sextile for all of mid-to-late May. Mars quintiles Uranus in the first 3 weeks of June, and is binovile in late June. The first two weeks of July brings the hard Mars square Uranus, with the biseptile happening in late July and early August. The tredecile is mid-August, the trine late August, and the sesquisquare by late September.
Mars makes a biquintile to Uranus in early October, followed by a quincunx in mid-October and a triseptile immediately after that. Mars finishes the first half of the current Mars-Uranus cycle when it makes an opposition in late November, and closes out the year with the waning triseptile in late December.
So it’s faith building with volatility via Pluto, friction via Neptune, and more irrationality and highly specialized relationships via Saturn. Jupiter will wind up stabilizing and blessing our early Taurus awakenings of 2018 and 2019 later this year, and Mars builds throughout the first half of its “whole cycle” with Uranus. The revolution is on-going!
© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson